Thursday, June 21, 2007


Sorry 'bout that. Power outage yesterday morning followed by no internet at the hotel all day. I'm stealing bandwith from Harvard right now. That's okay if I'm not careful they be stealing from me next year. Carry on. Tonight posts about housing and the "shock" at states coming up short on revenues and expenses far exceeding projections. California so far this fiscal year has spen $99b and collected only $87b. Just like I predicted and explained last fall.


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Haha loosers! And you guys thought I was whacked, sheesh, Casey is on the upswing again..

Anonymous said...

MOIST! Thank God, new thread.
Shh....don't tell the children.

Anonymous said...

Am I banned?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anyone else waiting to hear that Casey has found Scientology?

ratlab said...

And some State employees get paid to do these things called budgets. Lame. And they get nice pensions. Bastards.

ratlab said...

Fliptard can't afford Scientology.

Nigel's Guest Blogger said...

BBC Exclusive Video:

Native Flora & Fauna respond to Casey's presence.

Anonymous said...

Rob Dawg;

Welcome back, I thought you had overdosed on quahogs.

On a tangential topic to your busta-budgets... wonders how long it will take homeowners to incite a tax revolt, especially if the job market goes South, or inflation posts a spike.

Anonymous said...

AHAHAH!! That is the funniest damn thing I have seen all day... thanks Nigel's Guest Blogger.

Anonymous said...

how many posts can you loosers go without talking about casey? i'll guess >20.


Anonymous said...

Here in wonderful NJ, I pay over 20K in taxes on my 3 properties.
The "baby' is 36, with her own condo, and my wife and I live in a 4 BR home in a great school area.
I get nothing in services for what I pay, other than garbage collection.
the cops are an armed gang serving TPTB, and the politicians make the Sopranos look like the good guys.
I'm ready to go off the grid.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon -- i'll guess > 20.

Wrong symbol there, dude. You meant "less than" 20, I'm sure.

An interesting followup question, of course, is how long can trolls go without bringing up other people's inability to mention Casey... 20 seconds?

Anonymous said...

I'm ready to go off the grid.

It's not as difficult as people think.

Though I wouldn't try it in NYC. He is:

Mouse And Pencil said...

I' d love to go off the grid, but as long as there's taxes, you will always be tied to it.

The more we lose the ability to self-sustain, the less freedom we truly have.

Anonymous said...

I think that's also referred to as squatting !!
Good luck to that guy, I'll peruse to get some ideas, but my "safe haven" is about 100 miles from Times Square.
My view of the near future is a combination Mad Max/Ruby Ridge, and I'm building a home around those parameters.
The weapons I own are from the recently deceased, or those with only a few haircuts left, so I look clean, (paperless).
If nothing along TSHTF scenario occurs, I'll have a nice country home to simply live in.

Anonymous said...

M & P:

"I' d love to go off the grid, but as long as there's taxes, you will always be tied to it."

Illegal immigrants still pay sales taxes, which is one reason that government is so happy to have 'em.

All the money and none of the liabilities...or so they think.

Anonymous said...

Last one to illustrate the easier way to do it:

Anonymous said...

Mouse and pencil:

Are you now, or have you ever been, Stephanie J ??
(Asked mostly in jest)

Anonymous said...

Is there somewhere I can download the Ron/Casey interview without having to download the player with the 14 day trial?

pain in my arse

Galina is working a W2 my arse.

Anonymous said...


With your claimed wherewithal, I'd be thinking mre along the lines of "Waterworld".

A few miles offshore, and you're free of jurisdiction...knowhutimean?

Which, BTW, if any of youse rich shitheels reading want to underwrite a 100% legal business venture, you should contact me.

Basically, I'm thinking of running cruises out of New York City,(where cigarettes are abot $70 a carton, out past the state territorial limit, where all the state taxes drop off when you open the bonded stores slop chest...and you can then sell lungs for about $15 a carton.

ICE allows you to land two cartons for personal use.

So...the upshot is, the smoking population of Noo Yawk and environs will be coughing up the fare every week or two to take a boat ride, have a Starbucks, and buy some smokes.

Is it good?

Does it taste like a cigarette should?

Would you enjoy sticking it in Bloomberg's ass and breaking it off?

Anonymous said...

I often wonder if going off the grid is easier in a 3rd world country or 1st world country...

Mouse And Pencil said...


LOL, no, I don't share the same chromosomes, naughty bits, or vehicle choice as the illustrious and ever so hawt Steph J. :)

Anonymous said...

Rob Dawg:

Oh, and BTW, a carton in downtown Boston will set you back 55 bucks.

This is how the revolution will succeed...set one pack of greedy and power-mad bastards against the others.

They write the laws, ain't my problem if they're dipshit enough to think that they're omnipotent.

Anonymous said...

I believe a living trust will shield our assets from my foolishness.
I'm not hurting for money, and Uncle will get his cut, but its starting to get like the morons who live in the NYC area are too much.
The cigarette scenario looks good at first, but who will spend two hours to save fifty bucks around here? Fuel and a licensed Captain and crew will eat you up, and you MUST have good Insurance. Cigs in North Carolina are < $25, I get an old Uncle to send me 10 cartons at a time, he gets $300, and we're both happy.

Mouse And Pencil said...

Such an offshore ciggy scenario would quickly involve customs, and paying duty.

No thanks.

Anonymous said...

wow... add his advertisers to the list of those serin has tossed under the bus.

Jacked up the price to 150 per mo. and raised the number of links to 25.

His website will be grossing over $6250 per month (25 * 150 + 5 * 500 + Yahoo ads).

And our wonderful, loving husband will send Galina $1000/mo. Awww, ain't he sweet.

serinitis said...

His website will be grossing over $6250 per month (25 * 150 + 5 * 500 + Yahoo ads).

If he fills up. He has only made $1100 this month. This is also a very short term money maker. He is gaming Google and once Google finds out, his ranking and his advertising will be worth squat.

Bemused Guy said...

Firefox Geeks --- ASSEMBLE!!!

For some reason my firefox browsers connected to Google are translating all my prompts into the language of whichever country I log from. This happened out of the blue & is NOT good. I maybe multilingual but I don't have all of these languages. Help! Have can I get back to English?

I found that out when I was trying to upload a picture for my user name.

R-Boy said...

He hasn't even sorted out who is staying or going as advertisers.

Sides they're throwing money only for SEO position.

Kerriella said...

Serinitis, I am confused. I thought Google already stopped Casey's adsense. So how will this effect his ranking and advertising?

Anonymous said...

One can only bring 2 cartons ashore only if the smoker has been outside the country for more than 48 hours.

You think the USCG would not be hassling the folks with their homeland security charter? "Where is your passport butthead??"

As for Boston, come on up to NH. Always cheaper and readily available at the state border liqour stores.
We appreciate your patronage!

Remember when Mike Dukakis tried to put Mass State troopers into NH state liquor store parking lots and radioed to smokies on the border who to stop with cheap hooch and smokes? Lasted 2 days before then Gov Sununnu said he would arrest any Mass cops found loitering and throw away the key. Stopped that fast.

Ahhh, the good old days.

Anonymous said...

Slightly off topic, but wanted to share nonetheless. I was watching Spongebob with my son on Saturday and in this particular episode Spongebob and Patrick were trying to earn some "sweet income" by selling chocolate bars. After they had gone through a few unsuccessful ideas on how to market their bars the conversation went like this:

Patrick - "Maybe we should take our clothes off while we sell them"

Spongebob - "Nah, we'll save that for when we are selling Real Estate"


Its sad when a yellow cartoon sponge understands the market better than fliptard.

Anonymous said...


OK, I really have to leave this site for at least a week.

Now that I see what kind of person Casey really is, it's making me so angry to see that the haterz of all people are going to make him a success by giving him so much media exposure.

I think he's now passed the point of no return where his prominence won't allow him to fail, despite his stupidity.

What can possibly derail him now? He goes to jail for a month? Hits go up! Wife leaves him? (although she may now with ad revenue coming in) Hits go up!

He's got Marty who has no scruples posting messages about his book and other BS, and the thing may actually sell (not that he needs it to).

The more prominent he gets the less likely any lenders will sue him because the exposure won't be worth it.

Tell me why I'm wrong.

Bemused Guy said...

um...are any of the techies awake? This multilingua stuff is getting old....

Anonymous said...

10:28 AM, Poet said...
Now that I see what kind of person Casey really is, it's making me so angry to see that the haterz of all people are going to make him a success by giving him so much media exposure.

