Housing Bubble, credit bubble, public planning, land use, zoning and transportation in the exurban environment. Specific criticism of smart growth, neotradtional, forms based, new urbanism and other top down planner schemes to increase urban extent and density. Ventura County, California specific examples.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Itsallcashback Upfront
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I fear not Murses, I fear them not.
thurst ...again
Hmm.. it sure is quiet here. Everyone must be taking their enterpreneurial Naps or sumptin.
Will be impressed if he sells all the premium ads and the top banner. Thats over $3k right there.
Dude? Was there someone called "The Dude" here?
Sweet Cashback?
They must be Bird-dogging with their mailmen.
Sharky has just posted this on IAFF, the Serinated version of the Lord's Prayer:
Our Father, who art foreclosed,
Serin be Thy Name
Thy cash-back come, sweet deals be done
At close, as they are in escrow
Give us this day our Jamba Juice
As we lie on no-doc loans, to pull out equity
And lead us not into market downturns
But deliver us from taxes
For Thine is the debt, the fraud, and the FICO score, forever and ever.
What are the chances that Cashcall waylay Casey as he comes home from the ATM with the cash?
Would you first him with a murse?
Would you furst were it a purse?
Could his blog get any worse?
Have these antics become a curse?
He's probably going to give cashcall the minimum each month to keep them away.
Will KC get slammed by his advertisers if someone clicked on their links and left immediately and repeatedly?
Not that I would encourage that or anything.
I like it. 11:59 and young G lays (scantily clad) upon the marital futon. Young Dandelion, triumphant, fans the wad of crisp Benjies and showering her says; Look at this G let's play "Millionare and Scullery Maid" like when we first got married! Only this time I get to be the Millionare okay? Then the phone rings and the knock at the door simultaneous. Cheese it "G", it's Cashcall! No, not the window! They know that one. Ummmm, I got it let's play "Yulia and her defective child." Only this time I play the child, okay?
He's probably got a few more weeks of making his $1,000 goal. But I'm losing interest. I could care less reading about some two-bit blog selling web ads.
Give me some excitement. I'm waiting for one of his creditors to put a hold on PayPal. Or for someone to slap some cuffs on him and put him away for a year or two. No Casey, the fact that you f&*%ed up your own credit is not consequences enough.
Judging by the content of these advertisers, it seems that very few of them provide foreclosure-related services.
It seems to me that the advertisers wish to target musicians, conspiracy theorists, and real estate speculators. However, do consider the following:
a) Mr. SERIN already has three songs in his honor, including a dance remix, and
b) There is much speculation concerning why Mr. SERIN is able to behave the way he does, with no immediate action from law enforcement, and
c) Mr. SERIN has a few supporters, all of whom wish to invest in real estate, lose their money, and use their losses as an impetus to form their own Web journal.
[Considering my second point, I fail to see how our speculation would lead into listening to his radio show. Are we to believe that Mr. SERIN has escaped prosecution due to extra-terrestrial assistance?]
However, as mentioned earlier, Mr. SERIN is grasping at the "low-hanging fruit." I believe that if Mr. SERIN wishes to make lucrative sales, he needs to target the "upscale hater." Either that, or he needs to tailor his advertisements to the part-time mortgage brokers that are sure to read his blog.
Will we see ads for Axe body spray and the BMW 3-Series anytime soon?
I remain,
uncle said...
He's probably going to give cashcall the minimum each month to keep them away.
He can't. He doesn't have near enough money.
Anonymous said...
Will KC get slammed by his advertisers if someone clicked on their links and left immediately and repeatedly?
I doubt it. "Noise" is expected. Just because google uses noise to illegally steal ad revenue based on a secret formula doesn't mean everyone is that unethical. As long as the links remain worth a "C-Note" every month it is IMO honest money. Right now it looks like a bargain to the advertisers. Rasies the question however, how long before he gets greedy? Gee, tough one.
