May 7th, 2007 at 12:53 pm
Casey has been arrested and is awaiting transport at the Sacramento County Sheriffs way station in Elk Grove. I have a friend who is an officer (and a reader of this blog, no names please) he tipped me off this morning. Sounds like he’s getting hit with a Federal indictment and will be handed over to them later this evening.
Guess it had to catch up with him sometime. Goodnight funny man. :sadwave:
I want to believe in a semi-vegan way but hoax or no people are gonna talk so talk here.
First, murst, liverwurst!
If it's true then Nigel and/or the media will be all over it shortly.
It could trump the previous 'real estate story of the year'.
Will an award winning blogger get the exclusive?
I'm not going to speculate. I'll wait and see.
I believe "Richard McBeef" was the name of one of the plays written by the VA Tech shooter and posted on the web.
Wow five minutes before any comments hit. That was a very easy Fürst. People must be scrambling to find whatever site has the Sac County arrest logs.
Anyone able to verify this rumour? If true, seems that the wheels of justice are working at much higher speed than normal; hence, I am so far skeptical.
Chris - you are correct
Robert Cote arrested for publishing a boring blog.
I read it on the interwebs ,it must be true!
I'll bet Galina worked everything out with the authorities this weekend while he was away...
@Anon 1:21
If boring blogs were an arrestable offense, then Nigel would be facing death row.
CampIdiot trolling.
Richard McBeef? That is the character from Cho's play, wasn't it?
169% bullshit.
Casey has $500K and the rest of you loosers work like slaves.
Oh well, back to the salt mines with y'all.
so boring a blog that anon 1:21 decided to chime in....
It is true. There is a definite corellation between intelligence and finding EN interesting.
As to Casey; absolutely no opinion as to the facts of this particular datum. I think getting mentioned in the first paragraph of "The Economist" cover story made it impossible for the Feds to go into "Casey Ignore Mode." I think the half-dozen previous MSM articles made it impossible for the Sacto DA to go into the next election cycle without action. I think we are about to enter the next phase regardless of this claim.
His name doesn't show in their inmate database:
You can search yourself here:
according to the site:
"All charges shown for arrested/in custody persons represent the most recent information known to the Sheriff's Department. As individuals move through the judicial process, charges may change."
"System Status:
System is currently online and contains up to minute data."
Unless they are holding him for transport to the feds?
"It is true. There is a definite corellation between intelligence and finding EN interesting."
Oh Pleaz.Get over yurself.
It was a comment bout infirmation from online sources and how lots uf stuff in the webs in postid by trolls.
Spellcheck is your friend Raw Dag,use it.
According to this, as of 3:334 pm central time, our hero has not been booked by the Sac Country Sheriff. Though if they're just holding him for the Feds, it might not appear on this listing.
He also doesn't show for inmates booked in the last 24 hours:
I call bullshit.
Please let it be true!!
Why doesn't someone try calling him?
Yep, three posts in 16 minutes. Sure must be uninteresting. BTW EN doesn't take off for spelling unless some jerk starts trying to call someone else on it. It ain't "myself" either. Unlike lots of other blogs this is far more a community. It's so funny to see the "complaints" about EN from its own haterz™.
Depending on when he was picked up (if he was), he may not be through the booking process yet. Give it a couple hours, we'll soon know.
May very well be someone posting nonsense just to see how big a reaction they can generate.
The bookings may say up to the minute but That's highly unlikely. Too many opportunities for putting out inaccurate information. That said, were the Sactos to pick him up "for the Feds" the Feds would have someone there to take him but only after processing. Watch, wait, don't hold your breath and remember this is at least the third alarm raised.
Well, I guess the RCS blog is an EN Haterz blog...
Rob, you've made the big time!
Why doesn't someone try calling him?
Oh hey. There's a bright idea:
[ring, ring] click bbbz, "Yes, the is Special Agent Homer DAn Klowne What is the nature of your attepmting to contact prisoner Number 2759? No, no, do not attempt to hang up. Mr. Serin is in our care and your obvious deep involvement needs to be resolved...."
