Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We Come Not To Praise

For reasons I am not privy to we "need" a new post to do character reveals.


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Murses said...


Murses said...

And musrt

Murses said...

Or MURST, rather.

Unknown said...

The blue ball has Burst. ;)

Anonymous said...

Jeez Rob - even Stephanie doesn't have that kind of hold over you! Guess the Shark can be a little scary when he gets riled up!

Murses said...

Bring on the show. Lets show some haterz lovin.

lawnmower man said...

CHJTS is digging into Glenn Snow.

I'm not sure there's much juice there myself -- Casey's moved on to bigger daddies now; did he burn Snow along the way?

What does seem clear though is that the best way to make money in Sacramento real estate is: run a real estate investors club.

Anonymous said...

Please stop, I won't be able to take the pressure.

lawnmower man said...

"There's a reason they call it the Outback."

Anonymous said...

Hey LMM,

How are you able to check how many comments are in moderation at IAFF?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I need more TalkShoe! Obviously 3 hours per week isn't enough.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hayes:

Well, as I said before, at least for purposes of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, the 2.2 isn't the figure that would be used - it would be offset against whatever the bank was able to recover on the properties, or in some cases, what the court determined to be the "fair market value" or the property.

For example, say Casey never misses a mortgage payment, flips the houses and makes a bunch of money, and the bank never loses a dime. Casey has still committed a federal crime, but the "actual loss" is zero, which would reduce the severity of his crime (and whatever his jail time might be).

You're probably right about the State level - they typically have less discretion about which cases to "take" - I'd focus my efforts on them.

My spelling is degrading the more I am trying to multitask.

Not legal advice, Casey!

Anonymous said...

wtf is a character reveal?

Anonymous said... comments in moderation = 443

Anonymous said...

Its not multi tasking. Its Serinitis. A disease that affects spelling, nap needing, and tends to hit people on this blog

lawnmower man said...

@Wench: someone -- flailing forward? -- pointed out a few posts ago that registered commenters at IAFF can still view IAFF's WordPress Dashboard:

The Dude said...

You'll begin, slowly at first, but with ever increasing frequency, to say such things as looser and amature.

GOD! there no cure for this malady?

The Dude said...


I can see it....and I'm not a registered commenter.

Anonymous said...

So if Steve Cook was really the East Coast Mentor that's just wonderful, it says on his website that he's from North Carolina. Well damn I thought my home state was immune to all of you Left Coast Pie-in-the-sky Speculators. It's bad enough that Snowflake did a deal in my back yard (the POS Durham house), now he's gotta bring all his drama up in my house with a mentor.

flailing forward said...

Steph J is a swoon ho!

Anonymous said...

The Dude -

I am not a registered commenter either but I can't see it - where are you looking??

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about Casey's latest "i'll do whatever's right" post (more cynical bullshit, IMO) and wondering just what exactly he could do to put all this right now, should he really want to. After all the shit he's pulled i really don't know what a suitable punishment would be. I mean Galina needs to leave him, no doubt, but how much jail time would be reasonable? What do people think?

Oh, by the way, after the last couple of days i am now actually bigger than actual size in my picture.

Anonymous said...

"i'll do whatever's right" is Casey speak for I can manipulate G.

Anonymous said...

I am willing to bet money that Casey is already back to the USA or he is on his way home now.

I am also betting that Galina Serin and Mama Serin will greet and welcome the little frauster with open arms.

Anyone else on the bet?

flailing forward said...

Assuming that the feds aren't going to be interested in Casey, it seems like local prosecutors would have even less interest because there would be even lower damages associated with the deals, considering the spread out nature of Casey's shenanigans.

I would expect that the NM prosecutor would only care about NM fraud, and so on. If that's the case, the most Casey has in one area is California, where he has two foreclosures in Sacramento and one in Modesto. The Dallas deal doesn't sound like the lender really got screwed, and he sold one of the NM homes, so it's just 1 home in Utah, one in NM, 2 in Sac, and 1 in Modesto. Would any of the local prosecutors really bother for one or two homes? The damages would be maybe 150k at the most.

Anonymous said...

"i'll do whatever's right" = I'll do whatever someone tells me is right that sounds good to me. Then afterwards I will blame them for their bad advice when I finally "realize" that it was wrong.

When is chimpCasey going to find scientology?

The Dude said...


I C&P the url

It's asking for user and pw...but says I'm not, and I'm not, in the database.

Unknown said...

From last thread:

Wow, that didn't take long

Anonymous said...


"I thought my home state was immune to all of you Left Coast Pie-in-the-sky Speculators. "


Have you ever been to Charlotte?

(Although, to be fair, they did the I-77 corridor around Lake Norman pretty nicely)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of detective work, apologies if I'm bursting anyone's bubble, but who registered

today (6/13/2007) and had it re-direct to Egg Super Nation? Rob?

Anonymous said...

Mister Dawg,
Before you sick your pals on me I figger I'll just out my self...was deadheadin' back home when I spotted a little lot lizard (Mister Serin though his hair was dyed back then) Little fucker ran off with my wallet...PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT MY WIFE!!!!
your friend in christ joe

Anonymous said...

People. The majority of the unsecured debt is cash withdawls on the credit cards.

I asked KC if that was the case and he waffled.

I told him that I would pay him $1000 for copies of 24 months of his credit card statements.


I guarantee you that he drained every account and stashed the money.

I used to think that his wife is in on it, and am still inclined to believe that she is.

His family is definitely in on it.

Want to know what is in the murse? House breaking and lock picking tools. He is a gypsy and is from a family of gypsies.

The little fraud isn't coming back.

That car? He *purchased* it you fools.

Anonymous said...

From the previous thread, from anonymous laywer: 23 Year Old Indicted for Saying He Earned $75,000 a Year When He Only Really Earned $60,000

Based on actual occurrences, the real Serin headline would be --

24 Year Old Indicted for Saying He Earned $250,000 a Year When He Was Unemployed And Really Earned $0. At Least Five Separate Times.

Big difference, IMO.

CHJTS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh wow I just remembered something.

One of my very most beloved old-school IAFF commenters was the Aussie! With all the crazy Aussie slang? I loved that guy... although he did take a lot of flack for his "accent".

Peaceful Bystander said...

I don't even know where things are going at this point - the threads are EVERYwhere - but I am getting a kick out of it.

I'm noticing a trend: it seems to be less about Casey now and more about outing the secret financiers, the location location location, helping (sweet, sweet) Galina, crushing the book deal and toppling Casey's e-empire like a house of cards.

And in the end, I'm left feeling like this chapter of Casey's life is very much a hoax, a new sordid and so very twisted page and subplot that we're all buying into.

We're "finding" all this information and, seemingly, ruining the one last chance he had to make an "honest" buck.

Lawnmower man's find of Glenn Close -- 34 minutes after Swaby dropped a post that was supposed to be a tease - really makes me suspicious about the recent turn of events.

To me, these are all plants and hooks and...more juice for his drink.

In the midst of all this excitement and fun, I smell smoke.

Everything's become too convenient.

Anonymous said...

Morgan the Hater:

"He is a gypsy and is from a family of gypsies."

Is he?

May I ask how you know?

(No, family has been American for too long,(late 18th century)to know Euro and Central Asia cultural stuff.)

Anonymous said... takes me straight to exurbannation...Sweet!!!

keylan said...

Morgan, Serin does not come up as a Rom/gypsy name. besides they are generally adept at whatever crinimal activity they are in. Mr. kangeroo is an idiot, part of his problem is he is the Barney Fife of conartists.

Peaceful Bystander said...

Ha ha.

I said Glenn Close. Close, snow. Uma, Oprah. Oprah, Uma.

Anonymous said...

Charlotte is growing but not at the huge leaps and bounds that many other similar cities are seeing. Asheville is probably the wildest "city" in NC right now and I believe the only one appreciating at or near double digits. The Triangle, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and (ughh) Durham is steady at around 4-5%/year for at least the last couple of years. All I'm saying is Durham has enough problems they don't need fliptard coming in here and hurting the city anymore. My point is, is that most of this growth is a direct result of the sun. Hell, other than my house I avoid real estate at all costs.

Lou Minatti said...

This has probably been said a dozen times, but I don't have the time to post much now during the day. All I can do is get caught up at the end of the day, and since Monday my jaw just about hits my keyboard when I log in around 8:00 pm my time.

I read that transcript of the interview with Declan and there is not a tinge of remorse. None. Just petulance and selfishness. He's angry that his adventure was "scooped" by another site. But he doesn't see anything abnormal about leaving his wife on 1-hour notice to fly halfway around the world while spending most of their few remaining dollars. Nice guy, leaving G behind to deal with the harassment from the many creditors. What a man.

He could have gone to the library if he needed quiet, alone time.

Anonymous said...