Did he come up with the $22,000 that he owes on Promissory note 2 today?
I too am losing interest in the Casey saga. A blog about selling ad space just isn't all that interesting. I'm only interested in (1) the divorce, and (2) the jail time.
You know, that just sealed it for me. I wont visit IAFF unless Im on my firefox super-protected browser...
Casey got 2 big spikes of traffic, but that will die down and he'll get his 7-8k per weekday traffic, which i hope dies off. Id hate to see haterz keep him up.
To me, really, the whole IAFF got cheapened with the addition of links that, for the most part, have nothing to do with foreclosure. I figure most of the 100 bucks ones were "what the hell?"
You gotta love that his sponsors all think he's great. Gee, because they have money invested in him?
Fellas... The divorce is/was never going to happen. We are talking about 2 criminals here. G is not innocent. For all we know, this intervention was all made up.
The jail time would be very very nice. Unfortunately, our justice system is a joke.
What happened to Nigel? His blog has been mysteriously quiet and he did delete that post he had last week. I wonder what is going on.
where is today's Duane post?
He is doing better than the beg-a-thon. I wonder if he can keep this up week after week.
I am no longer a supporter. It is like giving money to a drug addict. He proved that when he went to Phoenix on extra beg-a-thon money.
The blog is now just a combination Nigel/nazi moderation and cash extraction. I am with Stephanie -- boi-cott his ass.
This is a PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. Do not read the following post in this link. This post documents what CASEY is doing does NOT help SEO, and will eventually hurt Caseys page rankings and website status. It also details how to contact GOOGLE and let them know that a particular website is "gaming" the system.
This has been a Public Service Announcement.
The kid cant even spell SEO...
Niggle put beaucoup bucks on a lame horse and has been sent home in shame. The horse bucked off his rider (Niggle) and bit him.
Niggle has had his epiphany this week. He's a loser who's grafted himself to a grifter. And he's finally figured it all out.
Mail Guru
Since Nigel might be snooping, I changed the password on Robs super secret decoder ring, I have not let him know the new password yet.
i refuse to go to casey's site again. i also will refuse to go to housingpanic.com since that donkey actually admitted to giving casey 50 bucks.
looks like i will just come here for my casey updates and thehousingbubbleblog.com for real housing info.
Galina wants "cash on the table" on Friday. CashCall should be waiting at the door.
If I were the people snowflake owes the $22K to, knowing he's not gotten a job, knowing he's taken Haterz $$ (beg-a-thon on 3/30/07), taken a trip out of town with the wife, not to mention the Tahoe escape, I'd be ready to break legs and at the door on Friday too.
It was funny to hear Casey on Friday say he "needed to call" those who he owes the $22K since he wasn't going to make the payment. Wonder if he called, or if he is in "lender ignore" mode?
At 1:23 PM, Tesla said...
"I too am losing interest in the Casey saga. A blog about selling ad space just isn't all that interesting. I'm only interested in (1) the divorce, and (2) the jail time."
My sentiments exactly. The only other possible storylines that might have any interest value are the failure of the Utah wrap (a foregone conclusion, in my opinion)and the corporate credit thingy.
On another front, for those of you interested in the market for GSPG stock, whether or not Casey bought 1.3 million shares @ $0.0034 on April Fool's Day:
Today's last trade in GSPG was 9.95 million shares @ $0.0009, a new low, with a closing bid / ask of $0.0010 / 0.0011. I predict a mild last-chance rally before a final collapse.
A bunch of us put money in the fishy treat jar for forums.
I'm feelling a bit better (thanks for asking). I'll drag myself out to the office/shed and after clearing about 2579 emails I'll finish the Duane emails and start to work on any subsequent info he may have provided. I felt kinda like Casey, just plain tuckered, out of sorts, no energy, down. Back but not quite back on track.
