Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Closed Until Further Notice

"Shocked, schocked I tell you. Gambling, gambling going on here." "Your winnings sir." " Thank you very much."
Money Magazine has some startling news. No Recovery till '08. Sorry to break it to you this way.


Unknown said...


Nigel's Guest Blogger said...


Nigel's Guest Blogger said...

f me.

Unknown said...

That's right you loosers! It's GAME OVER for our FFF.

Unknown said...

I think I'll pass, but thanks for the offer.

Anonymous said...

Maybe for the rest of America, but Beverly Hills is ALWAYS a hotspot, can't lose. Casey himself just got offered a job there, (and since he walks around with a dark cloud) you know it's gonna sink into the ocean pretty soon.

By the way, about his pics...he can spin this any way he wants, he IS losing weight, and he is almost looking like an albino...that means he is sleeping all day and probably wakes up at night between depressions to look for more ways to make money without working. He is also probably avoiding having to have contact with Galina and his sis in law..hence the nocturnal mode he is in.

Anonymous said...

yeah, the sad thing is that we are in inning #1.

Anyone else see the article about IBM planning to lay off 150,000 workers? Yikes. Looks like IT industry is going the way of the auto industry.

Soon, we will all be either doctors, lawyers, walmart greeters, working the starbucks counter, or slaves on the estates of our CEO masters.

Sigh. Well, here's hoping a few Republicans end up on my plantation crew.

Anonymous said...

Recovery in '08 is overly optimistic. Maybe by 2010 there will be a bottom.

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that the Salt Lake City market is going to end up pulling the whole nation out of the slump. A rising tide lifts all boats.

Anonymous said...

A more likely diagnosis would be Raynaud's phenomenon.

Anonymous said...

@ King Friday

IBM may be laying off, but per this report, college-grad hiring is up?

Fortune) -- It's a great time to be graduating from college. The skilled labor force is shrinking, thanks in part to Baby Boomers' quitting the corporate scene to retire or start new careers, and that means employers' hunger for fresh talent is keen. According to a new survey of over 2,500 hiring managers by job site CareerBuilder, 79% expect to hire new grads this year, up from 70% last year.

The survey shows an uptick in starting pay, too, with 42% of these hiring managers planning to boost salaries over last year and only 4% bent on decreasing them. About one-third (35%) are offering entry-level pay between $30,000 and $40,000, an increase from 28% last year; an additional 16% will pay between $40,000 and $50,000 (up from just 10% last year); and 12% expect to pay $50,000 or more (vs. 7% last year).

Anonymous said...

Nigel Swaby over at DHC, after calling Casey a "marketing genius" went on to say this, "With the right resources and a good teacher this kid could go somewhere with his life."

Gee, I wonder who Nigel has in mind to teach the "kid"? Hmmm...

The use of several million dollars in the past year and a half wasn't resources enough?

Lost Cause said...

I firmly believe that the Salt Lake City market is going to end up pulling the whole nation out of the slump.

I suppose, when we get a Mormon President. We already have a Moron President.

Anonymous said...

With the right resources and a good teacher anyone could go far in life. But it's called life because one has to succeed on their own and not rely on help.

Heck, with 1.5B I could finance a casino, but it's not realistic. Casey could go far, but the odds are stacked against him.

Anonymous said...

@ Lost Cause, with apologies to "The Simpsons":

Lawyer: You, sir, are a moron.

Casey: A Mormon?! But I'm from Earth!


Anonymous said...

Dimes sed:

Mort- Maybe it's a psychosomatic manifestation of his desire to be a blueblood.

Casey: "I'm going to hold my breath until I pay back every dirty dime." :^)

Anonymous said...

his desire to be a blueblood

I can see the IAFF post already.

Due to my skill at securing sweet deals, and due to my literal blue fingernails and lips, I have filed a petition to change my legal name to Caseton Alistair Serin IV. Moving back in with my parents tomorrow as well. Sweet!

Lost Cause said...


What is that? Blue Ball Disease?

Anonymous said...

Nigel, a life coach? Oh man, there's another 'low barrier to entry' type job right up Nigel's alley.
It's pretty sad when someone is so clueless that they hire someone to 'get them thru life with the least amount of discomfort'.

Anonymous said...

I'd say yes to that, Lost Cause. They're plenty blue.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I was concerned about his blue finger nails and wondered about the possibilities.