No, it is warning folks of this con-lad. Just like an APB is not considered a radio program.

Anonymous said...

@ poet:

i don't doubt that some fools will buy the "foreclosure code" even though i can sum up the main point here: don't commit mortgage fraud, dumbass.

but from the tapes, casey confesses to knowingly commit mortgage fraud. it's one thing to do it, its another thing to essentially brag about your crime and then try to make money off of it. especially since you can see the eye of sauron has been on his site on and off.

and if i go to iaff, its with firefox and adblock. fliptard isn't getting a dirtee penni from me :)

R-Boy said...

Prominence? Hardly.

Laughing Stock of the Housing Bubble? Yup

William Hung got more buzz and didn't make a whole lot of money. At least William knew the value of college.

No ad revenue has come in yet. Casey doesnt have a bank account remember, just a paypal account. Thats it.

Marty has made his money, he didnt front any of the upfront expenses. Casey did. And considering that I have never heard of the adsensecode or the lapdancecode or any other derivative makes me think this is short-lived.

Casey sells 10K books, he makes 10K. (about 1 dollar of commission per book from print-on-demand self-publishing companies).

Casey thinks he's swimming. He's really drowning.

His time is coming...sooner, rather than later

Anonymous said...

@ Rusty -- Its sad when a yellow cartoon sponge understands the market better than fliptard.

Actually, the adjectives you used to describe SpongeBob™ work remarkably well for Casey too.

Cartoon? Yep.

Yellow? His semi-vegan induced jaundice is turning his skin color pretty close. So yep.

Sponge? In the sense of mooching, Casey is the ultimate sponge.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure what has been said about Tardboi's new post at IAFF, and I'm not wading through 600+ comments to find out, but here is my take. Who, exactly, is he sending $1000/mo back to "at home"? It's painfully obvious that he won't have a wife when he returns, and his family almost assuredly hates him by now.

I love how he says that he is going to "start contacting" his creditors now. Galina has already started this process, and I hope she is throwing him under the bus at every opportunity.

lawnmower man said...

@R-Boy: No ad revenue has come in yet. Casey doesnt have a bank account remember, just a paypal account. Thats it.

Casey has a PayPal debit card he can use to draw cash out of his PayPal account.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Nigel,

Casey really is the William Hung of real estate investment.

Anonymous said...

Go Patriots!

Anonymous said...


Good comparison. The sponge/yellow was totally lost on me when I posted. If I were JambaJuice I would try and distance myself from fliptard as much as possible and ban him from trying to market my product in his blog because if it makes you look like that waste of skin I, as a consumer, would want nothing to do with it.

Jake said...

Off-topic, need a little help here. I was burgled yesterday night, as were several of my neighbors. One of my neighbors saw them and said there was 6-8 teenagers. Anyways, they broke into our garage and stole our bikes, some stereo equipment, a cooler, and some sunglasses. They also may have stolen a spare house key in the car. And they may have tampered with the garage door opener unit.

Our insurance deductible is $1000 and we don't know if we should submit it. If we replace the stuff, it could range from $1200-$2000. If we replace the garage opener and all the locks, and insurance pays for it, that could be another $1000 or more.

Should we even submit it? Should we even do these extra things? Our one neighbor had a laptop in his car, and they left it, so maybe they aren't the sophisticated. I wish my one neighbor would have called the police. She's just kind of anti-police because she feels that they harass the kids in town. They were trying to break into her cars and garage and she just yelled at them and they ran off (and two biked off on MY BIKES!!!). She didn't know at the time that they had robbed anybody.

Anyways, a really downer last two days. At least they didn't come inside. And my husband still won't let me buy a gun.

Anonymous said...

@dan "It's painfully obvious that he won't have a wife when he returns"

Huh? where do you get that from?

Anonymous said...

Forget about state budgets. Lets get back to what we at EN are good at. SABOTAGING CASEYS ATTEMPTS TO SUPPORT HIS FAMILY !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Since Casey's trying to profit from dumb people buying links to increase their Pagerank, let's not forget to report them, as per Matt Cutts article.

Anonymous said...

@Bemused Guy - the following should help: in Firefox go to Edit > Preferences, select the Advanced tab, and in the "Languages" box click on "Choose" and add the language of your choice (e.g. English/United States) to the list, and make sure it's at the top if there are several languages in the list. TO make doubly sure, add plain "English" after "English/United States".

Anonymous said...

So what legal problems is Casey facing right now?

Seems like he's making more money than ever and having a good time!

Will it last? He's pretty much pissing many people off..and it sucks!

Anonymous said...

Dan asked:

"I'm not sure what has been said about Tardboi's new post at IAFF, and I'm not wading through 600+ comments to find out, but here is my take. Who, exactly, is he sending $1000/mo back to "at home"? It's painfully obvious that he won't have a wife when he returns, and his family almost assuredly hates him by now."

In addition to being on an upswing, Turdboi is depending on the gullability of his newer readers, who will not wade through a year of postings to see how mentally unbalanced and cruel he is. In addition, since his latest enabler, Marty, is writing his posts, heaven only knows what crap Casey is feeding him.

Anonymous said...

to reply to bob dawg's topic ---

1) Holy crap. Sounds like it's deja-vu all over again in The People's Republic of California. I remember when I was looking at grad schools, I didn't consider any UC schools (3 of which are top 20 in my field).

Prediction: They will raise taxes furter, and the middle class exodus
will accelerate. Incidentally, I wonder if the exodus of people from CA fed up with taxes to NV and AZ explains why these states are fiscal conservative?

2) As an Ivy League alum, I am qualified to say: Harvard sucks. :-) I went to the red-neck Ivy, where all those transpanted NY kids taught me street smarts to compliment my academic education.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Forget about state budgets. Lets get back to what we at EN are good at. SABOTAGING CASEYS ATTEMPTS TO SUPPORT HIS FAMILY !!!!!"

Hi Casey at 9:04 and 9:05. First of all, 'his family'? Don't try to make it sound like he has three starving babies. He has a wife that he has repeatedly deceived and demeaned. She should leave him. This will be a 'win-win'. She can be with a real man and he can pursue his selfish and illegal acts and dreams such as living in a van.

Anonymous said...

Have any of you considered the idea that Casey has already sold IAFF to Marty??? That could explain the change in writing style and tone on the blog, along with explaining where he's getting the means to exist in the land down under.....

Anonymous said...

@ bemused guy

In FF Browser bar, type: "about:config"

Then type "lang" in the search bar

I show a variable "intl.accept_languages" and mine is set to "en-us,en"

If your is different, may want to change it to match.

Re Tard Boi:

Casey's book cover is just like his real estate deals and just like his life to date: someone else had some crap lying around they didn't want and had unsuccessfully tried passing off a dozen times already with different wrapping. Along comes Casey (aka "The Marque") and wah la (aka "voila") the crap is unloaded, and KC wanders none-the-wiser into the next scam. Telemarketers love to buy lists of known previously easy targets. I'll bet Casey is on the short con's list of easy marks.

You say you wanna start something new
And it's breakin' my heart you're leavin'
Baby, I'm grievin'
But if you wanna leave, take good care
Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

Anonymous said...

@ Dan:

He *says* he's sending money home. That's to mollify any haterz that still listen and to look good for the newbies, who are after all potential haterz and supporterz.

His family probably won't see a dime.

Sprezzatura said...

@Bemused Geek:

Anonymous said...


I wouldn't. it looks like the cost of replacing the stuff is close to your deductible. I would rather it not show in the insurance company's records & give em an excuse to raise your rates.


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does KC have some seriously fucked up teef?

I know you read this site KC.



Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about the burglary. JVJ put it best... if you report it, those insurance rates skyrocket. I do think that you should change the locks and reconfigure the garage opener... you never know if those kids will sell the key to a more professional thief.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Rob. I was afraid you went on a drinking binge and went out for a drive...

Hey, what's going on with Galina? I can use a good house cleaning, and I was wondering if she's available. I'll pay her $10/hour, plus a tip if the house is cleaned well.

Am I the only one who thinks CHJTS is obsessed with Galina?

I sent a private email to Gaysey telling him I'll let him stay with me. If he takes the bait, I'll tell him I changed my mind.... after he get's here. I'll be sure to record his facial expressions.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 11:40

My sentiments exactly. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

@lord have murses

If you have a camcorder, I for one would LOVE to see KC in his "natural habitat"... you know, mooching off others. Depends on how long you can stand him, of course... but capturing the expression on his face when you tell him you're a Haterz? Priceless.