Wow, Casey's blog is booooring as hell. Worse and worse lately, as he grasps for straws. Like was said above (R-Boy?), a blog about selling links on the blog? Ugh, is that all he hs going on to write about?
Not that there isn't any excitement in his life, what with the soon-missed $22k payment. That would send me out wiping my drawers. But for Snowflake, I reckon he has a hard time conceptualising something as abstract as a missed payment, no matter how serious.
Oh, and Rob Dawg, get your Seuss right, man:
Could his blog get any worse?
Have these antics 'come a curse?
Seems too "olde English" this way, but an extra syllable wrecks the rhythm.
I'm probably the only one that doesn't really care about the wrap. I think the most interesting aspect right now is cashcall and what turns out with that.
So Snowflake has 1K out of the 4K he needs this month. How does he plan on making the rest? Remember Casey, your adds are 100/month, not 100/week. Come to us when you have the complete month taken care of.
P.S. how does Casey get the actual cold cash? Isn't his bank account overdrawn? When he transfers, won't that 1000 go towards the over due balance first? So actually, he made like $100 after fees, overdrafts are caught up, taxes..Wait, he won't pay taxes. So like $175
@Mozatta 2:01
He's got a PayPal debit card. He can withdraw from an ATM any time.
If I were him, I'd be pulling the cash out and stuffing it in a coffee can in the back yard every four hours... (Note: "If I were him..." meaning: if I had the low moral and ethical code that he has continually demonstrated throughout the entire debacle.)
Thanks Duane.
I dun reported Casey's Link-whoring
Mozatta, I was wondering the same thing. The money gets transferred somewhere. And if it's to a bank that he has overdrafted an account, then he'll get hit with that first.
Guess he'll have to blog on Saturday about how the bank stole his money on Friday.
At 2:00 PM, Mozatta said...
So Snowflake has 1K out of the 4K he needs this month. How does he plan on making the rest? Remember Casey, your adds are 100/month, not 100/week. Come to us when you have the complete month taken care of
What do you mean "[h]ow does he plan on making the rest?" This is Casey Serin, for Gawd's sake. He'll just pull the current ads and sell them to someone else next week. That will work for one more week. He didn't intend to cheat the original advertisers at the time he placed the original ads, so its all good.
What do y'all make of all these new supporters claiming Casey's advertising is the best, he's great...blah blah blah?
I am reading commentz over there and they are nauseatingly nonsensical. Some say the EN crew is dumb. Some say Casey is the best. Seems like bizarroworld all of a sudden.
Casey will make the month and more - just like I predicted when he first started this BS.
Look people, this is all a setup - a good one. Look at how many of you are wondering and talking if he is going to make it or not.
Galina and Casey are both in it together, just like in bed.
What I find funny, is that Galina and Casey Serin are laughing all the way to the bank while you folks get bitter and angry.
Think about it. :-)
There's another thing that might devalue the link buyers' SEO. If people visiting IAFF vote against the site -- by clicking the unhappy blue face on their google toolbar -- it might have the effect of putting IAFF in what Google considers a bad neighborhood, so to speak, and links from bad neighborhoods are not worth as much as links from good neighborhoods.
Of course, this requires having a Google toolbar (and you may have to change your settings to show the voting icons). It also requires visiting the stupid, boring, has-been of a website.
As was pointed out by a poster in another thread, I too want to know how Casey plans to pay taxes on all this new Sweet revenue? He does realize that no matter what state he registered Hammar in, he still had to pay the FTB $800 minimum, right?
Don't worry about those Johhny Come latelys, they probably found out about Mr. Serin from the MSN article, and are new to the game. Give em a few months of bullshit like we experienced and they will see the light. you gotta remember, our hatred stems from months and months of lies and falsehoods...it takes time to build up the level of disgust that we have. Besides, it would be just like Casey to get all these hits all of a sudden and try to sway things his way with bullshit comments he and his gang of cons are putting in themselves. Everybody knows a crowd has a herd mentality, if everyone if pro casey, then people will sway that way as well.