Thanks for all the Ad clicks everyone. I just made over $5K last week, SWEET!
Hi Raw Dawg.
pleez proofreed yur post-
-New Paradigm Part 1-
The errors may not bother you,but reflect negatively on your literary abilities none the less.
anon- if you want literature go read War and Peace. This is a BLOG.
so did anyone confirm this? or call CS??
"How do I get information about someone that was arrested?
Contact the Sacramento County Main Jail at 874-6752. They can advise you if someone has been arrested, the charges, whether or not they will be released on bail, cited or released on their own recognizance and they will also provide bail amount"
If anyone cares enough to make a local call.
Bail-bondsmen, huh?
They loan money, don't they?
An interesting twist for the Casey scam:
"Meet Casey Serin, he was arrested 8 times in 8 weeks in 8 different jurisdictions, and made bail each time.
He hasn't shown for his first scheduled court date, and isn't returning our calls..."
Has anyone else bothered to google that word "wankspittle".
I'll save you the trouble.
"The dribble of wank at the corner of a careless wiper's mouth."
What is this "wank" they speak of?
predominantely British term for masturbation
see also-
Buffing the Banana
Holding Your Sausage Hostage
Jackin' the Beanstalk
Rounding up the Tadpoles
Slap Boxing the One-Eyed Champ
Spank the Frank
Applying the hand brake
Attacking the one-eyed purple-headed warrior
Auditioning the finger puppets
Boxing the bald champ
Charming the snake
Checking for testicular cancer
Choking Kojak
Squeezing the cream from the flesh Twinkie
Straddle your paddle
Taking matters into your own hands
Teasing the weasel
Thumping the pump
Tickling the pickle
No need to thank me, please direct all accolades toward Arthur Wankspittle.
I want to believe yet I smell a big stinky troll lurking.
Twirsted vice twisted and seperate vice separate? Thank you Ms. Gompers for seeking to keep Harrison down. There, how's that or literate and egotistical? Move on nothing or you here.
I said, "try calling him," not, "try calling the police station." As in the number on his website, 916-595-9632.
I said, "try calling him," not, "try calling the police station."
I was talking about the same thing. What, you think Casey would be picking up the phone?
Casey ignored all our kvetching
While the Fuzz were busy detecting
He couldn't be trusted
He may have been busted
And soon will be rectum-stretching.
(Hey...kid...don't forget your taxes! Being ncarcerated is no excuse!)
wow that sure is a busy jail!!!
If he was arrested...who moderated the comment that he was?
I just spoke with Casey..
Sorry to dissapoint
@anon 2:13 pm
That's a good point.
I think it's too good to be true, unfortunately.
Hello people.Winter good time!
This is best.
Best ski:jay peak ski resort
Best credit secret:pay victorias secret credit card
Best house:real estate in charlotte north carolina
Best forex info:forex training course currency trading
This is cool:punishment enema picture
^EN before casey^
I also double as a 26 y/o criminal Defense Lawyer, and I have with my super-powers, extricated Casey from the dirty paws of the police, and rescued him from a certain fate of repeated ass-rape.
You may all thank me; for who would you be without Casey's blog to follow.
I am after all, only 26 year old, and a successful corporate (and criminal) lawyer. I also drive a silver Beemer, have hot arm-candy in my convertible every night with whom I have one-night stands constantly, and I have a 30 foot yacht. Envy me.
If he was arrested...who moderated the comment that he was?
"Richard McBeef" is a registered user at IAFF -- instant comments, baby. No moderation.
Probably one of many sockpuppet accounts registered during the "Pool Maintenance In Foreclosure" comment-a-thon.
Doesn't Nigel have moderating ability? Of course, if it was Nigel that picked up that bit of information, it would be all over his blog in big letters.
In any case, I can't see Casey allowing that kind of a comment through, whether or not it was true. If he's free and clear I'm sure he'll come back with a "haha Haters I'm still living the good life itsallgood" type post fairly soon.