Anonymous said...

EN, I am recent reader so I don't know the whole story only enough to piss me off. I live about an hour away so I get the Sacramento news and luckily close enough if I see the little shit can pop him in the mouth to hopefully straighten those teeth out and stop him from blinking his eyes so damn much..Feds are hitting fraud extremely hard in this area..Many of the stories that kcra starts get investigated locally.

Check this out--not only are the lenders and agents in heat but also the so called victims.

I understand his story isn't as big but if you want to put the heat on fliptard in his own city with the feds and get it noticed in a negative way you should send them the story--no chance for him to do his positive spinoff. All the nationwide exposure will only help him but heat in his city would be the best bet to get him on the radar.

Someone tell me something is cooking on this little boy..My 10 year old can manage money better then him.

Also Galina is crazy not to flip on him right away since we are a community state her debt is his 100% whether she signs anything or not. She is legally on the hook for everything he is.

Might have been dicussed already so sorry if it is a repeat.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Casey,

A lot of those 'kindly' hosts may have all kinds of private video recording stuff installed (their house, after all), maybe some sweet™ additives in their home made juice and mooched food...

Yup, you are gonna find this trip QUITE an experience.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a haterz. I couldnt care less about how he treats his friends or family.

I just want to see a tard brainwashed by positive thinking ideology and politically correct philosophy fall hard.

I want to see the "This is the end" post on IAFF go up, and the brief news article mentioning his suicide.

I want to be there when the godhatesfags guys show up and protest his funeral!

I guess I'm a sickoz who takes pleasure in another person's suffering.

Jake said...

Thanks, that's what I feared.

I'm going to check out the cost of reconfiguring, but the reason we may replace is that our garage doesn't have those stop sensors. Our little yorkie sometimes sneaks out of the house to run outside when we get home and open the door. And if there are kids one day, we don't want them to get hit either.

Anonymous said...

I'll pay her $10/hour

Are you kidding? I use the least expensive service around and I'm paying $18 an hour.

Anonymous said...

The Foreclosure Code

Table of contents

1. Introduction – How I Became Famous for Being an Idiot
2. Three Rules for Avoiding Foreclosure
a. Rule One: Buy Properties That are Appreciating
b. Rule Two: Pay the Mortgage
c. Rule Three: Sell to the Next Biggest Fool
3. Three Rules for Avoiding Jail
a. Rule One: Don’t Lie on Mortgage Applications
b. Rule Two: Don’t Get Illegal Cash Back at Closing
c. Rule Three: Don’t Tell the World When you Can Not Resist Breaking Rules One and Two
4. Three Rules for Surviving Jail as a Pretty Boy
a. Rule One: Don’t Drop the Soap
b. Rule Two: Don’t Drop the Soap
c. Rule Three: Don’t Drop the Soap

Anonymous said...

@11:58 AM Anonymous,

It was a joke... I'm not even in Sacramento.

But I am trying to get Casey to stay with me, only to tell him I've changed my mind at the last minute... leaving him stranded, lost, and alone in a strange city.

Anonymous said...

If Serin keeps putting out open requests for people to take him in as a moocher, one of these days an undercover FBI agent is going to happily oblige...

lawnmower man said...

@Some Broad: Have any of you considered the idea that Casey has already sold IAFF to Marty???


Marty may well be advising Casey on how to spin the "marketing" on his blog. But I'll bet that Casey hasn't seen one dime from Marty yet. He may well be paying Marty a retainer for his services: remember that "funding is in place" for the book?

btc says it all much better than me in this comment at DHC. Casey is, yet again, the mark.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that reconfiguration just requires opening up the garage door opener box on the roof, flipping some switches, then pointing all the existing garage door remotes at the box to transmit the correct code. Depends on the garage door opener, of course. But it definitely sounds like you should go for a replacement; garage door opener kits are fairly inexpensive and you can do the installation yourself... I've done it before, and since you already have the existing garage door opener setup in place, it won't be too difficult (essentially just replace the box + belt drive).

Anonymous said...

Jake - chances are it is not worth it - but get a clue. Literally - A CLUE report shows how many claims are associated with yoru home and with you - I think an insurance agent can get it for you. If you already have a history (or the house has one), there's a chance that another claim can lead to your insurance being cancelled - then try to get insured at a decent rate with a cancellation on your record... not going to happen. my rule of thumb is that I have a $1000 deductible or more and I have to have $5000 or more damage before I claim if I have ever made a claim on the property before. Kind of negates the whole insurance concept, but I regard all insurance except for health to be catastroophic coverage - the increase in rates eats away any $$ you get back from small claims.

Anonymous said...

Pardon my laziness but I have an idea for a caseypedia page.

I want to see if we can expand on the sweet deals to include the following:

A table with the left column having one of his deals, middle column showing how long it lasted, and the right showing how he blew the deal.

here are some examples:

The No Limits Ladies Deal which was for mentorship, lasted 20 minutes, he backed out wanting to go back with the other mentorship deal

The other mentorship deal, never went down, he blew it by signing up with the NLL.

The wholeselling deal, lasted a few weeks, didn't work out because he didn't know what he was doing and there wasn't enough money to be made.

Think of all the failures.
his webhosting deal
his vending machine company
his book deal
his deal with Duane
his deal with Mark
his deal with Nigel

wow the list just keeps going on and on.

It's time to organize it all. We could also put it under failures. What are your thoughts?

lawnmower man said...

I would love to know what Serin Vending was all about.

Anonymous said...

It's time to organize it all. We could also put it under failures.

There's technically already a similar page.

Anonymous said...


File the police report, but hold off on the insurance.

If you get your stuff back, then fine...just upgrade your security and include cameras of your interior and environs.

If you don't get your stuff back, but if the Fuzz catch any of the hooligans, then that insurance claim becomes "leverage" to pry replacement costs of your stuff out of the scamp(s) parents.

And if they tell you to stuff it, then go on ahead and file the claim, and take the kids' folks to court for your insurance premiums/new policy.

Anonymous said...

Just in case there were any doubters, Casey is living proof "The Secret" doesn't work. True success only comes with, purpose, direction, and motivation.

Anonymous said...

alifornia so far this fiscal year has spen $99b and collected only $87b. Just like I predicted and explained last fall.

Part of the problem is that a big chunk of the state's general fund is already dedicated out to education, etc. and other items that were put in place by ballot initiatives. There's not flexibility for them to cut back if revenues don't meet projections for whatever reason. (This an oversimplication, of course.)

As for KC, well, he's on a slow crash and burn. I'd hope it'd be speedy and quick, but there you have it.

Anonymous said...

Is Casey paying taxes on all that advertising revenue?

I think the IRS gives out rewards for reporting tax cheats.

serinitis said...


Google stopped Casey's adsense so he is not getting any money directly from them. The reason advertisers are willing to even be on his site is his site is ranked high in Google's algorithms. Since it is ranked high, Google assumes any sites it links to should receive a higher rank. The higher the rank, the higher on Google you show up. The advertisers do not really want Casey's Haterz. They want to show up high on a Google list so searchers find them.

Since Marti is using bots to artificially boost Casey's Google rank, Google will eventually find out and kill his ranking.

Anonymous said...

Since Marti is using bots to artificially boost Casey's Google rank, Google will eventually find out and kill his ranking.

En pussies wrong again.

Anonymous said...

*Sigh*, not the "off the grid" theme--let me know how things go without use of the roads, and with buying water on the free market (hey wait, water isn't a government service . . . right? right?), and let me know how the neighbors feel about you dumping your sewage in the back yard, right next to the trash. Oh, and let me know how the retirement goes without the social security income being paid for by taxes from the workers educated by the public schooling system, or from the stock dividends paid by the same.

But the $15,000 question is this--how long before Mrs. Serin realizes that there is a sweet(tm) passive cashflow(tm) generating machine pumping out $2,000+ a month that requires only a divorce filing to get her hands on? Right now, Mr. Serin has all the income and she has all the debt (that says all you need to know about how he feels about her), but with the right lawyer, that could be reversed in no time flat.

Anonymous said...

What are the odds Serin's entire story is a hoax, and that when he applied for his domain name, he misspelled ;-)

Anonymous said...

Anonopussy @ 12:50

We'll see about that. "Stupid ENers" have been right about everything thus far. Why should they be wrong now? All the evidence is there. The beginning of these problems is now. The end, nearer than you want to believe.