So is anyone else with me on the bet that Galina Serin and Mama Serin will welcome back Casey with open arms?

I am also betting that Casey is already on his way back home.

Anonymous said...

sorry that 6:07 anon is me

Anonymous said...

This is getting as boring as the fliptards blog...Deliver some content already.

Oh and some cobbler. I like Peach.


Anonymous said...

Come on folks. Since when does the MSM write headlines like that? This is a nation obsessed with celebrity justice. Serin is certainly a celebrity these days. The headlines will be much more sensational. Have we already forgotten The Juice had his booked pulled due to public outrage? If Serin writes a book on how to commit fraud, I think he will get the press and attention he wants, and the authorities will have no choice but to haul him in. Although I'm not optimistic he'll spend more than 30 days in the pokey. Oh, and lying about his income won't be the reason, it is an elaborate cash-back mortgage fraud ring.

Anonymous said...

Keylan and Sharky,

the rooskies may not come up as your traditional eastern euro gypsies, their behaviour is exactly the same. they are just like travellers.

yeah, Kostya just happened to forget what his parents did 5 years ago.


He is much smarter and more shrewd than you give him credit for.

Think about how he is manipulating folks that are considerably older than him, that have more life experience than him, yet he is a dunce? He succeeded because you bought the act.

He isn't coming back.

My guess is that he had between $350K-400K in that coffee can.

Anonymous said...

Sorry CHJTS - if that was the results of your "digging" that you insisted on a new post for - you fell really short.

That was just mean spirited, derogatory to all women in general, and very very lame.

CHJTS said...

The new post wasnt just for me.

there are dozens out there digging right now that have far more sleuthing ability that I do.

lawnmower man said...

@huck finn: I'm not a plant, but I can't speak for Nigel. It is true though that Snow is ridiculously easy to find given the information Nigel revealed.

So your theory is that we're being played: that Casey is leaking information so he can triumphantly point and crow "look at you evil haterz!"

I dunno. The blundering idiot with a gaggle of hangers-on seems a lot more likely to me than the brilliant mastermind with a gang of obedient minions.

Casey does like a bit of baitin', though.

As for the book: we're not going to see The Foreclosure Code in bookstores. It's not going to touch the public consciousness. This is infoproduct, with all the scaminar associations that implies. It'll be hawked on the web on keyword-laded pages, just like the rest of the Boost Your Website Income and Male Enhancement Now craporama.

CHJTS said...

lawnmower man.

Speaking of male enhancement..did you see veronicas assets?

Anonymous said...

Lighten up, Wench. Women like to be impregnated.

CHJTS said...

errr victoria I mean.

Sorry I was distracted.

Anonymous said...

Can someone PLEASE recap the events of last week for me? I have been away and it will take several hours to read through all of the posts.

From what I see, Fliptard bailed on G, and is in Australia. What happened? Who are these new cast of characters?


Anonymous said...

If Casey has $300K in a coffee can, he'd be a fool to write a book. He needs to appear flat broke and busted. Then he needs a good laundry service so he can pull that can out of the ground and say he earned it honestly. But serial conartists have never been good at the end game. They just keep on rolling until it all spirals out of control. ZZZZ Best to Hakan Yalincak.

Anonymous said...

Morgan Morgan:

"the rooskies may not come up as your traditional eastern euro gypsies, their behaviour is exactly the same. they are just like travellers."

Okay. A mobile scam artist is going to behave a lot like any other flim-flam man from anywhere.

It's like an auto mechanic is going to use the same tools and know the ame things with every other mechanic from anywhere.

But you've asserted that he's a Gypsy...which is a bloodline/ ethnic group, and that's a different kettle of fish.

So do you KNOW that he and his family are Gypsies?

"Kostya just happened to forget what his parents did 5 years ago"

Gee, if you wrte this in Cyrillic, it couldn't be MORE cryptic.

"Think about how he is manipulating folks that are considerably older than him, that have more life experience than him,"

I've noticed that...even people who know him to be a scumbag are adamant that he's "got what it takes" to make it big in business.
(I'm thinking Duane and LossMitPro's assessments here).

If he's all that hot, he would have cashed it in for larger than whatever grubstake he may hve had in a coffee can,

So...out with it, willya?

It's a lot of heat and smoke and not much fire tonight

Anonymous said...

Anonymous lawyer back . . .

Flailing forward - you're probably right to a certain extent. As a practical matter, the ADA might just not care because all of the homes weren't in his home state. As a technical legal matter, some of the states (California, at least) probably have concurrent jurisdiction over crimes comitted over all of the houses.

I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up, but if the Government wanted to throw the book at Casey, he also (assuming for arguments sake that everything is true) committed wire fraud and mail fraud - the two "catch all" crimes that the Government always throws in there.

Anonymous said...


WTF?? But honestly, dragging unsuspecting women who have not done anything wrong that we know of into this mix and insulting them while posting their pictures is WRONG. (Helluva long sentence wasn't it?)

BTW - women like to have big boy sex - not 2 pump chump mursey boy type sex.

Anonymous said...

The gypsy part is a very educated guess plus some info from someone that Kostya did business with.

There are lock picking tools in the murse, people. This is VERIFIED.

In the interview with Declan that was posted either today or last night, he said that he couldn't remember what his parents did 5 years ago, but he knows that they worked hard.

yeah. that is normal. He lives so far away from them and is out of their lives, he just lost track, right? Oh wait, he lives close by and sees them all the time, but he just happened to forget what they did 5 years ago. Of course he "forgot." Do you think that he wanted to say that they are running scams and ripping people off?

He has what it takes to scam people. He is shrewd and good con man.

He is so good that people buy the dumbest man on earth ploy. You all underestimate him and he plays you like little bitches.

He has told his whole story on line and he is out walking around. Without a care in the world.

$350K for free...well, free for him. He never intended to pay that back.

Anonymous said...

"He is much smarter and more shrewd than you give him credit for."

No way. Listen to the audio files between Casey and Marty and it'll become obvious he's fairly clueless. Even after all the seminars and real-life experience he still can't grasp the basics of RE investing or even simple business practices.

Casey is little more than a wanna-be who happened to walk into the bubble at the right time(or wrong time depending on how you view it).

There was no planning involved in the buying of all those properties. It was just one impulse after another and most of them he was suckered into about a bad as anyone could. He's an imcompetent dumbass.

It doesn't surprise me he didn't know what his parents were doing at that time. Along with being self-absorbed, he has a terrible memory based on many other questions put to him in those tapes. Most disorganized people have horrible memories and he's extremely disorganized, even moreso if you can imagine him being an 'investor" as he likes to call himself.

Casey has been extremely lucky so far in life. I doubt it'll continue.

I was in the thick of things during the dot-com boom and subsequent daytrading fad that sucked thousands in. I was a "soes-trader" years before anyone heard of the term "daytrading" and I know countless people just like Casey with stories very similar to his from those crazy few years of dot-com/daytrading bubble. He's nothing unique. This guy couldn't pull off a scam if his life depended on it and he's too naive and stupid to put on a real act.

Anonymous said...

Perry Mason:

"...wire fraud and mail fraud - the two "catch all" crimes that the Government always throws in there."

You forgot income-tax evasion. worked for Capone.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the subtle-as-a-meat-cleaver trolling tonight... Some advice: don't take the bait.

The Dude said...

WTF?? But honestly, dragging unsuspecting women who have not done anything wrong that we know of into this mix and insulting them while posting their pictures is WRONG. (Helluva long sentence wasn't it?)
BTW - women like to have big boy sex - not 2 pump chump mursey boy type sex.

I read this and said...WTF did *I* do? Then I see imposterpussy Dude posted the insulting comment.

Hopefully, KC will start to moderate so the scum will gravitate back his way.

Anonymous said...

"BTW - women like to have big boy sex - not 2 pump chump mursey boy type sex."


I think you're confused. I last longer than two pumps (Hint: It's three!).

Peaceful Bystander said...

@ lawnmower man

I don't think that the work anyone is doing finding this new information isn't amazing or cool, but everything has become way too convenient lately.

For months, it's been Casey supplying the info - and that was fine.

Recently, however, it's people finding info on the people he's working (or worked) with. It's legitimate supporters turning to the dark side at a moment's notice. It's Steve calling in on a Fraudcast. It's Galina talking now.

And so on.

It's no longer Casey writing the story - it's the haterz driving hits, adding intrigue, drama and suspense.

It seems to me that the fascination with his life and the players involved are the new story, not so much the fact that he fucked up with foreclosures.

He DID do that - he screwed up many deals and lied doing it - but as the anonymous poster from the FBI stated, it's not likely he'll be prosecuted. He's small potatoes to the bigs. Knowing that, he can embellish his story however he wants.