"What I find funny, is that Galina and Casey Serin are laughing all the way to the bank while you folks get bitter and angry."
Actually, for the last few months, it is US who have been laughing our way to the bank with the money from our jobs. I'm not even going to count my stock profits, but let's just say I could pay Casey's monthly nut pretty easily. So Casey finally makes a little bit of money, BFD, unlike him, I don't face jailtime anytime soon.
"So Snowflake has 1K out of the 4K he needs this month. How does he plan on making the rest? Remember Casey, your adds are 100/month, not 100/week. Come to us when you have the complete month taken care of."
That's the wrong attitude to take.
The hobbit is making his money honestly,(more-or-less, I guess...cyber-bizness is mysterious and stultifyingly boring to me).
He should be encouraged to continue this pattern, not sneered at.
I,for one, intend to pour out my support upon him like a veritable syrup of positivity over a wheat-grass pancake
He's nearly earned a week's targeted income...so far so good.
"Leetle baby steps for leetle hobbit feets."
Your attitude is akin to reacting to toddler's first steps with the dissapointed expectation that he's not going to be ready for the next Olympics hurdles.
And with Snowfake, he'd need years intensive of training and daily practice to qualify for Special Olympics...let alone the less entertaining kind.
The kid's starting from a MUCH lower "zero baselne" than most.
-This is the Word of The Serin
Does anybody know if the bank continues charging overdraft fees as long as you're overdrawn, or is it just the one fee per overdraft?
I guess if he's overdrawn, the bank is still paying his checks. But eventually the banks will stop paying and start bouncing his checks for NSF, and then maybe the feds can add passing bad checks to Casey's laundry list of offenses.
Nobody ever said he couldn't get some money at first.
I'll be more impressed when Week 3 rolls around and he is still making the nut.
I think they keep calling you to tell you that you are overdrawn. Sooner or later they will close his account and report him to the credit bureaus. He will have on his report that he pretty much stiffed a bank.
Besides, I think Casey the wiley coyote had already clsoed his wells fargo account and transferred his funds to another bank, of course this is before he got reported...you can't open another bank account unless you have a clearance that all previous banks are not owed money.
"He'll just pull the current ads and sell them to someone else next week. That will work for one more week. He didn't intend to cheat the original advertisers at the time he placed the original ads, so its all good.
Such a a thing the Yoda of Leverage would do not!
"Technical Difficulties"
"Dem Overloaded Server Blues"
"The Lady Who Shall Not Be Named needed emergency surgery...in Brazil"
"The Sister of the Lady Who Shall Not Be Named wuz KIDNAPPED by a band of NorCal Free-Range Gypsies...in SAABS,(happens all the time)"
Someone in the Hallowed House of Serin watches soap operas.
(So his faithful Apostle Sharky does likewise).
Does anybody know if the bank continues charging overdraft fees as long as you're overdrawn, or is it just the one fee per overdraft?
Oh yes. Big yes. Very much yes. Every activity gets dinged. We've all gotten so used to the current situation that we've gotten jaded. He's paying 24% and up interest on near $200k at this point. He's facing $100k or more in taxes on forgiven debt. Cashcall could be as much as 96% interest. We are talking ten grand plus a month income to hold even. He's not that stupid. He's front loading every incoming penny, backending every outgoing penny. He's going to hide as much cash as possible and THEN declare. The blog will be sold for pennies on the dollar to discharge debts and he'll walk. Countrywide might decide to ask about the $50k and other lose endz but nothing he won't ignore.
I know Legion. My issues are with people trying to pump others to advertise. Seems fishy to me, almost like some pyramid scheme.
Is that what you meant? Lol what a freakin douchebag Casey is. I don't even bother going there anymore. it's all a bunch of spin and bullshit. The talk show was 'great' huh? People are pumping advertising at that website? So in other words Casey is lying, but to him it's just being creative. Anyone who advertises at his web site deserves what they get, jack shit, and jack left town.