Anonymous said...

BAGHDAD, June 21 — Fourteen American soldiers were killed in five separate incidents over the last 48 hours, most of them in Baghdad, including a roadside explosion in the capital that killed five soldiers and four Iraqis, the American military said today.

Violence spread north of Baghdad to an area near Kirkuk, where a suicide truck bomb killed 13 people at a police station and a town hall, the Iraqi police said. Kirkuk and its region had been relatively peaceful lately. The explosion in the area of Sulaiman Bek, south of Kirkuk, caused serious damage to the buildings, the police said. The dead included three policemen. Another 75 people were injured.

In Baquba, north of Baghdad, where American troops continued an intense push against suspected insurgents, shortages of food and water were causing growing unrest among Iraqis caught in the fighting, witnesses said.

Notably only one soldier death has been reported since the operation began, and it occurred earlier in the week. The operations focus on Baquba and elsewhere in Diyala province, where 300 to 500 fighters belonging to Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia are believed to be hiding.

Roadside bombs, which were the weapon used in three of the five deadly attacks on Wednesday and today, have been the biggest killers of American soldiers in Iraq.

The most lethal attack came today in northeastern Baghdad when a powerful roadside bomb exploded near a vehicle, killing five soldiers, their Iraqi interpreter, and three Iraqi civilians who were traveling with them. The bomb also injured one soldier and two Iraqi civilians.

In another attack today, insurgents fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a military vehicle, killing one soldier and injuring two others.

On Wednesday, four soldiers were killed in Western Baghdad when a roadside bomb struck their vehicle. One soldier was wounded in that attack. And southwest of Baghdad, two soldiers were killed when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb. In Anbar province, west of Baghdad, two marines died in combat on Wednesday, the military said.

The higher casualties are due in part to the higher number of American soldiers now in Iraq as part of the Baghdad security plan, which started in mid-February. But the use of ever-more powerful roadside bombs has increased the number of casualties from each attack.

The American military has not yet said whether any of the attacks in the last 48 hours involved the new, more powerful weapons, which are capable of hurling a solid fist of copper through armored vehicles. But that type of bomb and very large conventional roadside bombs have become regular tools in the arsenal used by Shiite and Sunni Arab insurgents against American troops.

In the operations in Baquba, large parts of the local population have refused to remain indoors during the push, as requested by the coalition forces. And there were reports today that 700 people — mostly women, children and the elderly — had left their homes and moved to the northwest border of the area that American troops are trying to rid of insurgents believed to be part of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia.

The population, which has been cut off from the rest of the city, was becoming increasingly restive, witnesses said, in the first sign that the American military was risking losing goodwill in the attack, which began this week. There were reports that the military was planning to bring supplies into the areas where the military is operating.

The operations in Baquba continued today after heavy fighting on Wednesday, as soldiers had moved block by block through the city, the capital of Diyala Province, clearing houses and removing roadside bombs.

As they pressed in, American troops discovered a medical aid station for insurgents — another sign that the Qaeda fighters had prepared for an intense fight.

The hospital, uncovered by troops from the Fifth Battalion, 20th Infantry, was equipped with oxygen tanks, defibrillators, generators and surgical equipment, as well as pieces of insurgent propaganda.

The American effort got off to a slow start in the morning Wednesday when blowing sand precluded reconnaissance and medevac flights.

But as the weather cleared, the soldiers advanced into the western section of the city. Soldiers said they had received useful tips from some residents on the location of buried bombs and booby-trapped houses. In the Mufrek neighborhood, several residents said they had been terrorized for months by Qaeda fighters, who commandeered houses to use as positions to shoot at American forces.

The insurgents have imposed a strict Islamic creed, and some have even banned smoking, one resident told Capt. Jeff Noll, the commander of Company B of the First Battalion, 23rd Infantry, during his patrol through the neighborhood.

While the soldiers searched the houses, loud explosions rumbled through the city. Americans were using satellite-guided bombs and rockets where underground bombs were believed to have been buried. The American troops have found 25 improvised explosive devices and have destroyed five homes that were rigged with explosives, the military said in a statement.

Not all the buried bombs were found in time. At least three have exploded, in one case overturning a Bradley Fighting Vehicle and in another damaging a heavily armored Buffalo mine-clearing vehicle. One American soldier has been killed and 12 wounded in those attacks.

In a statement Wednesday, the American military said it had killed 41 Qaeda operatives. Some wounded insurgents were reported to have escaped when they were taken into a nearby home by a group of woman and children, and American troops held their fire.

The Americans said they had not found any indication that insurgent fighters had fled Baquba.

Alissa J. Rubin reported from Baghdad and Graham Bowley from New York. Michael Gordon reported from Baquba. Employees of The New York Times contributed reporting from Kirkut, Diyala, Hilla, Mosul, Kut and Diwaniya.

Anonymous said...

Thank you dailykos...Please learn how to post a link...

Anonymous said...

*Sigh*, not the "off the grid" theme--let me know how things go without use of the roads, and with buying water on the free market (hey wait, water isn't a government service . . . right? right?), and let me know how the neighbors feel about you dumping your sewage in the back yard, right next to the trash.

Good heavens, haven't you ever heard of a well or a septic tank? No trash if you recycle.

Anonymous said...

@14 U.S. Troops Killed

Thanks you for that - I just got off the phone with my husband who is in Baghdad. He says the attacks on the Green Zone are non-stop and Americans are being killed and injured in what was "supposed" to be a safe place from the insurgents. The stories that the media feeds the US are watered down and minimalized. Our men and women are in grave danger, and the American people need to be better informed!!!!

Mouse And Pencil said...

@(Ex) Train

Why do you assume that my or anyone else's definition of "Off the grid" means living within cities or suburbs?

My definition is living AWAY from all of that, on enough acreage to grow enough to self sustain, augemented with fishing/hunting/gathering, not NEEDING roads and all that. Sewage? Cistern, or compost, or fertilizer. Retirement? FAMILY. Water? Wells, or running water in the form of lakes and streams. Luckily, I don't HAVE to live like that, but I'm tired enough of "modern life', with the time wasted over bill paying, fighting with companies, dealing with traffic, and all of the noise that fills our days, that a life like that has an enormous attraction.

People used to live that way, and prospered. Drop your 21st century mentality where you NEED those things, and then you'll have "off the grid", as I define it.

I already posted that true off the grid freedom is impossible as long as their is taxes. It's unavoidable - but it is an apealling idea to look into the modern building techniques to eliminate the expensive heating and cooling systems, to supplement power through solar or other means, grow your own crops (Akubi...grow your own fava beans), NOT live near neighbors, drop the NEED for massive power requirements for tv, computers, whatever. Live simpler. It's a good idea.

Social Security? Don't make me laugh, I've been paying in since I was 16 and I do not expect to ever see a penny of it, period, the system is so broke that it's impossible for it to last out the decade, let alone when I retire. I'm the only person I can truly count on, and I'm NOT betting on the Feds or anyone else taking care of me, or my family, if the shit hits the fan.

Miranda Mayer said...

I dunno about living completely off the grid--I'd like to reverse the direction of the flow tho; I wouldn't mind supplying my own power by turbine or solar panel, and selling the surplus back to the utility. Only about $20,000 investment depending on how you do it. There are a couple of folks around the state already doing that. They're raking the dollars in.

Anonymous said...

@Steph J
That sounds really interesting. Can you do a post on your blog about that?

Miranda Mayer said...

This is interesting:


Uglier than hell, but pretty much self-sustaining--some even have waste treatment systems using swales and even indoor plants.

Miranda Mayer said...

Sure, I'll start working on it. Good idea.

Anonymous said...

People used to live that way, and prospered.

They still do (and very happily I might add).

Anonymous said...

@Steph J

I watched a show on Earthships the other day. They look like the ideal way to live to me, and compared to a "normal" house are not that expensive. I would love to have one. They are very prominent in Taos, NM.

Anonymous said...

Humans lived and evolved off the grid for thousands of years. Shit, my 84 year old grandmother from Romania lived that way until 1950. It's not possible in many areas on a practical level due to population density but there are still many rural areas with no running water or sewer or electricity (ever heard of a generator?).

Anonymous said...

Living off the grid...

Not entirely possible, let's be realistic.

But you can pick and choose which "grid" you plug into, and when you do so.

And by the way, you'd better get used to some back-breaking work, whether you try it dirtside or at sea...

Sprezzatura said...