It strikes me he's dropping hints and very vague details about what's going on and everyone else is telling the tale - directing him where to take the story next.

I think Steve is in on it - and was before he called the Fraudcast. I think Galina's in on it now, too. This new hype and oh-my-God-this-is-too-crazy-to-be-real is adding to the story.

It's the whole "if it seems to be good to be ture" thing and all that.

Anonymous said...


You're definitely right about tax evasion (I don't know about Casey's taxes). The criminal divison of the IRS getting involved is probably worse for Casey than the FBI investigating - they're supposed to be almost masochistically persistant and patient.

I have a feeling that this has been posted before, but here is a link to the Sacramento County District Attorney's Real Estate Fraud Division, complete with a real estate fraud hotline:

Here is a link to an online form from that site that allows you to report suspected real estate fraud:

I imagine if every posted filled one out they might assign someone to take a look.

Anonymous said...

"There are lock picking tools in the murse, people. This is VERIFIED."

First I've heard of that. How/where is this verified?

Anonymous said...

Huck Finn - I am not from the FBI, I'm a criminal defense attorney . . .

Anonymous said...

Tim from Oz was the one with all the great aussie slang

Peaceful Bystander said...

Sorry, anon. I was catching up and some of the details got fuzzy.

Still, your point was a good one. He did a lot of illegal things, but in the grand scheme of things, except for his thumbing his nose at the Fed, he is essentially small potatoes.

Right now this smells more like the next A Million Little Pieces than it does the next Enron (on a personal level).

Anonymous said...


"$350K for free...well, free for him. He never intended to pay that back."

I had that figured out pretty much from the get go.

"He has told his whole story on line and he is out walking around. Without a care in the world."

Well, not exactly. 350k isn't what it used to be, is it?

And the Kangatard is only 25 years old...he's going to live a long time, if no-one he has stiffed gets ahold of him.

I know of one place in the Anglosphere where you could live decently on 35k US a year...South Africa.

And trust me that the RSA may be a good place to hide, but it's not where you'd want to spend a lifetime.
Everyone with the means and an IQ above room temperature,(white, black, and other), is getting out as fast as they can.

"There are lock picking tools in the murse, people. This is VERIFIED."

A tension wrench and a tumbler pick? I've seen hair and nail care implements that look like, and coud be easily adapted to pick locks, not as easily as purpose-built, or a "gun", but they look very similar...(and that's all I'm gonna say about THAT!).

"He has what it takes to scam people. He is shrewd and good con man."

He's got a pretty face and a line of hogwash.
Like any good scamster, the flim-flam is entirely dependent on what's going on in the Mark's mind.

Look how long he strung Nigel along.

But he ain't all that and a bag of chips. If he was, none of us would have ever heard of him.

And, what benefit did he accrue from his NLL contract? His Kiyosacki appearance, and his 16k forkover to Nouveau Riche U?

"He is so good that people buy the dumbest man on earth ploy."

He's not dumb, he's blinded by his greed...and his eyesight was never that good to begin with.

"The gypsy part is a very educated guess plus some info from someone that Kostya did business with."

I see.

Anonymous said...

Damn Nigel,

Turns out all you had to do was talk on the phone to people with funny nicknames and you have gained redemption in the eyes of many.

Me, I'm still not a big fan. I know you have had a good couple of days and I don't want to spoil it for you so I will keep my comment brief:

Nigel Swaby
Koi Pond
Algae cause by the sun
BMW (2)
POOL (Indoor)
Olympic Pin
Jamaican Bobsleds
Goofy Headshot
Forensic Ninja Accountant
Award Winning (Bronze)
Nationally recognized
Comment Deletion
Haterz Outerz
Link Whoring

I just missed seeing all that stuff here. I'll make the jokes later, when it's more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

As someone who has been around some white collar fraud, I will add my two cents for what it is worth.

- On a federal level, it is not just the FBI that investigates fraud. The Secret Service does as well.

- If a bank sends in a SAR (Suspicious Activity Report is what I think it stands for) it will be investigated by the FBI. If they pass on it due to size, time contraints, whatever - it can (and usually is - passed on to the SS.

- The AUSA (assistant US Atty) would be the one who prosecutes these types of cases. Do a FindlAw search on how big an US prosecutors office is...iut is scary how big they are...tons of lawyers and they have the unlimited resources of the US government to investigate.

- If they have/are investigating Casey he would not know as grand juries are done in secret. he won't know until indicted (usually)

Anonymous said...

Casey Serin -

be advised our brothers in the following chapters have been notified of your failure to pay on the Phoenix bill.

HAMC Sydney
HAMC Melbourne
HAMC Brisbane

Anonymous said...

Lets play a little "Snow" Schnitzeljagt:






Anonymous said...

I noticed KC's last post on IAFF was:
Is everybody against me? Regardless of all the mistakes, at this point I just want to do the right thing. Whatever that is.
And my thought was how sad. He wants to do the right thing but for some reason he can't quite grasp what it is. I wonder if years of guru training can do that to someone?

Anonymous said...

Moving on - once Casey is indicted (assuming he is) he will have to me with PTS. Pre-Trial Services will do a complete background check and interview to decide what to recommend to the judge for bond.

- Once indicted, Casey will be either arraigned or arrested. If allowed to report in (forget the exaxt term) he will be notified of the indictment and just have to report the day of the arraignment. If arrested he is F*cked.

- As for a guess on what to charge him under, I like 18 USC 1344 - bank fraud. Punishable up to 30 years in prison and $1M...he won't get that much but that is the tops.

Federal Sentencing Guidelines is all based off point levels and past criminal activity. Federal convictions HAVE NO PAROLE.

Casey would start off at with 7 points for violation, plus at least 6 - 10 additional points for the amount...depending on how the value the loss. If just mortgage fraud they may ignore the cc debt...or they may include it as part of a larger, multi-count indictment.

Once the total points are known then you plug it into the Federal Sentencing Guidlelines grid. Best thing Casey could hope for is Zone C. That would allow him to do a split- sentence (1/2 home detention 1/2 prison camp)

Look, there is a lot more here....I'm just scratching the surface. Please don't nail me not having the points totaled correctly. I'm just trying to lay out for Casey that THIS IS REAL.

He'd better wise up, as a AUSA has gone after much smaller fish - if it is a slam dunk - and Casey is a slam dunk. There are AUSA that have gone after those who have frauded only $25k...they could possibly get Casey for $2.0 million...he is not the small of a fish!

CHJTS said...

calm down wench.

It is a guy thing.

You wouldnt understand.

Anonymous said...

Enough with the hidden coffee cans crap. Seriously, if you had 400K in cash hidden around the house..would you go public with the possibility? If he managed to scam 400K away, why ask for an investigation by documenting about it. Wouldn't it be better if he just kept quiet and sneaked off into the night? If he hadn't started his blog, nobody would have heard of Casey and he could be in australia right now scott free! Instead he has people reporting him to DA's, lenders, cashcall etc's gonna be pretty easy for his lenders to show he was making and spending money that he owed them these last few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes indeedy the feds go after small fry.

They went after a whole bunch of people who claimed $2,000 fraudulently after Katrina.

Anonymous said...

I want a letter from the California AG and the FBI stating that they condone mortgage fraud and would like to see more of it. Everyone is crooked, right down to the dog catcher. Steal $5 go to jail, steal $500k, no biggie.

Anonymous said...

QWERTYdog, that's partially correct, an SAR (which I doubt was issued in Casey's case) is passed to the Department of the Treasury. SS used to be part of the Department of Treasury (it's under Homeland Security now), and it does investigate some broader financial crimes, but it focuses most on counterfeiting operations (other agencies, like Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, also deal with some financial crimes).

When a US Attorneys does want to do something, they do have virtually unlimited resources to do it. However, they're constantly concerned about cost-benefit, as well as the fact that they can't prosecute EVERY potential crime and they have to prioritize (the statute of limitations is ticking).

Grand jury investigations (at least federal) are secret in the sense that the grand jurors, the prosecutor, and the stenographer are sworn to secrecy. The witnesses, however, are not. Thus if Steve Serin was called to testify before a grand jury, he could readily pick up the phone and call Casey and say "there's a grand jury investigation focusing on you, they asked me x, y, and z questions". Likewise, if one of his lenders got a grand jury subpoena asking for his financial records, they could disclose that fact to whomever they want. The idea is that the secrecy is designed to protect the witness so he'll be completely candid knowing no one else in the room can repeat what he says - he, however, can tell whoever he wants.

That's why it's virtually impossible to keep a big grand jury investigation "secret".

Anonymous said...

@ Legion,

Yeah, he doesn't have any money. He just miraculously finds a way to go to Utah. Go to phoenix. go to tahoe. Get new stuff for his car. Get other new toys. Go to australia.