Hey, 26 year old Corporate Attorney (and criminal defense lawyer)... I too have many, many riches. My success is so great, and I am so personally satisfied with myself, I too feel it necessary to tell everyone about it to incite their envy and approval. Like I made sure they all know about my indoor pool and spa. Do you have an indoor pool and spa?
We have much in common. Want to meet for an apple martini one of these nights; you sure sound sexy.. I mean interesting. We can compare horsepower.
In any case, I can't see Casey allowing that kind of a comment through, whether or not it was true.
Again, it's an instant comment: these post immediately with no moderation. (There are 40+ comments in the moderation queue, so instant comments are the *only* comments going through at the moment.)
Whether Casey deletes it another question; he's been pretty tolerant recently, maybe because he's noticed the rate of comments is dropping fast.
(FWIW, Casey tends to allow attacks against himself, "within reason", to stand,; his hot button for deletion is "disrespectful" comments about Galina.)
....maybe because he's noticed the rate of comments is dropping fast.....
Look at the sitemeter stats for the last week and the traffic has halved.
I'd be more willing to believe he's moving his guru books and 20 blue shirts and the blue ball to his parents, after G kicked him out - *her* rent is paid until July, I could see her making him dance to find the cash just to be a bitch.
Jail or divorce, either way, i'll laugh my ass off.
Duane LeGate said...
I just spoke with Casey..
Sorry to dissapoint"
Is the hobbit going to post to his only remaining legitimate "rice-bowl" or is he contemplating his navel still?
Anyone with skill in Macromedia Flash should make a PacMan™ clone game, where you are CaseMan, represented by a little Casey head.
You travel around the board eating small coins, and in each of the four corners of the board, there are larger "Sweet Deal" pellets.
Instead of ghosts chasing you, you'd have creditors and lenders on your tail. Maybe cops/FBI as well. All represented by men in suits. They'll chase you everywhere, except when you eat one of the Sweet Deal pellets, they run away scared and you can eat them for big points.
heh. This idea just came to me randomly while making a post on another hater blog. :-)
And now the comments for that post are back to "Page Not Found". WTF?
If Snowflake were kicked out, and was'nt allowed to grab his laptop, and his folks or the Vdub has no high speed access...and he were reduced to tinkering with his PDA Thingy™...maybe all he could do is take the page down...
Whoever has an account at IAFF, has the number of comments in the queue changed at all over the past few days? Or has Casey not been around at all?
Casey let 100+ comments out of moderation over the weekend.
Casey won't be updating anytime soon, if you ask me. This is the kind of inflammatory speculation he lives for. I wouldn't be surprised if he's Semi-Vegan McBeef.
Is it just me or has the number of comments been changing even when there's no new posts, at least not at the bottom?
@Benoit: You travel around the board eating small coins, and in each of the four corners of the board, there are larger "Sweet Deal" pellets.
And every now and then, a bonus limited-time Opportunity appears; usually your Case-Man is unable to get around to these before they disappear again.
Another game idea: Serinopoly. It's like Monopoly, except that you start with 8 houses. The goal is to lose them all, in as few turns as possible, and then end the game by landing on the "go directly to jail" square.
("You have passed Go: collect another $200 in corporate credit.")
::said in a Star-Trek (orig) Enterprise computer voice::
Is it just me or has the number of comments been changing even when there's no new posts, at least not at the bottom?
Moderated comments are timestamped with when the comment was submitted, not when it is approved -- so when Casey releases comments from moderation they get mixed in amongst the existing instant comments, not added at the end.
LOL @ The games.
"so when Casey releases comments from moderation they get mixed in amongst the existing instant comments, not added at the end."
I don't care how much he rattles his "ten bucks tin cup", there ain't no way I'm giving him any lucre.
I don't even donate to people I LIKE!