Oh dear god, NOT the "off the grid" meme.

I remember those people from 1998-99, the Net was full of forums, websites, mailing lists and whatnot on off the grid living, all predecated on the thought that "Y2K" would cause global financial collapse, the modern infrastructure would fail, cities would become unlivable due to mobs of starving poor people, and the only way to survive was to buy gold, 40 acres in the highlands, lots of guns and ammo, and hunker down until everyone else died off.

Oddly, they all vanished after it became clear that the world had survived Y2K quite successfully.

Anonymous said...

The Amish live very comfortably.

Anonymous said...


"... it became clear that the world had survived Y2K quite successfully."

It did?

Damn! I NEVER get the memos!

Anonymous said...

"My definition is living AWAY from all of that, on enough acreage to grow enough to self sustain, augemented with fishing/hunting/gathering, not NEEDING roads and all that. Sewage? Cistern, or compost, or fertilizer. Retirement? FAMILY. Water? Wells, or running water in the form of lakes and streams. Luckily, I don't HAVE to live like that, but I'm tired enough of "modern life', with the time wasted over bill paying, fighting with companies, dealing with traffic, and all of the noise that fills our days, that a life like that has an enormous attraction.

People used to live that way, and prospered. Drop your 21st century mentality where you NEED those things, and then you'll have "off the grid", as I define it.


The lifestyle you propose is impossible unless the world loses 5.5 billion or so people. Survivalists are so fucking dumb, they really think there is some pristine untouched wilderness they can retreat to unmolested by other people.

serinitis said...

Is it just me or is an Internet duscussion about living off the Grid amusing to others as well?

Mouse And Pencil said...

@No Gridlock


Anonymous said...

Marty may well be advising Casey on how to spin the "marketing" on his blog. But I'll bet that Casey hasn't seen one dime from Marty yet.

I bet Casey is either footing the bill for 'virtual assistants' using the ad revenue or they're splitting the bill 50/50. Just a hunch I have from listening to Declan's interview and reading Marty's post on IAFF.

Miranda Mayer said...

Wow... Oregon and a number of special organizations offer all sorts of incentives and discounts if you go Solar. There are even tax incentives. ::hmm::.

I can't research any more tho... I'll work on a nice post very soon, but I need to get back to the grind.

Miranda Mayer said...

LOL serinitis.

r said...

Not to be a complete a$$hole, but the Amish live comfortably, in many cases, due to the technology they eschew. IIRC, their sick and ill are taken to hospitals; they use propane powered refrigerators, they use the trains of the "English" when traveling. They remind me of pacifists who exist by the sacrifice of those that fought and died. I'm not saying that it would be comfortable and worthwhile to live as the Amish - it may very well be the model for all of us in terms of community self sustainability. But it is NOT true that they are "off the grid".

Mouse And Pencil said...

@ 1:53 Anonopussy

Go fuck yourself.

I did'nt say we should LIVE that way, I was defining "off the grid".

Next time, read for comprehension. I like and live with modern conveniences, but i can also appreciate getting away from most of the crap we take for granted or are forced to deal with.

No back to CI/Fucked Board with you, little man.

Sprezzatura said...

The Amish live very comfortably.

Indeed they do, but they don't do it living off in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. In their own way, they are very integrated into the fabirc of society. Just becasue they reject modern technology in their homes does not mean they don't pay their taxes, drive their buggies on the roads, visit the local doctors, participate in commerce, and much more.

Akubi said...

Did Mouse and Pencial mention growing my own fava beans. All for it! I'm all for simpler living. Need to catch up with the rest of the thread.

Anonymous said...


It depends on their ordnung. Some are stricter than others. For example some eskew fridges and use root cellars.

flailing forward said...

The Amish can use any technology they want as long as it's for their business. They can't use it in their homes. However, if they are running a generator or using electricity in their workshop, it's ok to run a cable into the house for the washing machine. They pull modern gas powered balers behind horses to bale their hay. It's retarded.

(Homer voice)
Stupid Amish...

Anonymous said...

Indeed they do, but they don't do it living off in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. In their own way, they are very integrated into the fabirc of society. Just becasue they reject modern technology in their homes does not mean they don't pay their taxes, drive their buggies on the roads, visit the local doctors, participate in commerce, and much more.

More importantly, they use artificial fertilizer and pesticides. Without these, you'll have drastically reduced yields meaning you have to plant more acreage to sustain yourself. Fun fun fun.

Anonymous said...


"Is it just me or is an Internet duscussion about living off the Grid amusing to others as well?"

It is highly ironic.

But what's truly funny is that it is the internet...the "uber-grid" that would make something like that possible.

If your bread and butter is transmittable knowledge, and you go satellite wireless, then there's really no natural impediment to keep you from, say, writing computer code between scuba dives in the Palau Islands or running naked with wallaby packs in the Outback.

So while you'd always be tethered to SOME aspect of society, that tether need not be the hawsers that they are now, but rather thinner than human hairs fiber-optic cables or pulsed digital binary transmissions...from your end.

Now where you get your stuff shipped to...that's another matter.

Anonymous said...

I love the grid.

Anonymous said...

I was very lucky to move into an antique home where all the off grid technology was pre-existing. I also live in the northeast where there is abundant water and other neccasary resourses.

Akubi said...

I had a very pleasant experience living on a self-sustaining organic farm. While it was a stinky endeavor there was something quite meditative about working the compost pile. I was the compost champion!

Anonymous said...

My husband keeps ranting about going "off the grid," and it's one of those things that keeps his house-owning lust flaming sky high.

"If we had a house, we could put in solar panels, and go off the grid!"

"If we had a house, we could raise our own vegetables and we wouldn't have all the pesticide exposure!"

'Course the fact that we'd have to endure 30 years of crushing mortgage debt keeps both of us renting. Once the market bottoms out, though, I'm doomed. I'm a born renter, and he's a born property-owner. He also LIKES gardening and tinkering around with house-related things, and the idea of a huge 30 year loan hanging over his head doesn't bother him in the slightest, which is, of course, everything I hate about owning.

Mouse And Pencil said...


Exactly. I'm not espousing a "survialist" approach to living, but getting out of the madness and grind of "suburban" life. The Internet IS the new development that makes a lot of big changes in lifestyle possible - a bad example is Casey is "making money" while loafng in Australia.

I'd like to get off a lot of grids, but remian plugged into others. I can do that now, and the idea is intriguing. I don't expect the neanderthals and social misfits who troll here to get it, so I won't waste time getting angry with them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just STFU, Mocha!

Akubi said...

I support the return of the victory garden (but I don't have enough space for more than a small weekly salad)!

Bemused Guy said...

Egads - one of the things I love the most about the US of A is the grid!!

I've done my time in the developing world, thank you very much! Give me stable, clean current and US plumbing with water pressure any day!!

Akubi said...

Let's try that linky again. Victory Gardens now!

Anonymous said...

About two years ago a book came out called something like "Back from the Land."

It was by a former hippie who moved to rural Vermont with her husband and two kids, lived in a shack with an outhouse and a wood stove and tried to live off the land, just working crap jobs here and there. The book is about why so many of them came back to society.

It was extremely difficult, despite their being tapped into a whole network of fellow hippies, some on their own, some in communes, exchanging tips and advice.

They were cold, poor, dirty, stinky, and miserable. The work was constant; they were always digging, washing, chopping, cleaning, etc.

The ones who stayed (her husband was one; he remarried and lives in the same shack with his new wife) were living more and more complicated lives anyway, because they wanted indoor plumbing and heat after all.

The Dude said...

Casey's host?

I wish the Aussies would learn good English....they got wurds that don't make cents

Anonymous said...

typing, typing, little bot
how much trollbait have you got?
sit and troll the livelong pay
then collect your paltry pay

Typing stuff that sounds so bad
Don't you know that you've been had?
Anons spinning, spewing jive
While you make what--$4.25?
Aiding and abetting crooks
Who peddle derivative, so called "books,"

With your endless digs and swearin'
Enabling crooks like Casey Serin
trollbots typing till night falls
Marty's got you by the balls...

Akubi said...

The problem could be more to do with Vermont's climate than farming. In California, similar hippy families have done quite well.

Anonymous said...

A full transcript of the Jon Ronson BBC interview is now up at CaseyPedia™.


(I defy anyone to read it without laughing out loud - hand on heart, it's the funniest Casey interview yet)

serinitis said...