Oh yeah, someone else must have paid for that each and every time. *rolleyes*

You are a naive moron that has bought the bullshit, hook, line and sinker.

Have you always been a dupe or do you just play one on the Internets?

CHJTS said...

At 5:22 PM, lawnmower man said...
CHJTS is digging into Glenn Snow.

I'm not sure there's much juice there myself -- Casey's moved on to bigger daddies now; did he burn Snow along the way?

What does seem clear though is that the best way to make money in Sacramento real estate is: run a real estate investors club.

lawnmower man..i heard from someone who listened to caseys tapes that the 50k cash back deal was done from a realtor/mortgage broker woman that casey met at an investors club?

Anonymous said...


No, I doubt Casey would do actual jail time, I think he would end up with probation. He'd end up between a 6 - 9 (depending on the actual loss, which doesn't seem like too much), and he doesn't have any prior convictions. He would get a few points knocked off for "acceptance of responsibility". And about his CC debt - are you serious? It's not a federal crime to have credit card debt, that wouldn't factor in to a "multi-count indictment" at all.

Anonymous said...

Casey and Glenn: Snowflake and "Snow" Flake

Anonymous said...

Snow videos

Last Login: 1 day ago

Anonymous said...

Oh, I almost forget - upward and downward departures in calculating total points in the sentencing.

First, once he pleads (or is convicted) - this case would not go to trial - he'll plead a multi-count indictment down to a single-count indictment or will just plead guilty.

The probation office / officer will make him fill out a HUGE set of forms - pre-sentence interview paperwork - and he'll have to disclose EVERYTHING. All assets, all debts, all income, all deals, all businesses, EVERYTHING. And if he lies - eh will be caught and they will add years /violations onto his sentence. He cannot get around it. MArtha Stewart did it, as will our little casey.

He will meet with probation office and they'll tell him how often he can check in - typicallt monthly but since he is a flight risk it will be a lot more. Random drug tests until he proves he is clean.

Once he pleads the sentencing is 3-6 weeks out. A very loooooooooong 3-6 weeks Casey.

In that time his attorney will get the PSR (pre-sentence report) from the probation officer that details what the sentencing guidleines call for. His attorney (or public defender since he is destitute) can argue certain points of the PSR. For example, his attorney can argue for a downward departure for aberrant behavior (I think it is 5K2.1 in the USSG - could be wrong)
He could argue family responsibilities downward departure...
He could (and should) get acceptance of responsibility - which is worth a -2 points - HUGE.

BUT - the AUSA can argue for upward departures to ADD points (ie sentence time) to the deal.

It all goes down at sentencing. Judge reviews the PSR, the arguements for/against by AUSA & defender, then oral arguements

WAIT - almost forgot. Casey's defender will want those who love and support Casey to write letters on his behalf to be part of the defender's sentencing memorandum...WHO WILL WIRTE SUPPORTING LETTERS TO THE JUDGE FOR CASEY?


Anonymous said...

This site attracts a bright group of folks but I'll say it anyway: do not click on the troll bait, they are clearly placed as IP traps.

Anonymous said...

QWERTYDog, he's not going to be arguing with the AUSA over upward and downward departures because that will already be desribed in the plea agreement he has signed (which he has signed before the grand jury ever handed down an indictment).

Anonymous said...

This is the Seinfeld post - "the post about nothing".

Rob, whomever requested this post has revealed nothing so far in its 2 hours of exsistence.

Anonymous said...

I just saw on Caseypedia that Snowflake has/had a corporation by the name of "Finch Properties". I'd never read about that until now. I Googled it. Guess what comes up?

The Utah County(of wrap fame) recorder's office. What's that heading in the middle? Everybody's favorite fish. I'm sure they're unrelated, but still...

gamsatstudent said...

As to information that can be gleaned from the photo Casey pulled off his blog:

Almost certainly Australia - the gum trees (far right) have a distinctive shape.

A weather check as to the date could verify Casey's location - Perth, for instance, doesn't tend to have clouds as much.

People have been posting car dealers that A) would stock a Prius (can't verify this, no good with cars) B) stock *both HSV and Mitsubishi. I think this is barking up the wrong tree. In the first photo, there is a clear streetlamp on the right, facing the street. The powerlines also run along the street, at least in Sydney (fits in with NSW rego stickers) . This means the Mitsubishi dealership is on the other side of the street, and is unlikely to be the same dealership.

Anonymous said...

@Morgan the moron
I don't know who you are but I have been here a lot longer than you so you can blow me. Anyone who has read my posts knows that I have no love for Casey the shithead and even less for Nigel who I pronounced an asshole when most people didn't even know who he was.

Your comment about Casey not having money is idiotic. He didn't have money for starbucks jamba juice or macaroni grill yet he went there. If you had been around longer, you would have read and heard that he recently got a corporate credit card and that he has been using that to make his recent purchases. I ddin't say he was broke, I said there is no way he has over 10 grand stashed away. Why buy the piece of shit car then?
Ahh forget it, I waste my time on cretins like you.
By the case I forgot, go fuck yourself k?

Anonymous said...

Morgan Morgan:

"He just miraculously finds a way to go to Utah. Go to phoenix. go to tahoe. Get new stuff for his car. Get other new toys. Go to australia."

According to Swaby, Money-man "G" paid for Utah.

As for the rest? credit cards-credit cards-credit-cards.

Pay the minimum with cash advance from the next and so on and so on and so on.

We DO know that the one thing Hobbit CAN do passably well is apply for a loan, right?

But back to the Casey's Coffee can meme for a minute.

How did he transport 350k to Australia?

I've carried 15 grand in cash around in 20's and 50's, and it was two stacks an inch thick each.

I had to use large binder clips to keep 'em bound and "controllable".

(Thank God for cowboy boots).

Fliptard carries a murse, not a seabag, y'know.

And if he flew on a one-way ticket purchased in cash at the last moment, he fair GUARANTEED himself extra TSA scrutiny of himself AND his baggage.
(Ask me how I know THAT one!)
Not the wise move when your trying to slide a third of a mil in undeclared specie out of the Yoo Ess of Ay, huh?

And topping it all off, he left his wife and/or co-conspirator behind to run straight to the doughnut shop and cut herself a deal or turn his ass in out of spite.

Prsoners' Dilemna isn't hard to play if the other prisoner has given you reason to stick it up his ass and break it off inside.

Anonymous said...

CHJTS - why'd you delete your long and demeaning 6:02 post? Was that post the purpose of this thread?

Anonymous said...

to anonymous - totally agree with you.
-2 for acceptance of responsibility
and yes, he would not get indicted for the cc debt. if I came across as saying that was possible forgive me - I'm on my second gin and tonic. My thought on the multi-count indictment is the 6+ house as separate counts.

They could go after him for other things - wire fraud, forgery (G's signature), embezzlement, mail fraud (cashback) - doubtful - but if a AUSA wants to be creative Casey has given them a lot to work with!

Look, I agree that some DD's should apply and I hope it never goes to indictment or beyond. Casey needs to realize IT CAN HAPPEN - and may. His actions have consequences and I hope they don't come back to take him down. The AUSAs have a 85%+ conviction rate...if you are indicted you WILL plead guilty to something. Period. If they exert the effort and resources they will win. Period. He needs to realize this can happen.

I don't like Casey and hope it doesn't happen, but it is out there. Nothing ruins your day like having the Secret Service show up at your door and your wife answers...

Anonymous said...


CHJTS said...

101 murst biatches

Anonymous said...

KOI stands for Kind Of Instrument. No relation to Olympic pin salesmen.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous 7:24

possibly - he may not know of the indictment until after it is filed. And once it is filed, the AUSA will not do a PTD. Some AUSAs do not allow for the agreed upon sentence to be part of a plea agreement 0 that is done by area and the head AUSA of the office. They set the tone. And, the judge does not have to abide by the plea - he can agree or throw it out. So yes, in maby (not all!) situations there is some discussion of upward/downward departures and what the sentence should be

Anonymous said...

New post up at IAFF

CHJTS said...

At 7:28 PM, Endgame said...
CHJTS - why'd you delete your long and demeaning 6:02 post? Was that post the purpose of this thread?

because wench was throwing a fit.

no...the purpose of the new thread was to get a new thread.

When we get at about 150 comments it gets very confusing and I wanted rob to start a new one.

I simply have just spent too much time in the last 3 days with this story.....I am getting bored. I need a break.

like anonypussy said...chjts has jts

Anonymous said...

Wow, another day with no new information. I really don't care about some sheet stain that KC has had some association in the past. Why aren't the people who said that they were going to keep giving information remaining silent? I am starting to smell BS. What some have said about this being a KC set up is looking more and more realistic. WTF I want more train wreck dammit. I hope it doesn't end up that these 4 guys are in his back pocket.

Anonymous said...