EN B.C.-(before casey)
Friday, February 03, 2006
Raising the Dead
Thumbing through my copy of "The Necronomicon" (at midnight by the light of a black flame), it warns that the consequences of bringing the housing market back from the dead will be far more dangerous than letting it rot in the stygian depths to which it has fallen. The extent of those depths in the dark days ahead will not be known until the spectre of Cthulu awakens and (re)posses those things most dear to the doomed minions souls. Namely the holy speed boat, the most reverent Harley-Davidson, those objects of all desire the SUV, RV and ATV. Only then when all hope is lost and the scavengers are finished picking the bodies on the bloody battlefield clean of all that is valuable will the lamentations of the children, resigned to public schools and community college be heard. Only then as the wives cry out to the darkness, "Maui, Cancun wherefor art thou" will the true nature of the beast variously known to mere humans as the House ATM, the great equity withdrawl, the very HELOC himself so powerful that he is CAPITALIZED be revealed as a vampire sucking the lifeblood of guilty and innocent alike. Listen now, quiet, in the distance. The sound, the smell, the desperation. Those who thought an easy death, bankruptcy itself will be denied. No one gets off that easy. The laws of the gods of light and dark are no match for the US courts system. Ameriquest will eat their livers every dawn and peck out their eyes every sunset only to keep them barely alive to feed again on the morrow. And at night, where will they sleep? Not in their own beds, that's for sure.
A Lawnmower Man:
I Like the Monopoly idea. The tokens could include a Jetta, a PDA, The Murse™ etc.
Free Parking could be replaced with SIL's House.
Chance cards could include:
"Homeless Bob has moved into your Modesto property- Lose $1200 for clean-up"
"Auction off your office furniture- Collect $100"
"Award Winning Real Estate Blogger comes to town. You buy dinner at Macaroni Grill- Lose $100"
If you lose all your houses, would you get to try to lose a hotel?
This doesn't sound correct. Since when the feds need local police to capture an individual? They have enough personnel in the Sacto area to do their own arresting jobs.
For all we know, this comment is either a hoax or KC himself prompting more comments from us haterz(TM) to bring his Google ranking to #5. Hey! wouldn't it be great for his book to have a chapter on how his own arrest was discussed?
Has anyone *called* the sheriff over there to find out if they have the fliptard?
Benoit, Pac Man sounds good but Lock N Chase is even better. In that Pac Man rip off a bandit is running around a maze taking coins while being chased by police. The maze parts open and close while you try and clear the board.
I believe it was an arcade game as well as on the Intellivision. Casey + Lock N Chase = funny as hell.
You are standing in front of the west side of a house. The Door is closed. THere is a path leading around to the back. There is a mailbox here.
open box
The mailbox is opened revealing a huge quantity of unopen prioity stamped mail. Most appear to be from various lenders. There is also a copy of "EN Times."
read EN
You pick out the copy of Exurban Nation Times. It is a high quality publication obviously chock full of useful information. The occupant of the house was obviously a discerning individual. The Headline Reads:
Casey Captured, Houses Up For Grabs!
Side of house, the window is ajar.
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
It is dark in here, you are likely to be eaten by a grue.
oh and my all-time favorite:
Chance cards could include:
"It is your anniversary. Take a trip to Hawaii."
"Title company error in your favor. Collect one loan payment."
"You have won 6th place in a Google ranking contest. Monetize your blog."
Loving the monopoly idea!
Should have a murky pool to land on and contemplate helping others out by cleaning.
Oh and instead of railroads, it should be nap zones.
If you lose all your houses, would you get to try to lose a hotel?
An apartment complex.
Multiple overdrafts for Wheatgrass shot purchase. Pay $150
Gosh Rob Dawg, it sounds like you're desperate to get some Casey traffic to your site!
No, Ulysses!
SayWhat? said...
Gosh Rob Dawg, it sounds like you're desperate to get some Casey traffic to your site!
Spoilsport. We'uns jus' havin' sum fun heah boss. If you can't buy a clue at least find a sense o humor. Nothing here. Move along.