@M&P / @Sharky

I agree about the living a much simpler life than most of America currently does. And a lot of the technology that is coming along is going to allow us to do so. This includes not only using the Internet for your job, but also for looking up how to do build stuff yourself. Solar panels will be dropping in price in a couple of years, so along with better insulation, your house can be energy neutral.

Anonymous said...

M & P:

"I'd like to get off a lot of grids, but remian plugged into others. I can do that now, and the idea is intriguing"

Then I think what you want is a solo-rigged sailboat...about 50' should do, with 12/24 volt dc fed by wind generators and solar cells...

And anchored in New York Harbor or San Fransciso Bay.

You're near autarkous, but surrounded by millions, (and you can still get pizza and delivery chinese food, as well as cell service and internet).

Anonymous said...

Solar panels will be dropping in price in a couple of years

There is a serious move away from panels and using roof shingles which are wired instead.

They are aesthetically pleasing and no having to get up there and hose them down.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Meant to include this example of shingles:

Anonymous said...

As appealing as the idea of living more simply may be, I agree that it would take a pretty major population crash for the majority to be able to do it. It requires a lot more land per person than the way we live today. That land has to be arable and have good access to clean water. As Akubi's California/Vermont comparision shows, it should be in a reasonably warm climate too. Relatively little of the US fits that description. We've got lots of desert and lots of mountains, neither of which support farming well. An awful lot of our productive farmland is so only because of large-scale irrigation.

Ultimately, specialization and modern infrastructure are the only things allowing the kind of population density that we have today.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Casey is in the music business as well, writing songs for the Counting Crows:

something going on around here
i could not crawl back if I tried
couldn't wait around
couldn't wait another second
there's something going on around here
i left my baby on the side of hte highway
she just couldn't see things my way

i will treat you good
i will treat you fine
i will treat you good
i know i should

everything that's amazed me
has decayed
like shrinking bones in the sun
can't you tell me why it is
that the beautiful ones are crazy
she's whispering like a mortician now
i left my baby by the side of the road
i left her with a heavy load

i will treat you good
i will treat you fine
i will treat you good
i know i should

something going on around here
i couldn't crawl back if i tried
i left my baby by the side of the road
i left her with a heavy load

i will treat you good
i will treat you fine
i will you treat you good
i know i should

Anonymous said...

Mr. Stewart,
This is just a reminder that your reservations for Anthrocon are confirmed for July 5 through July 8. Chris' anthropomorphic gopher costume should be back from the cleaners by Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is, most of you here have your own blogs. So you are all a bunch of whining attension whore, bitches anyway. But instead of bitching about what ever topic your blog is about on YOUR blog, you sit around camp EN and bitch about THE most interesting blogger. So its "bloggers blogging on other blogs about a blogger." What an existence!!! Where exactly Do you jerks work? I need to get a jub there. Goof off all day and get paid. ::::rolls eyes::::

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Miguel - I find it funny how he says that he failed not because he overpaird, (he never mentiones that fact) but because he was taken advantage of buy big bad smart construction workers who knoew KC was maybe not too smart in the trade.

Anonymous said...

Ah, just shut up!

Anonymous said...

M and P said No back to CI/Fucked Board with you, little man.

Dude read your own posts for comprehension. you are totally contadicting yourself.

Just b/c you have a handle doesnt mean you aint a pussy, pussy.

lets fight. i know you wont pussy.

Anonymous said...


"Ultimately, specialization and modern infrastructure are the only things allowing the kind of population density that we have today."

Actually, the specialiation and modern infrastructure is what is dictating the desirability of simplified, more autarkous, more exurban lifestyles.

(Hey..lookit that, we're back on the blog-topic! Ain't that a kick in the head?)

I think most folks in the western world realize at some level that cities, as we have known them, don't make sense anymore...not in a post-industrial world where you no longer have a Bethlehem Steel or a River Rouge plant running 3 8 hour shifts and thereby necessitating 3 shifts of workers living within commuting,(walking), distance of the factory, mill, or refinery.

That aspect of our civiliation only came about because of the Industrial Revolution...and that's why every city, no matter how well run, has a Dickensian stink to it.

Cities are reverting to what they once towns, and with supply chain management, where automation creates what you want only when you order it, and then delivers it to your home, there may not even be a need for a physical marketplace anymore.

So, the future might conceivably look a lot like a Southern plantation on a navigable waterway,(Tidewater Virginia comes to mind), a Midwestern freeholding located on a railroad line,(pick almost any location in "Flyover Country", or a California Mission along a trail.

We might consider that a horribly lonely existence, but then what would a 18th century American think of how we live today?

Mouse And Pencil said...

School must be out for the day, the trolls are here.

Anonymous said...

Mouse and Pussy wants to get out of the rat race.

Typical EN'er all you ever do is talk sh!t. No action out of you. Want to go offgrid start by S'gTFU.

Anonymous said...


And get off the "farm" fixation about soil usage.

Look...if you can't farm it, you make an orchard, and f you can do neither, you graze it. (I guess we have no Texans on this heah blog).

If none of the above, you own timber land.

And if that ain't happenin' then you're a miner.

Anonymous said...

Trolls go to school?


Who needs training to be a pestiferous idiot?

Anonymous said...


We got a Texan right here baby!!

Anonymous said...

At 2:54 PM, Mouse And Pencil said...
School must be out for the day, the trolls are here.

uh, school is out foolio. you should know you made the same stupid azz comment last week. Hey EN Haterz i think he calling us childrenz.

Mouse And Pencil said...

Most of the trolls who post here are most likely high school students who are essentially parked in daycare with homework, or slacker 20-somethings with virtually no social skills and they take it out on everyone else because they're anonymous.

I should know better than to even acknowledge them, I've been dealing with trolls a long time.

Anonymous said...


Whew...I was listening to all these Californian-transplanetd Okie "sodbudsters". one appreciates livestock anymore.

Anonymous said...

At 3:02 PM, Mouse And Pencil said...
they take it out on everyone else because they're anonymous.

Nope i am just taking it out on you because you are a jackass. oh and i am 38 and make more money that you. and have a cute a girlfreind that is 25. much cuter that that dirty old sock you fuck.

Anonymous said...

@Sharkey, if you think cities did not exist before the industrial revolution, you're sadly mistaken. They have been a part of humanity since Egypt and Sumeria.

serinitis said...


Grazing takes a lot of land per animal. Timber takes a lot of time between harvests. Rural life can have a vegatable garden and some fruit and nut trees to suppliment their grocery purchases but overall these are a very low return on labor.

Cities are very important as markets and cultural hubs. I don't see them going away. I can see them changing so that manufacturing is done in the small towns where land is cheap.

Anonymous said...

Mouse And Pencil said...

I should know better than to even acknowledge them

you cant stop acknowledging them b/c you are a dumb cunt.

do what the last guy told you and STFU.

Anonymous said...

So I'm curious, how much does Marty pay his virtual assistants to post here?

JohnDiddler said...

"As appealing as the idea of living more simply may be... it requires a lot more land per person than the way we live today."

Living simply does not necessarily make everyone farmers. Specialization is still valuable and viable. Bio-regionalism and vegetarianism are living simply, as are lowering consumption and re-using materials. Choosing where you work, insulating your house, and solving problems simply are all ways to live simply.

I live pretty simply. I wash my clothes in my bathwater. I take jobs that let me bike to work. I wear my clothes and drive my cars until they fall apart for good. I try to take care of my stuff. I work with computers so I have those, but probably spend less than most people because I've invented novel techniques to extend computer value. I am still active participant in my economic and social environment. I live simply because it increases the quality of my life.

'Better Off' is a book with a good exploration of simple living, and its differentiation between tools and machines is particularly helpful. I still rely on machines to deliver, well, all of my food. I want to buy more locally. A little reliance is better than a lot of reliance. If you want to live simply, do you throw out everything in one toss, or do you throw out layer upon layer of dependencies? I used to drink water from those big plastic bricks, but tap does taste fine, and is delivered without trucks. Line drying is a remarkable blessing I should have practiced for years. Etc.

One can progress slowly, cherish efficiency, and recognize that the most efficient technique is often also the simplest one. Does that require a farm? I've missed an essential equation in that caricature of simplicity. Simplicity and efficiency often co-exist splendidly. Usually at the store, the cheapest purchase meets your needs, and frequently meets them best. The rest is illusion of value, human folly supported by human labor.