There actually is a new IAFF post. I'm a veteran here, so you can take my word :)

Anonymous said...


I agree with you generally - they could bring phonebook-sized list of charges against Casey if they decided to (I'm sure he used the mails and wires at SOME point relating to his mortgage, even mailing mortgage payments).

I agree that if the Government decided to focus on this Casey will, without question, even with the best defense counsel in the universe, be a convicted criminal of some kind.

The defense attorney in me cringes each and every time I think that, in such a publically grotestque way, he announced over and over that he committed mortgage fraud.

If Uncle Sam did come knocking and Casey retained defense counsel and said, "What can you do to help me?", it would be akin to someone going to a doctor with their arms and legs hacked off, their neck cut open spurting blood, and a massive inoperable brain tumor and asking, "What can you do to help me?"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous says "New post at IAFF"!

Anonymous said...


like anonypussy said...chjts has jts

Yeah, it can happen. It's hard to watch an immoral sociopath continue to be enabled by fans and family, ignored by LE, and (worst of all) hurt the woman who loves him.

Someone needs to go medieval on his ass.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please provide a link to the original picture of Casey in the Prius (not the new picture)?

Anonymous said...

Two Lawyers Here:

How's this scenario track?

The investigation is underway, and has progressed to the "interviewing the associates" stage.

As I said the other night, immigrant communities are tight-knit, everyone knows everyone , typically.

Someone tips of Kangatard or his family that the Fuzz are asking questions about our favorite Hobbit.

He freaks out, and digs up the Serin family credit card from the bottom of Mummy's purse or Papa's wallet...

Goodbye Galina and her pestiferous family.

Hello Australia, with a conveniently sieable Uzbek immigrant community(?).

(Any Aussies wanna confirm or correct that?)

The Murse bearer may be staying with his fuckin' cousins I'll wager.

It sounds more this goof's speed than a mastermind escape with a REALLY FAT wad of Franklins stuffed up his keester for an 18 hour flight in a coach seat, eh?

Anonymous said...

Can someone please provide a link to the original picture of Casey in the Prius (not the new picture)?

Yep, here's a link to the JPG file. :)

Anonymous said...

" Some AUSAs do not allow for the agreed upon sentence to be part of a plea agreement 0 that is done by area and the head AUSA of the office."

That's what they like to *tell* you when you ask them if you can agree on a sentence ;)

Righto about the judge not being bound by the sentence in the plea agreement - but as a matter of course they rarely oppose the agreement (I have unfortunately been involved in a matter where the judge did just that).

Anonymous said...

Foreclosure Blog Advertising Renewals, and More Traffic / Media

[Here is a letter I sent to my advertisers and supporterz, headings/links added:]

Dear I am Facing Foreclosure .com sponsors,

Sorry for all the craziness that has been happening. As some of you know, I decided to bring the foreclosure blog back up mainly in order to honor my previous contract with my publisher and avoid legal trouble.

Making money from blog advertising is the best way for me right now to stay afloat and feed my family. While, making money from future foreclosure / blogging info products and book series is the best way for me to start paying off my debts. I may get a W2 job if needed but for now I must take advantage of my only asset which is this foreclosure blog…

Haterz trying to ruin my ability to support my family!

Unfortunately many people out there are trying to sabotage my abilities to make money by spreading slanted / false information, ripping off my copyrighted content, posting my private emails and crap like that.

I’m here in Australia temporarily but I’m still working on ironing out my family situation and one of the best ways for me to be a good provider is to continue generating income.

Foreclosure blog traffic is increasing!

While all this is happening this foreclosure blog continues to get great traffic, and exposure from the media like the recent SpokesmanReview and CNet (with audio) / ZDNet articles (which was also picked up by ZDNet Australia and New York Times).

I was also interviewed by BBC radio a couple of weeks ago and that will be coming out soon internationally. I have other interviews like by GoDaddy radio and other things in the works.

As you know, I refunded all the sponsors based on what each of you desired to get back. After coming back online I kept the advertising going to give you good value.

Choices for I am Facing Foreclosure Advertisers

At this point I need to know who WILL NOT be renewing the advertising so that I can take the links down and make room available for people in my waiting list.

If YOU ARE going to stay a sponsor I will honor the original pricing and if you wish we can do a weekly payment so that you’re not worried about the blog going down.

Please let me know either way, as soon as you can and I’ll send you payment links.

Thanks for your support!!

- - - END OF EMAIL - - -

Supporterz Talkcast planned:

By the way, I was just notified that one of my supporters is going to do a Casey Supporterz FIGHT BACK! Talkcast this Friday at 5 EDT. I will try to make it on and say a few words as well as answer questions. All haterz and supporters are welcome to participate.

By the way, I’m in the process of training a person to moderate the comments, so I will be releasing the almost 500 comments waiting in que hopefully tomorrow. Feel free to continue leaving your comments.

segfault said...

"By the way, I’m in the process of training a person to moderate the comments..."

Three guesses:
1) The Canadian
2) The Australian
3) The Australian's fiancée.

Anonymous said...

I love it... ha ha... I'll give a 50/50 chance that the anon repost above was done by Casey or a supporter.

Anonymous said...

NOPE. I am not a Casey supporter- I refuse to use a Z...

...but Casey is scum. I posted it.


Peaceful Bystander said...

I'm officially convinced this new development is a fraud.

He's working with "PageDaddy", yet his new post says that he has other interviews like by GoDaddy radio and other things in the works.

Syntax error: PageDaddy and GoDaddy are not bed buddies.

Walks like a duck, talks like a duck - it's a duck.

This new twist ($1,000 from a fan! I left Galina without more than an hour notice! I didn't pack! I can rent a car and buy Starbucks! Oops, my book info was leaked!) is just an elaborate hoax.

I ain't buying it. I'll click and read everyone's theories, but I think everyone is just speculating on something that just isn't real.

Anonymous said...


"I was just notified that one of my supporters is going to do a Casey Supporterz FIGHT BACK! Talkcast this Friday at 5 EDT."

It seems the Hobbit's jockstraps are as big a dullards as he is.

Friday at 5 pm is quittin' time, the weekend begins!

If you really plan on sitting on hold for an hour at that time, you REALLY need help.

"I’m in the process of training a person to moderate the comments,"

Oh swell..."Moderatin' MOCHA"

Ah least the comments won't take as long to load as they used to...

Anonymous said...

This is pathetic. Why doesn't he let some of the comments loose? What's the matter Casey, no one have much nice to say about your running away?

Anonymous said...

Cool - another rehashed, content-free, spin-o-gram from the young "con man on the lam". That blog is sooo dead.

I can't imagine that numnutz will attract or retain any quality advertisers. Looking more and more like an abandoned ad portal.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 7:46
I'd love to buy you a beer some time and pick your brain....sooooo many things I've heard and experienced that just are out there and I could use some input. Damn.

Like I said, I have no issue with Casey. He'll either get his or not with a local or Federal prosecutor. i think he is in worse shape due to his actions with his wife and family. bad, Bad stuff...sometimes even an indictment is not as bad as losing your family. Close but no - losing family is worse.'

Anonymous said...

"I was just notified that one of my supporters is going to do a Casey Supporterz FIGHT BACK! Talkcast this Friday at 5 EDT."

Hey, Tavington The Butler™ is now posting threads at IAFF! :-p

I also find it puzzling that Casey can't or won't release the damn comments himself. He must be going through wheatgrass withdrawals in Australia, thus not enough time on the toilet to moderate...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else feel the need to shower? He is so sleazy I would rather have a tooth pulled than contribute by going to his blog, logging onto his 'supportz' podcasts or anything that supports his finances. Enough already.

Anonymous said... new content on the post at IAFF; may as well have been EN. Come on guys, throw us a fricken bone here.

The Dude said...

Maybe that's why Tav was so giddy over here. I'd love to debate the schmuck, but you can't make him grow a spine.

6502Programmer said...

Not everyone who has lock picking tools is shady or up to no good. I have a lot of friends who are typical geeks who have picks on them, some at almost all times. I have picks in my laptop bag, as well as locks to play with.

I hold a professional certification, one of the domains of which is physical security. As such, lock picking falls under the purview of my professional certification, which is why I have my business card in my pick set.

Schnapps said...

Its goddamn wordpress. Moderation is fairly intuitive.


Oh and, Dawg, you've got mail.

Anonymous said...


"Not everyone who has lock picking tools is shady or up to no good."

And, y'ever looked at Metrosexual Murse Man's fingernails?

Look manicured, don't they?
(If you can get past the blue color of the nailbeds).

If Snowflake hadhad a manicure set, I could see where someone might see "lock-picking tools"

R-Boy said...

i doubt there is much content aside from fundraising and baiting until their so called book comes out


R-Boy said...

btw...5pm EDT for a talkcast? Seriously, folks are still at work then

obviously not a real talkcast, i dont think its what it appears

Anonymous said...