Jealousy is not a pretty thing.
You cannot buy properties that are in close proximity. All purchases must be at least 8 spaces apart to maximize travel.
After once around the board if you haven't disposed of all your properties you go directly to jail, do not pass Jamba Juice do not collect wheatgrass shots.
Seriously, is there a market? They do custom Monopoly boards all the time. I've seen any number of college or city branded designs even the Naval Academy has a version.
Rob Dawg said...
Spoilsport. We'uns jus' havin' sum fun heah boss.
Nothing would have brightened up my Monday more than hearing that Casey is in custody. I admit I lost my sense of humor about Casey about three months ago.
...and the posters at Exurban Nation form a circle in which they place their noses into the ass of the poster in front of them and then they slowly rotate in an anti-clockwise direction all the while chanting "You tha man DAWG,you tha man...
If Only.
For anyone who TRULY cares..? Casey HAS NOT BEEN ARRESTED!!! Read it. Grasp it. Retain it! Believe otherwise and the joke’s on you.
Foremost I just got off the phone with Casey not an hour ago. Had he been “arrested” it would be by the Feds, not the Sacramento County Sheriffs Department; that’s hog wash, tripe, an out-right lie. Secondly it would take at least five hours for processing to O.R. release, and Law Enforcement wouldn’t allow him to keep a phone while in custody (more fact to counter the lie).
This purported arrest claim can also be debunked through Pacer (for those with access to it), as well as Westlaw incarceration databases (that route through N.C.I.C., BTW)... Moreover, as Jean Val Jean (@1:33 PM) pointed out, Sac County has NO RECORD of Serin’s arrest!
Serin’s alleged “arrest” DIDN’T HAPPEN!
`Nuff said?
Uhh.. We kind of already know that.
Get with the program.
I didn't for a second believe the troll post at IAFF with such an obviously fake name. Another red flag is sheriff picking him up for a fed offense - the FBI has an office in Sacramento.
What I DO find interesting is Duane LeGate (if not another troll poster) (1) finding out about the original troll post, (2) caring, and (3) coming here to say something about it. I thought he and KC were "done-done". (??)
My point is that this is mostly arrests caused by the sun.
@Anon 4:19
Serin’s alleged “arrest” DIDN’T HAPPEN!
`Nuff said?
Thank you to Mr. Obvious for stopping in and playing!
Yes, it was far too good to be true, as I said.
The truth is, that little skidmark will probably suffer from only the backlash of his debt, and never see any legal recriminations for his criminal acts.
You are standing in front of the west side of a house. The Door is closed. THere is a path leading around to the back. There is a mailbox here.
open box
You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
It is dark in here, you are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Ok.. now I know who knows rogue.. Old game, basically pre Microsoft/Nintendo/(put additional vendors in here).
Reminds me of the Moos
Or the old Lisp games.
RCS blog ?
What I do to RCS? Who are they?
I read En so I is smart.
I'd like to again profess my undying support for Casey. ("Dislike the actions, Love the guy"!)
Casey, in an exclusive conversation, has talked to me about moving the base of operations for his empire to Utah. I have offered him the west wing of my 25,000 square foot house. And, all the bandwidth he wants on my dedicated DS-3 circuit. And, my ninja forensic accountant as a bodyguard for when the Utah wrap unwraps. Also, I know he's under a lot of stress, so I've offered to personally give him full-body massages (the Japanese way - those of you that are worldly like me will get my drift!).
Time to go.
Reminds me of the Moos
Or the old Lisp games.
About the same period of time.. same 'telnet' type restriction. ASCII only. I may have mis-quoted rogue though. The correct game is "adventure". (played both back then).
I always got a cool mental image:
[When going to the Hall of Mists] A crystal bridge now spans the fissure.
I ran Adventure on a PDP-11 under RSX-11M OS. The OS's idle task would rotate the front panel lights. I got tired of the standard pattern, so once wrote a low priority task in assembler that would vary the pattern depending on the front panel switch settings. Channeling my inner geek...