Sometimes in my simple life I think of Casey, and how much cash he blowz on a total illusion of power. Bleeding money is not exerting power. Nor is fiending for it. I work with my carefully evolved spreadsheet, and I innovate and simplify until a plan is viable. It's the difference between one shiny car (on lease, say) and an old car, a new bike, a new scooter, a great helmet, little safety lights and clothes, and a new bus pass. Or just fixing stuff with a well-worn drill and a set of drill bits, and maybe a clamp. Making a kitchen counter out of a door from a tear-down house, and tiles I find in the street. By seeking simplicity I become more powerful wielding tools than many others who wield machines. Casey will probably never know the power in his own two hands. It's always gotta be complicated, that's modern, we're efficient. Efficiently enslaved.

Debt might be the antithesis of living simply.

Anonymous said...

At 3:12 PM, Alabama_Swamp_Donkey said...

So I'm curious, how much does Marty pay his virtual assistants to post here?

Your comedy is old and busted.

Come on people let's get back to what EN was all about, sabatoging Caseys attempt to support his family.

Anonymous said...


"Cities are very important as markets and cultural hubs."

I've dealt with one aspect of the market function of cities.

Let's examine the "cultural hub" aspect.

In the age of the internet and HDTV with satellite and cable, what does "cultural hub" MEAN?

You can earn a college degree online right now.
View the contents of almost any museum online, (and at your leisure).
Attend sporting events, concerts, and government functions from your own sofa.

Mass for shut-ins has been a TeeVee staple since the medium was invented.

So again, what "cultural function" does a city serve the individual that cannot be provided better and more cheaply by modern technology?

And with more advanced technology coming online, you can ride the NYC subways "virtually", even down to the stench of stale urine, (if desired).

Relentless said...

We dont need to worry about harming Casey's ability to support his family he does that quite sufficiently on his own.

Rob Dawg said...

At 1:37 PM, No Gridlock said...
People used to live that way, and prospered.

Yeah. Those 40% that survived childhood lived for a good 30 more years sometimes.

Get this; in California you cannot go off the grid. If you terminate your electric service you will still get a bill for your stranded costs of repaying the electric utilities for their lost profit on the nuclear waste disposal of plants that were never built.

Mouse And Pencil said...


True, but the role of the city is slowly changing - the residents are changing from low-income/blue collar workers to high income urbanites - the service workers now commute. Technology got rid of the need for vast typing pools, paper pushers, doormen, receptionists, and replaced it with more middle management. Here in SFO/Oakland the trend has been the urbanites taking over a lot of the industrial zones to build gourmet lofts, replacing factories and warehouses with high-end housing.

Telecommuting is the key to have the people leave the cities again, and for low-income to move back in. I can now do what i do anywhere I can get a high-speed internet connectio, so I've expanded my choices to include Anchorage for future places to live. My last album project was uploaded to a record label's FTP in Italy, and I was paid through PayPay - the need for being near cities, or even LA, is growing less every year, which is good, because I've gone from wanting a live/work loft studio to wanting a house with lots of acreage and out of the metropolitan areas of the country.

Anonymous said...

"does a city serve the individual that cannot be provided better and more cheaply by modern technology?"

Sex and bar fights.

Anonymous said...

Akubi, that's very true about the climates, but then again not everyone can live in California, either. Though it seems they do sometimes.

Anonymous said...


"if you think cities did not exist before the industrial revolution, you're sadly mistaken. They have been a part of humanity since Egypt and Sumeria."

Why thanks for koining the discussion.

Let's put some perspective on what you're calling a "city".

Context is everything. What was called a "city" in the ancient world wouldn't be Knoxville today.

Those "cities" were market towns to begin with, and they became national capitals and also military strongpoints.

But in OUR context, they were basically large towns.

Look at the demographics of London...1801: 1million residents.
1901: 6 million
2001: 7 million

What happenned in London between 1801 and 1901 to explain the sixfold increase in population?

And why didn't it keep increasing?

(They were really worried about this back in the day...that's why they wanted Australia to be their "larder").

Anonymous said...

At 3:17 PM, Relentless said...
We dont need to worry about harming Casey's ability to support his family he does that quite sufficiently on his own.

True, True. Casey appears to be quite the idiot. But i would be remiss if i didnt point out that the EN folks have spent a tremendous amount of hours on machinations and sabatoge.
Then they come here and gloat.. about it. Not so classy.
I dont like casey at all. My hate for him directed me here. You azz clowns have made me hate you guys even more. I in a small part am hoping Casey suceeds. It would be the ultimate EN pussies burn. I doubt he will suceed that is why I come in here and make fun of you EN dopes.

Anonymous said...

Get this; in California you cannot go off the grid. If you terminate your electric service you will still get a bill for your stranded costs of repaying the electric utilities for their lost profit on the nuclear waste disposal of plants that were never built.

That is truly the most shocking thing I have read here (and that's saying something). Connecticut offers all sorts of incentives/rebates to get people less dependent on the grid.

Anonymous said...


Glad someone alarmed you.

An exurbia discussion has broken out!

Anonymous said...

"Most of the trolls who post here are most likely high school students who are essentially parked in daycare with homework, or slacker 20-somethings with virtually no social skills and they take it out on everyone else because they're anonymous."

Alternatively, we are regular readers who find the cliquish and elf-congratulatory atmosphere, lame posters, even lamer jokes, pseudomorality, hypocrisy, repetitious commentary, back-stabbing, and chubby chasing to be ruining what used to be an interesting and friendly blog.

Watching retarded conspiracy theories about Marty posting (remember when every negative post was Nigel? It was stupid then, too.) is funnier than the normal conversation.

"Why don't you leave then?" five people will ask.

Because it is the only place to get news about Casey's hilarious decline. Trolling is something fun to do while waiting for the once a week cryptic update from the fat walrus. I enjoy it. It is what I do.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Casey's Australian host hasn't shown up here yet, and his Canadian benefactor.

Dolph said...

True, True. Casey appears to be quite the idiot. But i would be remiss if i didnt point out that the EN folks have spent a tremendous amount of hours on machinations and sabatoge.
Then they come here and gloat.. about it. Not so classy.
I dont like casey at all. My hate for him directed me here. You azz clowns have made me hate you guys even more. I in a small part am hoping Casey suceeds. It would be the ultimate EN pussies burn. I doubt he will suceed that is why I come in here and make fun of you EN dopes.

I see. So we gloat about keeping a criminal, who you admit is bad, from making money off of shady deals? Ok.

You say we waste a lot of time "gloating" (funny, how you can't name the people gloating here - most likely not the haterz who use regular nicknames) YET you spend all your time here posting your questionable observations nonstop? Seems to me this sounds like a loser type of mentality. Yep.

THEN you say we aren't classy. post calling people pussies and the like and say we aren't classy. I see.

I tend to call them like I see them, but you can hate us all you want but why root for a criminal to make more money off of others? Seems flawed to me.

Oh well...trolls never made much sense to me anyway. Good day.

(BTW - Generalizing others is similar to assumptions...if you can't back up your claims with facts, you are only speculating and making false claims).

Peace out.

Anonymous said...

"Clubby" Anon:

"Alternatively, we are regular readers who find the cliquish and elf-congratulatory atmosphere, lame posters, even lamer jokes, pseudomorality, hypocrisy, repetitious commentary, back-stabbing, and chubby chasing to be ruining what used to be an interesting and friendly blog."

Hmmm. I think you just said that you don't like the internet.

That's akin to liking cities, but not liking crowds.

Anonymous said...

"Then they come here and gloat.. about it. Not so classy.
I dont like casey at all. My hate for him directed me here. You azz clowns have made me hate you guys even more. I in a small part am hoping Casey suceeds. It would be the ultimate EN pussies burn. I doubt he will suceed that is why I come in here and make fun of you EN dopes."

Yes, this is true.

The funniest part will be when Casey enjoys a free six month vacation courtesy of his blog readers, due to wanting to escape from the constant nagging from his wife about his blog and not wanting to live in a car, and Galina ends up having to live in the Volkswagen anyway. Alone.

(until Cash Call takes it.)

Dolph said...

Yes, this is true.

The funniest part will be when Casey enjoys a free six month vacation courtesy of his blog readers, due to wanting to escape from the constant nagging from his wife about his blog and not wanting to live in a car, and Galina ends up having to live in the Volkswagen anyway. Alone.

Apparently none of his supporters want to help him or else he wouldn't be begging for a place to stay.

Anonymous said...

I scrolled all the way down this goddam post just to bitch about having to scroll all the way down this goddam post. No way I'm readin' all that! Sheezus.