Worse than that the banks will report him to Chexsystems if he remains/was/is overdrawn more than he should be (especially if he's writing bad checks).
Chex is a system that will keep him from doing any depository or checking business with most major banks. It's a 3 year purgatory that is much worse than a 400 FICO.
Read about it by doing a Google search on Chexsystems.
Yep, that is what I tried to say I guess ;) But you are right, the new batch of supporterz will turn on him at some point. Seems his biggest supporterz all have links back to mortgage broker blogs or are speculators.
Actually Dolph that's the one I meant. Casey avoided it only because he closed and opened a new account within days. If he tried to do it today, he would have to make restitution with the previous banks that he stiffed.
Well, I guess it's time to go workout in personal home gym, overlooking my koi pond, before taking a dip in my indoor pool, followed by a refreshing sitting in my indoor sauna, just before I go out in my used BMW to my 4th job at walmart to pay for all this crap.
Sorry I'm late to the topic, but I've been busy with an online blogging course that teaches me the fine art of link whoring, how to win awards, and what koi, that's a type of fish, to put in my new pond....
So...is the 'we stop foreclosures' company that Casey recommends the company he used? If not, how can he recommend them? If so, why do I see a list of 6 foreclosures under their ad? Guess they aren't all Casey cracks them up to be.
IAFF Advertiser Sharky Laguana has been outed by myself and Lawnmower Man, as the person behind at least two of Serin's advertisers. At least two.... more investigation to follow :-p
"Anyone who advertises at his web site deserves what they get, jack shit, and jack left town."
Is your appreciation of the absurd satisfied so easily?
I'm CONSTANTLY amused that Snowfake states he wants to be "the #1 Foreclosure Assistance site on the web" or soe such pig-shampoo.
He apparently never reads the ads that Yahoo banners on his very own blog!
Good Lord! There's ALMOST as many of those sites flacking as there are "easy home-loan financing" boiler rooms.
It gets even better whenone contemplates the "Living The Dream" "primo-link".
The mind boggles at the notion that anyone, after even a cursory acquaintance with the Serin backstory, might actually sign up with the very same kind of huckster that helped make ForeclosureFace who he is today.
It distresses me some that there might be slobbeing dirt-merchants so spectacularly jaw-droppingly stoopid as to do just that.
God, I love a freakshow, and this 'un's free (upfront, anyway).
Sorry, its 5 foreclosures, not 6. But there's always Utah.
Apparently Fliptard is paying attention to our math. He raised the prices and number of slots for the side banner ads (from 4 @ $400 each to 5 @ $500 each). He also lowered the price of the top banner ad from $1500 to "negotiable". Now, if he does manage to sell all the ads at face value, he would "earn" $5000 per month and $60,000 per year. That would almost be enough to clear $52,000 if (and this is a big if) he were to pay income taxes on his "passive income".
I might add that all major banks and most indie/regional S&L banks (out here they'd be Downey, Indymac, Cal Nat'l, et al) use Chex apparently. He'd be screwed if he got reported. Not many banks will do anything with you with that mark on your record.
Apparently banks will close your current accounts if they find you in Chexsystems. He better watch his butt when it comes to managing his bank accounts.
"Apparently Fliptard is paying attention to our math. He raised the prices and number of slots for the side banner ads (from 4 @ $400 each to 5 @ $500 each)."
Now THAT'S sweet!
You know what happenned don't ya?
His little nugget built up such a head of steam over the Herculean task of clearing 1 yard a week that it pushed out all the trivial little details...like the fact that there are 4 weeks in month.
You just KNOW that this is what happenned!
Like i said, he's gonna sell like a house on fire, and then his check to his ISP will bounce.
Galina and Casey Serin are laughing all the way to the bank.
"Haters" become more bitter and vile as Retard sweeps in the cash.
I wonder who the real Retards are...