This is just a tease.
We all know our precious scamming snowflake deserves jailtime and we all want justice.
But my gut tells me...this is just a tease.
Latest comment posted on IAFF:
195. Nigel Swaby's Ego
May 7th, 2007 at 4:03 pm
My guess is that it was Galina that was arrested, not Casey.
Looking for passive income, Trampolina gave it a go as escort via Craigslist… it all adds up:
- She’s got a ghetto butt
- We know without a doubt she’s REALLY, REALLY good at lying down all day
- What better way to earn passive income then to lay there like a salted fish
I wonder if she charges extra to hold a clipboard?"
I guess anyone with instant commenting could get away with murder right now.
What a distastful comment! Why kick the poor kid while he's down.
Quick before it disappears into the ether of a would be censor:
Nigel, what adnormal psychology is your constant need to post links to your "award-winning" blog all over the internet?
I love the monopoly idea. I have six different versions of the game. I would get an IAFF game....
If snowflake were smart and had a good sense of humor, he could probably have one made. But that takes too much effort.
Rob, you need a little money maker? I'd buy one.
IAFF Monopoly is a very fine idea, but wouldn't making an IAFF Game of Life be more appropriate?
I just posted this at IAFF
Okay Casey -
You've got a small uptick going - this is good. Now is the time to add an update on all of your activities and progress since you "disappeared" last Thursday.
The latest "rumor" of your being arrested is driving up the numbers over at EN - you are losing and losing fast. Your window of opportunity narrows with each passing hour. Without a fresh post soon, people will stop visiting because they will no longer care. And once that happens, any ideas you may have had to utilize this website for financial gain is lost.
BTW - how many people paid the $10 bribe last week? Did you just take the money and run? Seems to me, if you wanted people to pay to view the site and have instant moderation you've not lived up to your end of the agreement. (No surprise there.)
A final word, if you fail to update your readers on the happenings and activities since last Thursday, the haterz over at EN will be having a IAFF memorial later this week.
So fellow haterz and followers, is it time for the IAFF memorial service? Should we schedule it for later this week? What do you think Rob?
My idea for the memorial:
1 People post their favorite "caseyism"
2. People post their favorite IAFF/Casey lie (i.e., when he said he was working, paying rent, then six hours later, begging for $$).
3. If there were to ever be another beg-a-thon what would you ask Casey to answer or do?
4. The future of Casey and Galina.
5. When will we see Casey again (i.e., news story of him in jail, being a lottery winner, or graduating from college).
6. What will Casey's next "get rich quick" scheme be (personally, I think he's going to have Galina start selling Mary Kay).
7. Where will Casey be in ten years? (i.e., still with SIL? home with the parents? living out of a vdub?)
8. Once there is no longer media interest in Casey and his story, what will Nigel do?
This would be a great "friday night" activity.... and at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time (12:00 midnight Eastern Time) we all make one final toast, drink some wine, and say goodby.
Life or Monopoly, either would be very fun....
just remember to have sputnik the cat requesting fishy treats and pooping in shoes!
New post at IAFF...Galina Serin is fed up and not going to take it anymore. Galina to Casey: cut out the funny stuff...or else. (Dun dun dun)
Posted by Snowflake, read it before he deletes/revises it
Galina Serin: Enough is Enough!
This has been a pretty tough weekend emotionally. Galina, my wife of 3 years pretty much told me that she has had enough of this financial mess and my “irresponsible behavior”. Paying rent by borrowing from the corporation along with the brainstorming trip to Tahoe was the last straw.
I don’t blame her. We have NEVER really had financial stability in our marriage. Sure there was the time when our bank account peaked at $90 grand from the property cash backs sometime around April 2006. However, the repair cost overruns and the $20k/month burn rate on 6 properties and related bills ate through that sum pretty quickly.