Has Casey's bloated corpse washed up anywhere yet? I needs me some sweet closure.

Anonymous said...

"Hmmm. I think you just said that you don't like the internet."

I like the internet just fine.

Especially trolling blogs and forums.

You have to admit, the discussion here dies pretty quickly without someone to stoke the fires. With the way the "off the grid/want to be Amish" discussion was going, it was only a matter of time before you filthy hobos started talking abou the advantages of living in your smelly fast food wrapper encrusted cars.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for saying that so well. I was composing post after post with people over my shoulder saying "too preachy sounding" and "too granola" about each one.

serinitis said...


I would use Silicon Valley as an example of a cultural hub. The cultural that broke out there was because a large number of geeks were put in close proximity to a large number of financiers. The resulting cultural changes changed the world.

The web can bring people together but it tends to bring like minded people together. So far there has also a difference in the connectivity between Internet friends and people going to the bar after work (this may change. The Friday night talkcasts are closer to bar trips than other internet discussions I have been a part of)

The New York Financial markets are also a cultural hub that have not been duplicated over the Internet.

Dolph said...

Watching retarded conspiracy theories about Marty posting (remember when every negative post was Nigel? It was stupid then, too.) is funnier than the normal conversation.

You don't read the details do you? Marty's admitted he has people who visit blogs and post stuff. Marty doesn't like what is being talked about here. Marty's people use Alexa toolbars. Seems less conspiratorial than factual to me.

Anonymous said...

hooray for the FW!!!

Anonymous said...

The most obvious physical characteristic of the walrus is the presence of large tusks in both the male and female. These tusks, which are canines, can reach lengths of 1 meter (the average size is 50 cm), and are usually longer and heavier in the males (bulls) than in the females (cows). Accompanying the tusks are stiff beard bristles, called vibrissae, and although individual variation in length is great, the bristles can grow up to 30 cm long. The bristles are replaced yearly. In natural environments these bristles are often quite worn. Bulls are physically larger than the cows, growing to lengths of 3 m compared to 2.6 m for cows. Aside from the conspicous beards, both males and females appear almost completely bald. In fact, they are covered with short coarse hair that becomes less dense as the animal ages. Their skin, which lies in many folds and wrinkles, can be 4 cm thick. This tough skin is the thickest on the neck and shoulders of adult males. As walruses age their skin becomes paler. When the animals enter the water they become even paler as blood flow to the skin is restricted. Conversely, when walruses are warm their skin is flushed with blood and they appear to be very red, almost "sunburned." Walruses have no external ears and their eyes are small and piglike.

Anonymous said...

You sir,have been awarded the always coveted-
Post Of The Day Award!!!

Alternatively, we are regular readers who find the cliquish and elf-congratulatory atmosphere, lame posters, even lamer jokes, pseudomorality, hypocrisy, repetitious commentary, back-stabbing, and chubby chasing to be ruining what used to be an interesting and friendly blog.

Watching retarded conspiracy theories about Marty posting (remember when every negative post was Nigel? It was stupid then, too.) is funnier than the normal conversation.

"Why don't you leave then?" five people will ask.

Because it is the only place to get news about Casey's hilarious decline. Trolling is something fun to do while waiting for the once a week cryptic update from the fat walrus. I enjoy it. It is what I do.


I say BRAVO! ,
and GoodDay.
-POTD Award Committee

Anonymous said...

"You don't read the details do you? Marty's admitted he has people who visit blogs and post stuff. Marty doesn't like what is being talked about here. Marty's people use Alexa toolbars. Seems less conspiratorial than factual to me."

Well, based on how many of my posts alone that people have thought were Marty or Casey, I am thinking that it is fairly unlikely to be happening in any real volume.

And again, last month everyone was sure it was Nigel posting all the troll posts. You are a cyclical group. Hate someone, accuse them of trolling, wait until they spill the beans, then love them and pretend that you never _really_ hated them.

One day it will be my turn for love. :`(

Anonymous said...

What is a troll? Can someone explain this to me?

Anonymous said...

I don't quite understand why everyone thinks that if Casey comes through this, that we haterz will be eating humble pie. Maybe one or two of us have yearned for him to finally stumble into poverty and eventually into jail; but others, like myself, are really ambivalent about where he ends up.

I'm not counting on him to fail for my own personal amusement, I'm just expecting he will. But I concede that I'd be very impressed if he pulls himself out of this fairly unscathed, and even happy for him (without stepping on others to do it).

It's the reason why I've stuck around so long (besides being here for the social aspect and being amused by trolls). I continue to hold the vague hope that he will somehow do what's right. It's a tenuous hope, but it's there.

If he does, or he doesn't fail, it doesn't really matter either way. There are too few stories being told these days that aren't tired and predictable. I'm waiting to see how this one ends, good or bad.

And frankly, I don't think he needs to be sabotaged. He's inept enough to create his own obstacles.

Anonymous said...


"I would use Silicon Valley as an example of a cultural hub. The cultural that broke out there was because a large number of geeks were put in close proximity to a large number of financiers. The resulting cultural changes changed the world."

Point well made, and we coud say the same thing about Hollywood in the teens and twenties,

New York and television in the 40's and 50's.

And DC, where the government met the defense contractors and...(well, never mind that one).

I think the money will chase where it thinks there is more money to be made...I have no other explanation for you?

"The web can bring people together but it tends to bring like minded people together."

and look at Schmucktard, monetizing his failure, and attracting the attention of the Duane Legates and Anono-san from Japan.

Just for fun, what do you think R.Dawg could monetize EN for?

Lookit who some of the Haterz ARE, for God's sake!

"The New York Financial markets are also a cultural hub that have not been duplicated over the Internet."

It's coming, it's coming. NASDAQ
National Association of Securities Dealers AUTOMATED Quotations (founded 1971).

It'll happen because it'll be cheaper than how it's done today.

Anonymous said...

Marty is a waste of human flesh. He is a bottom-feeder whose only real claim to fame is his ability to fool those who are dumber than himself.
He hires geeks on the internet who need World of Warcraft money, to surf the net for him. They click his Google links, post to blogs, and attempt to drum him business for his partners to attempt to make his business look legit.

Now his attempt is to create chaos and disruption of the HaterZ site to take the focus off Casey's illegal activities and Marty's exploitations, and instead disrupt the boards here.

Enjoy your $5.25/hour posting, the truth is out there.
Casey is a fraud.
Marty is a slimeball who I pray doesn't catch fire in front of me while I have a full bladder, I'd hate to have to piss my own pant to avoid slowing down the flames.

Akubi said...

At 3:12 PM, JohnDiddler,
While I like to fantasize about living in a self-sustaining farm far from the traffic, crowds and Spare the Air Days, RL is more along the lines of what you stated.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie J...You don' need to justify your need to watch the train wreck. I'm here to watch it and hope it gets going soon.

What is a troll?

Rob Dawg said...

Trolling is something fun to do while waiting for the once a week cryptic update from the fat walrus.

Hey, there's a way to get your gracious host to be more accomodating.

Anonymous said...

Don't be surprised if Declan does a story about the HaterZ very soon.

Rob, I'd be looking in to adding forums pretty soon. I have a feeling you about to get slammed with traffic.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Thanks, Miguel! Best transcript yet! *wipes tears of schadenfreuderrific mirth from eyes*

Anonymous said...

Marty doesn't pay his people to post here. Some of them do this to support his ventures. He is a true visonary and big things are coming. I'm personally going to buy a few copies of Casey's book to show my support.
If I were a hater, I'd spend more time at or than over here where all you get is in-fighing among he readers.

Dolph said...

One day it will be my turn for love. :`(

I love you despite your misguided trolling.

I don't HATE anybody. Do I hope Casey succeeds? Yes, IF he does it on the up and up and not through shady secretive deals.

Will I applaud if he fails? Nah. But, like Steph said, I won't be surprised as I expect it to happen.

His M.O. proves us right time and time again. Hate me for saying such things, but you know deep in your heart he can't succeed. He's a disaster.

Dolph said... than over here where all you get is in-fighing among he readers.

Factually incorrect. If there is supposed fighting, it's usually stoked by an anon.

If a regular questions another regular, there is always a decorum of respect.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Thanks, Miguel! Best transcript yet! *wipes tears of schadenfreuderrific mirth from eyes*

Not at all - and here's another link to save people trawling through dozens of posts to find the original one.

Anonymous said...


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