Sharky has a good point there. Which server is IAFF now on? Is it the $20 a month deal which actually starts at $20 a month and goes up on usage? I would not be surprised if he gets a "larger than expected" bill for hosting this month.
What I find funny, is that Galina and Casey Serin are laughing all the way to the bank while you folks get bitter and angry.
I'm so far from bitter and angry, you cannot imagine.
Casey and Galina aren't the ones laughing, they are probably taking a nap.
Anon 3:05 Said:
> I wonder who the real Retards
> are...
The guy anonymously posting the same thing, over and over again.
Get a new line...
Hey Anon,
Speak for yourself since it takes a retard to really KNOW a retard. Since we aren't all retards, you are in the wrong place.
"Galina and Casey Serin are laughing all the way to the bank."
And blessed are they whose faith in their idol is unshaken, for they shall be stipped of their worldly possessions and die, naked, hungry and shivering, on the desert floor.
Any evidence of this avalanche of wealth, O faithful anon?
Have you been driven by the Serin Bentley to the Serin Estate to dine on decadent delicacies served by liveried servants on fine china and silver cutlery?
Well, then Bless your little heart, my anonymous Brother in Serin!
May the murse be with you, Sharky.
...And also with you.
It doesn't really matter how much everyone made. Casey has managed to survive without doing anything for the past 2 years. He gets to wake up at 10 am, eat out, drink jamba juice etc... If he doesn't get arrested, more power to him.
I think he will make his goal for 3 weeks, max. That's it.
It's all good!
I know I am the new guy here (first post), but the site you linked to shows that the reporting tool is mostly used for google to gather data to optimize their algorithms. It won't affect Snowflake's site directly.
Hopefully google's automated processes will penalize the linkwhoring automatically, as you state.
"Casey has managed to survive without doing anything for the past 2 years. He gets to wake up at 10 am, eat out, drink jamba juice etc... If he doesn't get arrested, more power to him. "
Spoken like a true future leech of America...
So casey changed his page again - instead of "pay back every dirty penny" or "try to pay"
now it says
tried to stop foreclosure, looking to repay debt and share my lessons.
just keep re-writing the f....ing story...
I used my Google Webmaster account to follow the Cutts info and report IAFF too.
Sharky Laguana is listed on IMDB as the director of a movie called DANDELION.
INTRODUCING: Sharky Laguana, Digital Music Blogger
...and yet more SHARKY for your soul
I have a feeling Sharky Laguana has opened up a whole big ass can of worms on himself by supporting snowflake. Nigel, Jr. anyone?
Hey, I don't know from Sharky. Today is the first I've heard of him. He has some good songs up at his MySpace page. They're a little underproduced, but some nice stuff is going on in there. I hears some Camper Van Beethoven, a little BIG PIG, and stuff like that.
If a camel was to wear a leotard type of garment, and she pulled it up REAL HARD so that the garment tightly hugged her nether parts, would the visible crevice be called a human toe?
"If a camel was to wear a leotard type of garment, and she pulled it up REAL HARD so that the garment tightly hugged her nether parts, would the visible crevice be called a human toe? "
If an unnamed part time mortgage broker were to show up in his leather thong anywhere in the greater Pacific NorthWest it would be call "SteelToe." ;-)
Sharky was in a band called Creeper Lagoon. When majors were signing bands based on hipster hype his band got a deal and failed.
He would have been better off staying put on the indie label until ready to move up. How ironic that a guy who belonged to a band who thought their arty indie-rock alternative music would sell gazillions on a major would love Casey. But they are similar - they have a lotto mentality.
But if they had any brains they wouldn't have signed to Dreamworks after being screwed on the doomed Mammoth/Disney label. They should have worked on becoming a bigger indie band FIRST.
I just got this email from snowflake regarding Duane Legate
TO: ******* ******** (CHJTS)
From: Casey "Cash back at close" Serin
Hello, I hope you find yourself in good spirits today.