And then instead of admitting that I’m in trouble and pulling the plug, I kept borrowing more and more via additional credit lines to keep feeding the machine a couple of extra months. I thought if I can finish the repairs and sell everything I can pay it all back. Then in August 2006 I ran out of money and started this blog
Let’s rewind further to the beginning of the marriage. I did make $35K from my condo sale in 2003 (mostly ‘cuz of appreciation), by the time we got married in April 2004, that money ran out. I bought the ring on a credit card and we went into debt paying for the wedding and honeymoon. Then we impulsively moved 90 miles away to Lake Tahoe. I had small website design / hosting business. I thought it can support us there.
My internet business wasn’t going that well and after 6 months living on credit cards I got a W2 job at Pride Industries as a Web Developer / Programmer so we moved back to Sacramento area. The job was good but we had a bunch of debt and I desperately wanted to pay it off to and get back on track toward my financial independence goal. That’s when we started going to RE investing seminars in late 2004 and started doing deals in October 2005.
After making $30K on the first deal and paying off all our debt, I jumped the gun and quit my Programming job in Jan 2006 to do real estate flipping full-time. Looking back, I quit that job too early!! I should have stayed and done deals on the side until the real estate business can reliably replace my job income. But because I was doing too many cash-back-at-close deals I got a little ahead of myself.
The equity that I juiced up from the properties was a false sense of profit. Yeah, if everything would have gone perfectly with the repairs and the resale I would have come out ahead. Depending on a perfect plan (or lack thereof) without a plan B was a disaster waiting to happen.
I’ve been trying to unsuccessfully stop foreclosure for the last 9 months hoping to put together some kind of a creative turnaround (a miracle?). I thought I was doing the right thing by avoiding bankruptcy and trying to pay back the lenders. I tried a bunch of different things but none of them seemed to come through.
Along the way, I had a tech job offer fall through. I was later offered a real estate related consulting job but I was so bogged down by everything else going on (including this blog) that I didn’t take it that seriously. Then I’ve been doing some odd jobs there and here but not stable enough.
Even my friend Ramit of I will Teach You To Be Rich called me the other day and told me to stop messing around, declare BK, get a solid job that puts money in my pocket today and stop chasing tomorrow’s opportunities. He thinks I should delete the thousand emails in my inbox because most of them are probably scams. I thanked him for being direct and giving me some good advice.
Aside from finances, Galina is understandably frustrated with following me along toward MY dream of passive income / financial independence. I’ve been at it since 2000 and don’t have much to show for it yet. She is tired of my entrepreneurial roller-coaster and is ready to settle down and have a family. I don’t want to think about it until I reach my goal. Am I being too selfish?
It’s amazing to think that we’ve been more or less living on credit since January 2006. That’s over 13 months! I have a lot of good things going but it’s taking a while and I’m suffering from a lack of focused action in any one direction. I feel like it’s right there within reach. I just need to get my act together and survive a little bit longer. Some stable income might be good right now to buy me some time and create much needed stability.
Basically Galina said I must get some kind of stable income right now… or else. Her patience with me has run out. “Enough is enough!”
Yeah we are all just shocked to hear this (insert eye roll here)
Sounds to me like Galina dropped the hammer today. If I wasn't going on a week long sailing trip, I'd be pretty tempted to head to Sac, track down Galina, spin some weak game and hit it and split. That would be the easiest piece of ass out there..
Another terrific post by Casey. If only it had a pix of Galina kicking him in the ass.....then I could get excited.
Or if he actually was arrested.
I used to play rogue on the bf's luggable IBM back in college.
I miss it. NetHack isn't quite the same.
I'm glad she's telling him to get off his ass and all, but why the hell doesn't SHE have a job??
"Comments are closed."
Note also he confirms: he borrowed the rent money from his corporation.
Something about that post doesn't read like classic Casey. Perhaps heavily edited Casey (by G, etc.)...?
New thread, rob?
Paying rent by borrowing from the corporation along with the brainstorming trip to Tahoe was the last straw.
And the pimping of Galina on IAFF begins, folks! Casey's shooting his last wad!
