Friday, May 18, 2007


Speechless. What other word covers this?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whistles casually

Miranda Mayer said...

Nom de Dieu!

Miranda Mayer said...

Natural Selection.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so now casey is someone to look at for advice?

Anonymous said...

Rob Dawg,

Why can't you afford your own domain name?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nobody asked about the casino.

Anonymous said...

Agh! Just when CHJTS asked about Simon & Schuster, the thing cut off!!!

Schnapps said...

Casey calls Nigel a hater.

What does that say about evolution?


Schnapps said...

Oh Steph! He wrote a poem about you!

Miranda Mayer said...


Anonymous said...

CHJTS, regarding the FBI: "If the Hammar drops..."

Love the double entendre :)

Love poem to Stephanie J...? OK, that's a bit creepy. But OK!

Miranda Mayer said...

Casey doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Akubi said...

Wheat Grass is so last century. How about kombucha dude?

Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope he does this on a regular basis. I'd call in next time with a different non-leeched username, for obvious purposes.

It's always amazing that the percentage of Haters on the talk-casts always seems to be lower than the percentage on the blog...

Akubi said...

The last guy sounded like a culinary-inclined physicist I once dated.

Schnapps said...

Oh look! We are entertainment value!

Akubi said...

Nigel is a moFo A-hole!

Anonymous said...

If Casey did one of these every Friday, it could quickly become the Friday Night Drinking Thread.

Miranda Mayer said...

Nice point about the involving his wife. This caller is good. I wish I'd gotten home earlier, I would have called in. I was busy scoping out new Jeeps.

Anonymous said...

"She was always involved to some extent" re: Galina.

Homey, you listening? This is fun shit!

Lost Cause said...

What did I miss? I was watching the Big Lebowski. The Dude abides.

Miranda Mayer said...

"A Threat"

Anonymous said...

"I can't believe these people are violating my privacyyyyy... You can't trust nobody out there!"

Cry me a river, shithead!

Miranda Mayer said...

"Waaaah... I have no privacy... Waaaah... I put my whole life on the net for all to see; and photographs of every moment of my existence for people to mess with ... but nobody respects my privacy!!"

Anonymous said...


Steph..just so you know....I didnt mean for you to take the poem wrong....I was just trying to be funny.

You see I am allot like nigel and am jealous of you (being like casey) getting all of the attention at I am kissing your ass and trying to suck some of your fame to myself.

PSS I was trying to work the koi pond in at the point that I mentioned the olympic pins but I knew my time was running out so I had to get to the poem.

Miranda Mayer said...


Akubi said...

Grow up kid! Ya can't trust anyone you haven't known for a very long time.

Miranda Mayer said...

I didn't take the poem wrong, darling, it was hilarious.

Miranda Mayer said...

It sounds like he's fidgeting with some plasticy thing.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice the sound of those cheesy Chinese stress balls that Casey's playing with in the background?

Blue balls, anyone? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey casey,

you won't need an agent when you're in jail. :-P

Miranda Mayer said...

Poor Kid????? Dude. Clam it.

Anonymous said...

There was just so much material that wasn't even discussed tonight (taxes, Swaby running away, RES-COM, Homey) he really could do this every week for two hours... and not have any shortage of callers.

More haters next time... if only to minimize the amount of time that Marty and Frugalocity types get. :-\

Anonymous said...

oh and I actually condensed the is it in its entirety.

An Ode to StephanieJ.

Your eyes are like saphires in the sky,

Even more prettier than a steaming cowpie.

I am obsessed with you to no end,
Mainly because I am bored.

Your words are like rays of sunshine on the darkest nights,
Bringing final say and an end to all fights.

A whisper, a word, a thought-all that you say matters.
Now shut your pie hole and go get me a beer.

Miranda Mayer said...


Akubi said...

I wonder which butt plug he plans to pull...

Miranda Mayer said...

Declan... I missed his email.

Anonymous said...


Miranda Mayer said...

His passive aggressiveness is not so very subtle.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, Declan's on! And Casey's getting snottyyyyyy! (Kind of like a bitchy cheerleader w/a bad accent, no?)

Miranda Mayer said...

ROFL!!!! Have you raised any money???

Akubi said...


Miranda Mayer said...

Declan... is asking good questions.

Miranda Mayer said...

Good question. What about taxes CASEY?

Anonymous said...

At 7:56 PM, Benoit™ said...
There was just so much material that wasn't even discussed tonight (taxes, Swaby running away, RES-COM, Homey) he really could do this every week for two hours... and not have any shortage of callers.

More haters next time... if only to minimize the amount of time that Marty and Frugalocity types get. :-\

well if you didnt screw up my order of questions I had written down..I would have gotten to it..but instead I had to jump around 3 pages of questions I had written down.....Rescom was one of them...

and as far as nigel running away..I got to that my first time around.

Miranda Mayer said...

Rollover??? LOL!!!

That prose... my eyes are misty.

Miranda Mayer said...

I'm calling in next time. I have to start writing questions down.

Anonymous said...

@ CHJTS: I would have gotten to it..but instead I had to jump around 3 pages of questions I had written down

heh, and here I was just nervously pacing around my apartment holding a small Post-It Note with three items:

- GSPG, $22K balloon, Mom and Hammar :)

Lost Cause said...

Seriously, what is left to ask? What is your favorite color (royal blue)? I mean, we already have too much information.