Right after the podcast I decided to take your advice and ask Duane Legate for help selling the blog.
I talked this over with Nigel who was conveniently located on his knees right behind me.
People wonder about his most recent disapearance, well he is here with me.
I asked him very pointed questions but I could not understand him.
I instructed him to not talk while his lips were firmly implanted on my buttocks.
After some initial confusion in our communications he declamped his lips from my firm, yet still lilly white uzbekian ass and we had a very good heart to heart talk.
Nigel's boss, Goatse, agreed to pay for our flight to Georgia in exchange for 3000 koi (thats a fish) shaped olympic pins along with 12 posters of cool runnings signed by the zimbabwe sled team.
See Duane had no idea we were coming, we were going to surprise him.
We devised a plan to hide in his bathroom after we spiked one of his cheap beers with metamucil.
Well he arrived at home at about 3 pm and went to drinking the hootch.
It really kicked in at 4 pm and there we were hiding in his shower waiting.
When he dropped trow and was getting ready to sit on his throne..we jumped out of the shower and firmly planted our lips on his derrier.
And they were not coming off either, because we lathered our lips up liberously with super glue before we did it.
Well we should have thought this through a little better because 5 minutes later he couldnt hold his bowels anymore.
Suffice it to say, it was very messy and a sweet time was not had by all (except I think Duane-who was laughing so hard that he threw up).
Well we were in quite a pickle. Noone could hear anything or talk over Duane's laughter except intermittent inchoherent babble of "shit boy" and "fecal finger"
Eventually we got loose and we left in a hurry with our tails tucked between our legs.
Casey "fecal finger" serin
Casey Fannn, as I see it, Sharky penned a song featured in that movie; he didn't direct it.
CHJTS... that piece of prose, my friend, will eventually find its way to a page about you on CaseyPedia ;-)
I was just looking around on caseypedia.
I cut and pasted the wrong thing...the zimbabwe..should be kafkastan..or whatever country is referenced on caseypedia.com
..I want to have access to caseypedia.com so I can add stuff.
oh and benoit.
DId you know I was the poster on IAFF along time ago called
Just thought you would like to know that.
The posting about being galina's daddy.
CHJTS, go to the Main Page and follow the instructions under "Contributing" to get a username.
And no, I'm not the caseypedia owner... that would be NoDebtWhatsoEver...
yah I have to give up my email address for that.
I like noone knowing who I am.
I am a internet tough guy pussy.
My latest favorite on IAFF is some dude named James or John or something Marks....he's goading Snowflake to eat a bug for 30 bucks. C'mon eat a bug...I'll pay 30 bucks. 30 bucks if you eat a bug....
...and on his goes.
Legion: "what a freakin douchebag Casey is."
You understate magnificently. I believe that Snowflake actually is the elected President of Doubebagistan.
CHJTS, just use a throwaway Yahoo or GMail acct... no big deal, that's what I did...
At 4:36 PM, Anonymous said...
...as I see it, Sharky penned a song featured in that movie; he didn't direct it.
Oh. I only half looked at the listing. Hit and run, you know. I thought it was funny the movie was called DANDELION.
And now Comrade Serin finds himself trapped by the forked stick of having to keep his blog interesting while still making money. The dilemma is that Casey making money is not interesting at all. Most people are only interested in the personal disaster of his life, which he can no longer talk about.
I guess we will soon see just how hard the boy can troll.
Of course, he's not out of the woods yet, but I wonder whether companies like Cashcall might softsoap him a bit as he's sufficiently public a personality that their standard tactics might hurt their PR. Or not, but I've been wondering for a while now why Wells Fargo, Cashcall, et al haven't homed in earlier for their slices.
I can't believe Snowflake didn't post my comment. Twice!
I only said that to all the advertisers taking CS space that I would NEVER buy their products for supporting such a dirt bag as our confused friend over there.
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