About GoDaddy Radio:

Anonymous said...

Justme / Just in :

what's your issue? No one here is obliged to entertain you. If you are the ADD type there are plenty of sites out there with untold flash animations and hilarious kitten-photo captions.

Anonymous said...


Maybe it's 5 EDT to better match time with Snowflake? How do the times match?


Anonymous said...


"Unfortunately many people out there are trying to sabotage my abilities to make money by spreading slanted / false information, ripping off my copyrighted content, posting my private emails and crap like that.

I’m here in Australia temporarily but I’m still working on ironing out my family situation and one of the best ways for me to be a good provider is to continue generating income."

He makes it sound like he's working on a goddamn oil rig, working the high risk gig far from home so that he can bring in the bucks to keep the kids fed.

Casey. You fucking idiot. You don't have a family, buddy - you have a wife (for the moment), heartbroken, that you abandoned on an hours notice to go live in Australia with strangers. On a TOURIST VISA (or ETA or whatever it's called), which means it's going to be exponentially HARDER to generate personal income. You don't have a return ticket, nor any idea how you're going to get one. You fled the fucking country.

What part of this story are the haters getting wrong? You're in fucking AUSTRALIA, asshole! YOU ABANDONED YOUR WIFE! If Galina was my sister or daughter, I could promise you that a return to the U.S. would NOT be pleasant for you - as the line goes, while they might've eventually found your body, they wouldn't be able to identify it based on what's left.

Hell, if it were me, I might be looking for you Down Under right now.

Spin it any way you want to Casey, but the flat fact is that you're a pathetic, narcissistic piece of shit. Haters didn't make you that way. You brought shit to the table. We're just make it harder for you to sell it as ice cream. If that happens to cause you suffering, well, I see it as a community service.

(Sorry for the language, guys. Reading those two paragraphs was just a bit more than I could take tonight.)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have Casey's Flickr account saved? I swear there was a picture of the back of the money man and I want to see if it looks anything like Glenn Snow.

The Dude said...


I don't have a looser W-2 J_O_B so the time works for me. If Tav won't debate, I think I'll do a ringy ringy and see what happenz.

I would dearly love to hear the supporterz defend the indefensible.

Anonymous said...

I think all of you are going to be surprised soon.

I can see Casey coming home soon and the entire family "forgives" Casey and all is good.

Gypsys stay together in fraud.

Jake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Thanks for being a good sport - I knew you were just caught up in the fury and would come around.

Anonymous said...

@Jean Valjean,

Maybe it's 5 EDT to better match time with Snowflake? How do the times match?

No, that's not it. 5pm ET is 7am Sydney, so later here is better for Mr. non-early riser.

Anonymous said...

Cool, Casey will be on GoDaddy Radio, I'm sure they'll talk about his new publishing deal with GoDaddy -- and GoDaddy's new venture into publishing.

Anonymous said...

@Casey's Enablers,

No, that wouldn't suprise me. In fact, I kinda sorta expect it.

I hope G has what it takes to do the right thing for herself, but sadly I suspect she is not strong enough.

Anonymous said...


I agree. People think this is a typical American family. The whole serin clan are crooks. Please don't send Galina any money either because this could be a scheme to exploit money from the haterz. I don't trust either of these people.

Anonymous said...

Casey's going to be on GoDaddy Radio. If you'd like to contact GoDaddy Radio and ask them if they're going to talk about GoDaddy's new publishing division first release of Casey's foreclosure fraud book, the email is:

CHJTS said...

At 8:31 PM, The Wench said...

Thanks for being a good sport - I knew you were just caught up in the fury and would come around

Wench...I am just bored and wanted to stir it up a bit.

After all the excitement the last couple of days...I was just looking to artificially keep it going.

The first step to recovery for me now is to admit that I am a pig.
(can you blame me----those assets on veronica vavavoom)

the next step is to try and get rev al sharpton to do an intervention on me on the next haterzcast.

PS....Here is some info for people. I have invited 2 nationally recognized ..hell internationally Guest speakers (I'm not talking about nigel, or lossmitpro or duane) to appear on the next sharkcast.

I have heard back from one of them...........and he/she has expressed interest in appearing on a future sharkcast...problably not the next couple of them though.

This one has heard of casey but asked for some time to go and read up on him and then let me know if he/she will want to be a guest.

Benoit is going to have to put this under mystery Sharkcast guest...I will give you a of the letters in his/her name could be an A or an E.

Anonymous said...

Sharky @7:43,

Sizeable Uzbek community? No. Not unless Sydney has changed a lot since I was there.

The first thing I thought after hearing that he'd headed here was that at least he'll stick out like a sore thumb. I saw the first car picture, and immediately pegged it as a staged photo op at a dealership in Parramatta - and sure enough, Rob tells us he's been traced back to Northmead.

When his welcome runs out with the chumps he's currently freeloading off, where's Fliptard going to stay? Does bunking at a backpacker's hostel, sharing bathroom facilities with a bunch of drunken English or Canadian students for twenty bucks a night sound like his style? The market for rentals is impossibly out of reach for somebody who has no income, no references and no proof of Australian citizenship.

In short: Homeboy is FUCKED if he thinks for a second that he can disappear in Australia.

Anonymous said...

I would contribute $ to G only if she speaks up publicly and "outs" new facts which damage Casey.

Then, and only then, would I consider contributing. And I would still consider that to have some element of risk.

Anonymous said...

It's fun to be part of a Soap Opera, but I do think it's possible to get carried away. The realities of the situation will slip away unless you keep yourself centered.

Let's take a rational look at the opposing point of view for a moment:

Let's assume Casey did leave his wife. (He didn't exactly deny it to Declan.) Divorces happen every day; they are more common than they ought to be. EVERY divorce is messy, and EVERY divorce involves some shameful acts. What if Casey just got married too young, and this cute couple just ain't right for one another. On top of that, Casey tanked their finances. What's he supposed to do? Stay broke in a bad marriage, or let the poor girl start over again? She'll be fine, she has a place to stay, and maybe now she can go back to school and find a nice man, and quit wasting her time with him. And he doesn't have to worry her with his entrepreneurial schemes. They're both be free, and freedom can be a good thing.

Casey ain't going to jail. It's been a topic of discussion for 9 months, and the most likely conclusion is that the mortgage companies will come out worse than Casey. Ten years ago I wanted to try what Casey tried to do; but in 1997, no one was insane enough to give me a loan, no matter what I put on the application--they verified the info. Yeah, you see what I'm saying.

Casey isn't stupid or clinically insane, just maybe foolish or naive. People who have met him commented on his intelligence. And although he's not the best public speaker, he does express himself rather well. Also, Casey is famous. That is an accomplishment. Many people strive for it, few achieve it. Unfortunately, Casey didn't think about the ugly side of fame. He's the Paris Hilton of the blogosphere.

We can tease, ridicule, and muckrake, but that's all it is. When you throw rotten tomatoes at the circus freak, do you truly wish him any ill will?

Anonymous said...


Ok - we get it. Thank you.

Like a repeated 4 year-old joke. Funny the 1st time, cute the 2nd, ...

CHJTS said...

It looks like Nigel got passed up for more awards for his blog

Anonymous said...

Very good analysys.

My bottom line is that all of the Serin clan are Fradulant Gypsis.

I recommend anyone here trying to help them to be careful. Gypsys stay together no mater what.

Mama Gypsy Serin and Galina will welcome Casey back with open arms and will Enable him even further.

Whatch and see.

CHJTS said...

Joe your godamn right I wish him ILL WILL.

I want to LEVERAGE my boot upside his head.

He's garbage....this story is out of his control and in ours.

Whether he likes it or not.

We are and will continue to bring his duplicity to light and stop him from ripping more people off.

CHJTS said...

where the hell is stephanieJ.

She is problably out swooning over some other internet bff

Sweet Cashback said...

I nominate the following dealership as background for the pictures:

Suttons Holden
90 Pacific Hwy, Waitara, NSW 2077, Australia

Hornsby Mazda Mitsubishi & Kia
64-70 Pacific Hwy, Waitara, NSW 2077, Australia

Starbucks Coffee Company
236 Pacific Hwy, Hornsby, NSW 2077, Australia

Elements of distinction:
- Mitsubishi next door explains the Mitsubishi sign
- Starbucks very close
- even though the building sides on the web are red, there is some special HSV branded building at the location with the distinct HSV logo on a grey background (look at Waitara dealership)
- we have noticed a lot of activity coming from this area on IAFF and EN, you would think KC is meeting lots of people and friends of friends down there that will all go online to lurk around

El Gringo said...