"It’s amazing to think that we’ve been more or less living on credit since January 2006. That’s over 13 months!"
More like 15 months, Fucknut.
He borrowed money to finance the trip to Tahoe and pay the rent.
Hmm, I wonder why comments are closed... Well anything that prevents those two from getting ready to "ready to settle down and have a family" is good in my book.
Oh, man, the hammar (investments!) is coming down on our snowflake.
There's part of me that wants him to actually get a job and succeed. This is close to bottom, take the clue and stop wasting time waiting for the next sweet deal.
The realistic part of me knows he won't.
I ran Adventure on a PDP-11
Me too! Wow, that was a long time ago.
Fer Christ's sake Galina, walk on this fucking fool already. I'd love to see how you make out on your own. Seven years of this hilarity. I need to...I must...I really should...I really ought to get around to...I'm almost there! It's so close I can taste it!
Gambling addict. Narcissist. Asshole.
Since we have occasional visits from an anon commentary literary critic: my apologies for the repetition in my last comment. I was busy watching the News Hour and playing ball with one of my dogs while writing.
"Casey's shooting his last wad."
This is like the 5th time you bang a new girl and you've got nothing left.
New Thread Rob.....
Since snowflake has made his posting "closed for comments" we'll need to comment over here.
My guess is you'll get 200+ tonight on a new thread.
I can't figure Galina out.
She's either really dumb, or just as lazy as snowflake, or patient as a saint, or in over her neck in the scams, or mentally retarded, or a gold digger that made a major blunder, or desparately lacks self esteem, or WTF????
I think I nearly busted a gasket laughing. ::wipes away a tear:: this boy is priceless. Fucking priceless.
It's only important when it's flying, roaring and snarling at his face like those spider-bug things in Alien(s)--otherwise, he could defer his problems infinitely and never once stop to think of consequences.
What a fool. Oh, my ribs hurt from laughter. What a bloody fool.
I here ya Steph. That last post was a doozie! The funniest thing is that snowflake seems blindsided here. How that could happen, I haven't a fucking clue.
It's incredible, but the fact that the Dawg has not opened a new thread could indicate he actually has a life !
Funny, I always thought he was an inmate in prison with a broadband connection.....
@steph and dumbfounded -- indeed.
He needs to be smacked repeatedly with a clue-by-four before he'll pay attention to ANYTHING. Why should his marriage be any different?
She is ... ready to settle down and have a family. I don’t want to think about it until I reach my goal. Am I being too selfish?
Casey - Selfish? Yes, especially since you'll never reach your goal.
OTH, the last thing you need is a child to support and nurture (you can do neither).
Of course, being an "Idea man" and not a details person, he'll want to delegate someone on his team to satisy Galina. What did the idiot think G & Y were going to do while he was off 'brainstorming'? Of course they talked.
Noteworthy in that post was an admission that he took money from the corporation to pay his rent. Sure, we knew that, but I'm sure it's convenient for someone that he admitted it.
... I feel like it’s right there within reach. I just need to get my act together and survive a little bit longer.
Some stable income might be good right now to buy me some time and create much needed stability.
'Might be good'??? You still don't get it.
What are we up to now, Trainwreck part 3?
Galina finally begins to realise "Casey's a looser". She still hasn't grasped that Casey's a huge liability (not just financial). So she's not acting to terminate the marriage, merely threatening.
Casey finally begins to realise "I must get a job or Galina will leave me".
Is this the Slow Family?
I mean, much as I'd like Casey to see some success, everything he's done has been contrary and just made things worse. And we told him so, over and over again. So, although I don't wish a marriage breakup on anybody, Galina should leave until Casey comes to his senses.
Man! Having a loser job really sucks cause I miss all the juicy stuff as it happens. I really need to become more like Casey so I don't miss anything.....Nah, I like paying my bills too much. Sigh, guess I will just have to get used to hearing the good stuff last.
By the way, what is up with the closed comments? That sucks!
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