Not so seriously, I'd be confident it isn't "Vibration White Finger".

Anonymous said...

What I find amusing about Nigel is that we are all idiots and losers yet he isn't? This asswipestain has been in a failed boy band, sold fucking pins, worked fast food, and became a mortgage broker/award winning blogger. He's allegedly 35 or so.

I can't wait to see him blow a piston on Rob Dawg's exclusive Duane postings! Fuck Nigel and his shiteating smirk.

Anonymous said...

Whatwhatwhat? You mean an organic modified vegan diet™ isn't healthy?

Anonymous said...

BTW, where did "organic modified vegan" come from. I could swear I didn't invent it, but the only google results are my comments. I'm sure I copied somebody else (perhaps Snowflake himself) but I can't quite cease™ on the memory.

I'm not loosing™ my mind, am I?

Anonymous said...

where did "organic modified vegan" come from
Didn't timeline guy come out with something like "organic modified semi-vegan diet"?

Anonymous said...

casey got blue balls around the time galina stopped getting coach bags...

supposedly, the trip to SLC, with it's cool mountain air and cured him for a little while....

Anonymous said...

@ Arthur Wankspittle:

A quick google suggests that you're right. Thanks.

*calls nice young men with padded van, cancels appointment*

Anonymous said...

Mort -- So now we know where the issues come from that Casey has with the G-woman, too:
"...sildenafil (Viagra) improved both microcirculation and symptoms in patients with secondary Raynaud's phenomenon resistant to vasodilatory therapy... capillary blood flow was severely impaired and sometimes hardly detectable in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon. Sildenafil led to a more than 400% increase of flow velocity..."

Anonymous said...

To change the subject just a bit - I wrote to Blogger regarding the objectionable content on Nigel's anti-Dawg blog. Here is what they sent:


Thank you for your note. Please note that Blogger is a provider of content creation tools, not a mediator of that content. We allow our users to create blogs, but we don't make any claims about the content of these pages. We strongly believe in freedom of expression, even if a blog contains unappealing or distasteful content or presents unpopular viewpoints. We realize this may be frustrating and we regret any anxiety or inconvenience this may cause you.

In cases where contact information
for the author is listed on the page, we recommend you working directly with this person to have the content in question removed or changed. In cases where the author is anonymous, please note that in accordance with US state and federal law, it is Blogger's policy to only provide a user's contact information pursuant to a valid third party subpoena or
other appropriate legal process.

The Blogger Team

I wrote back (it's short and sweet)


I am in support of freedom of expression.

This situation is a bit different in that it involves a MINOR child. In light of that fact, I suggest that you reconsider your position.

my name

What a bucnh of fuck wads

Anonymous said...

Just posted on IAFF (haven't posted there in weeks):

With reference to Galina,

I do not believe Casey truely understands the damage he has done to both himself and GALINA.

Galina's name has been spread on many websites thanks to Casey. These sites have been accurately cached and the waybackmachine (archive.org) will keep the articles about her forever.

Ten years from now anyone who wants to search the Internet about Galina Serin or Casey will be served dozens of pages about their liar loans and involvement in the fraud.

As Casey keeps this blog online, he continues to ensure Galina and his reputation is further destroyed for decades to come.

Keep this blog up Casey! There would have been no chance anyone would have looked deeply into your background and posted info about Galina if you hadn't run this blog.

Thank you for exposing Galina and providing us with the information we all need to make intelligent, well researched decisions.

Anonymous said...

Soem Dood sed:

"...sildenafil (Viagra) improved both microcirculation and symptoms in patients with secondary Raynaud's phenomenon resistant to vasodilatory therapy...

Consult your doctor if you start having problems with your vision while taking Viagra, or if you can't see what a flaming jackass you are to take on so much debt. LMAO.

Rob Dawg said...

Consult your doctor if you start having problems with your vision while taking Viagra, or if you can't see what a flaming jackass you are to take on so much debt or if your experience priapism whenever you see a "for sale" sign. For woodies lasting more than 4 hours foregt the Damn doctor, call (800) 555-1212 immediately. Ask for Nigel.

Anonymous said...

For woodies lasting more than 4 hours forget the Damn doctor, call (800) 555-1212 immediately. Ask for Nigel.

Too damn funny. LMAO.