Hi all,

I'm not super old school here, but I've been following the IAFF saga since February, I have a decent handle and I'd like to dispel a few myths:

1. Casey is smarter than we think and has money stashed away:

No he isn't and no he doesn't. People have done the math and between his 7 payments and money he sunk in the houses (he did start out genuinely trying to fix'n'flip) he was left with very little. He spent that frivolously on more seminars, his traveling to seminars, a hawaii trip, wheat-shots, starbux and a blue ball. He has no money stashed. He gets some cash from the blog and whatever financing he could dig up (cashcall, Hammar, etc.) and he spends that on living expenses.

2. Galina is in on it.

When I showed up I saw Galina as a classic example of the young girl that gets wooed by lies, then takes three times longer than it should to figure out she's been conned. When I posted that sentiment folks on this board told me they had much less sympathy. Later, as we heard more, both from casey, duane, etc., we realized KC had just been manipulating her all along. She was promised all sorts of things by KC. She was strung along. And as we've all heard on his calls, KC is manipulating as hell. It's not too hard to imagine him constantly manipulating, belittling and isolating her.

3. Casey's family is in on it.

Hmmm.... you must not have heard Steve call. For that matter, Galina's family isn't involved either. They yanked her tuition when she got married, a clear sign the didn't approve.

4. KC is an idiot / KC is smart.

KC is a psycho=path, evidenced by the Duane's observation that KC was visibly in a rage as he was told that his ideas of brokering Casino deals were pipe-dreams. He's not stupid and while he may have a slightly above average IQ (more than 100) he's not that smart either. He's just a psychopath.

El Gringo said...

Is there any place do get the mp3's?

Sweet Cashback said...

Hmmm...I also like Transit's Holden dealer:

Starbucks Coffee Company
Parramatta, NSW 2150, Australia

Heartland Holden
Parramatta, NSW 2150, Australia

They are both at the same address but that doesn't explain the Mitsubishi sign....

Anonymous said...

He's a sociopath, not psychopath.

Although I could be convinced about the excessive narcisstic disorder, too.

But my vote is sociopath for now.

Anonymous said...

@ CHJTS: one of the letters in his/her name could be an A or an E.

Technically, that leaves everyone on Earth as a possibility, since you said their name "could have" an A or E. The name "John" could have an A or E, but it doesn't ;-)

El Gringo said...

Oh, another thing...

In my opinion, or rather, at least in my case, this isn't about Casey as a person. Casey is a symbol of the fraudelent, get rich quick mindset. He seeks celebrity on the basis of such and receives appropriate attention.

Take down the blog, get off the internet and the KC saga goes away. As been mentioned here before, the Haterz would be happy to find another victim. They've started in that direction, but KC just keeps coming back.

Anonymous said...

That CHJTS is about to go all Tim from Monterey on us?

Anonymous said...

So am I the only one that suspect's that Irene is Mocha posing as a WASP IDIOT?

Anon @9:15 My Dad the Shrink was a classic representative of NPD many of them are borderline when is comes to being Sociopaths. Not all Sociopaths become serial killers. Given the right enrvironment the may grow up to be CEO's or even President.

Anonymous said...

::Nigel tentatively dips his foot into the pool of haterz to answer a question::

Does anyone have Casey's Flickr account saved? I swear there was a picture of the back of the money man and I want to see if it looks anything like Glenn Snow.

A lot of speculation went into that photo as I recall. Some said it was me, some said it was G Money. I was not there and it was not me. G Money was not photographed during that trip to my knowledge. My best guess is it is the listing agent of the house Casey and G Money went to see on that Monday afternoon. It was more for a photo op, than an actual cash back deal. Poor Mr. Realtor, having his time wasted by a seven time foreclosee.

::Nigel waits to figure out if the pool of haterz is too cold, but puts his feet back at DHC::

Anonymous said...


A real woman likes a bit of a pig in a man - don't go too overboard with the intervention. Sounds like you need a friend - forget Stephanie and The Wench, they will only use you and make you walk home afterwards. Try instead, like I do.

Dammit, who am I kidding! My haterz know me better than I know myself! I know nothing about being a sex pig and getting rent boys - I can't even auction off my virginity off on the courthouse trashcan, for christs sakes. I think I will focus some massive action on Ebay instead.


Unknown said...

"He's a sociopath, not psychopath"

I don't agree.

Sociopaths by nature, are usually prone to violent tendencies. Examples of sociopaths are the liked of Dahmer, Bundy, etc.

That doesn't fit Casey's MO. He is not a violent individual. If anything, he comes across as being quite meek and timid. Which is why I lean away from the psychopath definition as well.

As far as NPD, that is a possibility. But ultimately, I don't think he necessarily displays extreme psychosis in any way. As I read his posts or listen to his pod casts, I do not see or hear a diabolical mind that is crafty and deceitful. Quite frankly, he strikes me as somewhat of a dolt. A village idiot is you will. Despite statements to the contrary, I actually do not believe him to be intelligent. Intelligent people do not place themselves in these types of situations. My opinion is that his lack of practical intellect and general laziness is the root cause of his entire dilemma. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I didn't say that he left/divorced his wife. I said he abandoned her. He won't divorce her, so long as she lets him do whatever the fuck he wants.

You know.. we've been hearing the same basic three or four apologist angles since the day IAFF went online. They've consistently been proven wrong, but they continue to live.

The "hoax by a marketing master" story started getting peddled right from the start. No one could believe that anyone could really be this stupid, so obviously it must be a hoax. Thing is, if it were, it would have paid off bigger by now.. or would have been abandoned. None of this is a hoax, and Casey's lies/spin aside, it never really has been. What, a marketing genius spent the better part of a year working his way up to MARTY?

Then we got the "Casey gets the last laugh" story, which has many versions - the "coffee can full of money", the "Serin family in it together", etc. They all boil down to the idea that somehow Casey will turn all this around and make a bazillion gazillion dollars and show all the haters what's what. Casey calls this "good things are coming".

They're apologist angles, the words of the true enablers. You simply don't get what Casey is; you can't, unless you've survived an encounter with one before. There's no reasoning with this type of creature, and never will be.

I'm not even really pissed at Casey anymore. Honestly, whether he lives or dies is just entertainment to me now. What *does* annoy me is that he's evolving a purer breed of idiot - that *anyone* could still give him the benefit of the doubt just sends chills up my spine.

Mocha is the ultimate product of IAFF, not Casey.

Sweet Cashback said...

if the pool of haterz is too cold

You don't worry, no algae caused by the sun around here !

Anonymous said...


"Sizeable Uzbek community? No. Not unless Sydney has changed a lot since I was there."

Hmm, thanks for that. Never been Down Under, though I've been pretty much everywhere else.

(Maybe it's that I only go to places with scary plumbing fixtures).

Maybe I'm reading too much into Fliptard's Uzbekistani origin.

He might not be an Uzbek at all, but rather another Soviet ethnicity...Wiki has Uzbekistan as having a %50 demographic distribution of Uzbekis, (the majority group).

I wouldn't know an Uzbeki from a Masai warrior,(well, ever called a Masai a "Hobbit").

So let me rephrase...does Sydney have a large RUSSIAN immigrant community?

Anonymous said...

What, a marketing genius spent the better part of a year working his way up to MARTY?

Now that line is genius. Funniest thing said today.

Anonymous said...

Totally off-topic:

I just saw a real estate sign and the agent's name was Skip DeGreef.

Anonymous said...


I'm saying this as someone with firsthand experience living with a close NPD relative.

You can't relate NPD to extreme psychosis. You just can't.. they're not really the same thing at all. And generally speaking, an NPD's bullshit isn't hard to punch through if you're approaching them cold.. their "intelligence" is usually very overrated and superficial. The people at risk from NPDs are the emotionally vulnerable to them, starting with family and friends. You don't really "have" NPD so much as you "are" NPD.

The thing is, NPDs naturally gravitate towards folks who either can't call them out, or are unwilling to do so. They split up their world into good/evil people, the evil ones being the ones who see through their lies. And man oh man, are there lies.

Someone with NPD will baldfaced lie to you about something that you both witnessed firsthand together. And then if you don't go along with it, they'll blame you for everything wrong in their life. That's not exaggeration.

Casey fits the profile perfectly, right up to the army of "don't hurt him anymore" apologists.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if I caused any confusion in the marketplace. I'd hate for anyone to receive one of these:

You may not have known that is a registered trademark of Go Daddy Software, Inc. We are writing as a courtesy to inform you that your use of the term "Daddy" in your domain name or a domain name that is substantially the same or confusingly similar to the "Go Daddy" mark is likely to cause confusion in the marketplace and would therefore likely be construed as a violation of the trademark.

Anonymous said...

Sociopath and psychopath are defined as the same thing (sociopath is th more "current" term).

Anonymous said...

I've never bought the sociopath explanation. Last time I checked, one of sociopathy's main features is a generally flattening of emotional effect. Casey's been anything but emotionally flat.

I don't buy bipolar either, but I'd take that before sociopath.

Anonymous said...

Irene - are you coming to the dark side?

BelowTheCrowd said...


Include the words "Trademark Claim" in the subject.

I think they're getting a lot of email today.


LossMitPro said...

Anon @ 7:16 PM:
”And about his CC debt - are you serious? It's not a federal crime to have credit card debt, that wouldn't factor in to a ‘multi-count indictment’ at all.”

Perhaps but just one thing (literally)...

It only takes ONE "indictment" to ruin flipperboy's day. And he's got seven chances to win... Ohhh, Bubba???

I know nutting; I say nutting
(add Sergeant Shultz accent.)


BelowTheCrowd said...

Off Topic:

Could somebody please neuter K-Fed???

Preferably with an axe?

To his head?


Anonymous said...

Declan's article in the NYT:

Anonymous said...

Btw, Countrywide has a banner ad on IAFF. Go figure

Anonymous said...

Haven't read through all of the latest comments here on EN, so I apologize if this is old news but....

New posting on IAFF.

I especially like this quote...

"Haterz trying to ruin my ability to support my family!"

I can just imagine him saying that and stamping his foot afterwards just like a petulant 5 year old.

Darn all you haterz....for hampering Casey's efforts to swindle and scam his way into easy $$$. Shame, shame, shame on you.

What's a poor boy to do?

Oh about....


Anonymous said...

As of this posting, two comments have been approved on the IAFF Australia post. More to follow? Perhaps Mocha figured out how to work a keyboard...

(Not usually in it for the personal attacks, but with Mocha, like Casey, you have to wonder about some sort of mental defect.)

Anonymous said...

As of this posting, two comments have been approved on the IAFF Australia post. More to follow? Perhaps Mocha figured out how to work a keyboard...

(Not usually in it for the personal attacks, but with Mocha, like Casey, you have to wonder about some sort of mental defect.)

Anonymous said...

Mocha is just one 'o' away from being a moocha.

Anonymous said...

10:03 Imus: As of this posting, two comments have been approved on the IAFF Australia post. More to follow?

I got a hunch that we won't see too many more comments on that one. He said so himself - there were very few positive comments. I wonder why. :)

Yes, Casey. Everyone is against you.

Unknown said...

Honestly Wondering>>

"You can't relate NPD to extreme psychosis. You just can't.. they're not really the same thing at all. And generally speaking, an NPD's bullshit isn't hard to punch through if you're approaching them cold.. their "intelligence" is usually very overrated and superficial."

I think I would agree. I don't have a full fledged clinical understanding of NPD, so I could agree he exhibits symptoms. I just don't agree with others who try to indicate Casey is some diabolical sociopath (or psychopath) along the lines of Sharon Stone's character from Basic Instinct.

From what I read about NPD, it is often exhibited by individuals who actually have lower than normal intelligence. The NPD manifests itself as a form of compensation for the lack of raw intellect.

Mind you this is all speculation. Who can be certain. I'm sure Tom Cruise would say that we just need to hook up Casey to some overly elaborate car battery and rid him of those pesky "body thetans". :-)

Anonymous said...

I have read Declan's article for the fourth time and it gets better every with every read. The best part is that dickhead Casey is bragging about it!

The ranks of the haterz is about to swell considerably.

Anonymous said...

Guys and Gals.

This is NOT about NPD - Casey does not have it.

Casey's blood is Gypsy. All Serin family are Gypsys.

You folks don't understand how they live and think.

Casey will come back to the USA and Mama Gypsy Serin *AND* Galina Serin will welcome Casey back with open arms. Their family blood goes deep.

Galina Serin will NOT leave her Gypsy husband. If Casey stops Fraud, THEN and only THEN will Galina leave Casey.

Don't blame them folks, It IN THEIR BLOOD.

Anonymous said...

The ranks of the haterz is about to swell considerably.

It doesn't seem possible for someone to be so clueless about their own cluelessness.

Unknown said...

"Sociopath and psychopath are defined as the same thing (sociopath is th more "current" term)."

Actually, you are right. I studied some psychology in college over ten years ago so it appears the terminology has somewhat changed. They used to define those as distinct and separate psychosis.

And I agree with the other poster who indicated they don't "buy" the bi-polar argument. Neither do I. That would imply his behavior is entirely defined by a simply chemical imbalance. But for individuals who are clearly bi-polar, that disorder manifests itself regardless of external events. People have bizarre ups and downs with no apparent external influence. Casey's mood swings however are usually a result of external events. There is a clear causality involved.

But once again, I am overstepping my bounds. I am not a psychologist by trade. Although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. ;-)

(Insert groans here)

Anonymous said...

10:09 Tom: From what I read about NPD, it is often exhibited by individuals who actually have lower than normal intelligence. The NPD manifests itself as a form of compensation for the lack of raw intellect.

I think that's certainly one component.. but I think the intellectual point is an effect rather than a cause.

From what I've read, NPDs generally tend to be children of NPDs. Having an NPD for a parent means basically getting no emotional validation whatsoever, unless there's an agenda attached. So budding NPDs learn early on to confuse emotional validation with manipulative behavior. In the end, you end up with someone with no sense of identity or reality, except for what gets them a hit of the good stuff.

That's why you can't treat an NPD like they can be cured. Treating a sick person suggests that there's a healthy person buried in there somewhere, being suppressed by the sickness. With an NPD, there's nothing there. Worse yet, they learn to use the hope of others to get their way; their social circles are their own personal cults.

It actually wouldn't surprise me if Casey came back and Galina just took it. It takes a damned strong person to get out of that kind of situation. My hope at this point is with Yulia.. I'm hoping she has the presence of mind to change the locks and smack the shit out of her sister until Galina clears her head again.

Anonymous said...

A few things for the HATERZ to consider and do some research and digging:

First, it appears that Casey is "running his business" (meaning the blog) from Australia. Is this legal? I thought Australia had some pretty specific guidelines when you visit the country about your intent (vacation or work).

Second, my ex worked on Wall Street - there was a period of time where he did work for his firm in London, Hong Kong and Toyko. The firm tracked his earnings from each location because he had to pay income tax since his income was being earned while in those locations..... (think of it as state income tax) He was also taxed by the federal government since he was a US citizen....

So, is going to report his "earnings" to the Australian government since he's there conducting his business?

Anonymous said...

I think Casey is safe. He's not really doing any business. Plenty of people run websites and go on vacations to different countries and work on them here and there. Pretty much a waste of time to go after that.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I read your comment about putting your faith in Yulia and was nodding in agrement when I looked up to see who wrote it. Good to see you - I always appreciate your comments.

Galina started to get a glimpse of how her life might be different when Yulia insisted on rent payment. Best thing that could have happened for all concerned. Go Yulia! Keep showing Galina how it's done!

Anonymous said...

Duane, Steph, CHJTS, Rob:

I'm sending you and e-mail of an important nature regarding Galina and protecting her financially from our little devilboy.

I would post, but the complexity and ramifications of what I have to say is such that I don't want to "tip the hand" of Casey's loverz.....

Please read the e-mail and if possible, share it with LossMitPro (I don't have an e-mail address for him).


Anonymous said...

Not only is casey ok, he is laughing all the way down under.

Seriously folks, all these people are Gypsys.

The make a pack just like rats. Watch how Galina takes Casey back with open arms and something else open too.

Anonymous said...


My totally unscientific reasoning is telling me no. Given the small population of Australia, you'd probably be talking about a few hundred thousand people out of the millions that would have fled the ex-USSR over the last few decades.

Now, I would consider the chances of Casey having relatives amongst this number pretty damn slim. The chances of him finding a tight-knit group of supporters, willing to harbor a fugitive based solely on their shared ethnicity, is just about impossible. In other words, there's no "Little Russia", where the cops fear to tread, and effeminate Uzbekistanis are free to perfect their grifting in peace.

We're notoriously hard-assed about customs and immigration issues over here. If he applies the usual array of schemes encompassed in the Snowflake Method to overstaying his welcome, or trying to raise funds, he's in for a nasty surprise.

Anonymous said...

I say Casey wants out of the marriage and won't go back to Galina. He said that she's holding him back.

She confiscated his laptop and PDA -- treating him like a child. Forget that! Who cares if she will take him back, he's gone!

Anonymous said...

Annie, your intentions are great, but watch out.

1) I highly recommend that if you folks decide on helping Galina, that you do not enable her to help her husband continue the Fraud Galina has allowed.

2) Try to get Galina expert mental help.

3) If you guys go to their homes, watch your pockets. Gypsys can easily take your money and you wont know it.

4) Watch your cars if you park close.

Good luck.

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