The home of the bean and the cod.
Where Cabots speak only to Lowells,
And the Lowells speak only to God.
The SacBee has a classic article about what happens when you mix faith, money and greed.
Frances Darden examines mortgage documents in the living room of her home in Boston's Dorchester neighborhood, May 3, 2007. Darden was approved for nearly $900,000 in loans to buy two multi-family homes, despite the fact that she is on disability and receives just $1,800 a month..
Recommended reading. Equally interesting that the Sacramento paper would pick up the wire article. The MSM might finally be catching on.
enough "first", say something!
Very sad little fellow last night who sounded like "little boy lost" and quite depressed. I'd love to have a potential new hire sounding like that around? Don't think so.
It is SOOO RETATRDED First murse! purse! gurse! can you say IMBECILE??? I fisted your murse and I was first la de da de da
"Very sad little fellow last night who sounded like "little boy lost" and quite depressed. I'd love to have a potential new hire sounding like that around? Don't think so."
One of the callers brought up a very good point last night... this guy is virtually unhireable. If you were reviewing resumes for a job, would you even stop to consider a high school graduate that has been out of the workforce for over a year? And even if you do file his resume in the interview pile, a 5 minute Google search on his name will pretty much force you to re-file his resume in the trash can.
And, even if he were to get hired, his countless lenders will garnish his wages to the point that he won't be able to afford basic living expenses.
Our young Snowflake is screwed.
"And, even if he were to get hired, his countless lenders will garnish his wages to the point that he won't be able to afford basic living expenses."
Can you imagine the conversation with HR?
HR: Casey, we've just been informed we have to garnish 95% of your take home pay.
KC: It's all good™.
And it's not like he's going to land another PHP job. As soon as a potential employer asks for samples, he'll point out his hard work on the blog. Which is a blank page.
The days of having a salary above $10-$15 an hour are over for Snowflake. It's very hard to land a job that pays over $50k a year without a college degree (which are nothing but a scam in Casey's eyes anyway). And with no proof of his "mad IT skillz", Casey is going to have an extremely hard time getting his foot in the door.
At this point, with a little luck, he might become a mid-level manager at Burger King after he has a few years of drive-thru experience under his belt.
There are places one can work where they won't run background checks, but it's not high paying work, certainly not the 50-70K he constantly trumpeted he could get. His Supporterz™ helped further that myth, babbling about his "skillz" at web, photography, writing...I never saw any talent at much, except acting like the kid who screams and makes wierd noises in the lunchroom to get attention.
Another issue is productivity - Casey clearly showed he cannot make and meet deadlines, follow through on anything, and only works on whatever shiny is right in front of him. Can you imagine throwing him into the typical workflow of an office? Tasks and projects and communications would hit a brick wall at his cubicle!
Team player? LOL. Sure.
No, he'd last about a month, until they started monitiring his internet access, and found out he was spending all of his time reading real estate blogs and using office assets (fax machine, phone, etc...) to set up Sweet Dealz™.
I saw a lot of that during the Day Trading Boom - people spending all day watching their stocks and reading stocks forums, instead of working.
Manual labor is probably his best bet ...if he shows up. Yes, casey, they expect you there at 8am EVERY day. But, it would be good for him, I doubt he even mowed the lawn at home, I doubt he's ever worked up a sweat ever, unless it was while reading real estate blogs. He'd probably freak out and end up fetal in the corner if he got *gasp* calluses on his dainty Ideaz Guy™ hands.
Retail? Maybe. I would'nt let him near a register, and that will require bonding. That much debt? Never gonna happen, he's a huge red flag to let near a register.
I do think, however, Galina should look into photography. She shows some raw talent.
I have to say it's likely true -- scamming is so deeply embedded into who Casey is, and the culture/heros that he admires and aspires to be a part of, that he simply will be unable to stop. Even against his best efforts (which he will never apply, anyway), he would be powerless to stop being who he is at his essential core -- just a dishonest grubby little scammer.
From the previously linked article:
"...70 percent of mortgage defaults were linked to "a significant misrepresentation on the original loan application."
Personally, I think Casey's next plan of attack is to go off the radar. If I were in his situation, and that determined to ignore my lenders (he has no intention to pay them back) I would find under-the-table jobs.
The only way this guy is going to survive is if he lives on a cash only basis. Any papertrail that points to income is just going to be snapped up by his lenders.
If anyone wants to meet up with Casey in the next few weeks, start looking around Sacramento area Home Depots and Lowes in the morning. Maybe he can help you put up that fence you've been wanting.
But knowing Casey, he'll attempt to take out another loan in the next few days/weeks to float cash.
He could get temp work on Monday. It wouldn't be his grand-a-week, but it'd be the first steps towards starting over.
I did a lot of irresponsible things at his age, a lot of job-hopping, a lot of getting-rich fantasizing. I never went anywhere near as deep as Casey did, but every time I got too deep for my tastes, I picked up the phone and called a half dozen local agencies. A high typing speed and an ability to clean up well always landed me a fast data entry gig when I needed the money.
Thing is, most agencies don't look too hard if they need a warm body fast. Most will hire anybody - the trick is to start out by telling them that you'll do whatever job they need filled. Once you get two or three short/dirty jobs under your belt, they'll trust you with better ones. After a few years, he could rebuild his life.
For me, that was all 10-15 years ago. Temp work led to good-paying tech work, which led to tech writing work, which ultimately led to achieving my dream - to be a full time, self-employed writer. This year actually, I'm making some of the best money I've ever made in my life. But I'm not ashamed to say that I had to go through the mud for better than a decade to crawl my way there.
Casey's going to have to go through the bad years now. Maybe in a decade, if he's lucky and has a complete character conversion, he might get there. Stranger things have happened.
Regarding the SacBee Article...
"Darden was approved for nearly $900,000 in loans to buy two multi-family homes, despite the fact that she is on disability and receives just $1,800 a month."
I think there are two frauds here. Her lying on her mortgage and her receiving disability.
$1800/mo for disability? Why? She's obviously capable of standing and filling out paperwork, answering questions. That qualifies her for plenty of jobs.
I can't see this women as a victim. She's a grifter and I hope the Social Security Administration (or whoever) review her standing in light of her actions. Heck, maybe she wouldn't have the time to buy all those houses if she was working instead of sitting on her fat ass.
Ok OK ENOUGH! How do I get one of those jobs that pay $50-$70K a year??? Where do I sign up? What must I learn???
Sure I don't have a college degree, but heck I am willing to work full time and go to night school to make that kinda money.
Another indication of Casey's Mad IT Skillz was that he was so shocked that one of the callers had read the source code of IAFF, and noted that the farewell page was still there, but commented out.
Casey reacted as if you had to be a 37th level Masonic Ninja Hacker Warrior to read source code (hint, on my browser, you have to click one item from a menu to read it).
So who is to blame here? This is directly from the article "With stated income loans ... because there's no documentation, you're going by what the buyer is saying," Noyes said. "Who am I to say: 'You're a liar. You don't make that.' Should I have had better judgment? I don't know."
The borrowers reject that argument outright. Darden rushes to her bedroom and returns with a bag full of documents, pulling out a copy of the mortgage application she signed. It is all but blank."
Signing a blank document and you say you are not to blame?? Sure you were pushed into it, sure they did things wrongs, but you are also to blame. You signed the document (but I belive in this case they were taken advantage of).
And using a church basement? Shame on these ladies. Its NOT all good....
>>Another indication of Casey's Mad IT Skillz was that he was so shocked that one of the callers had read the source code of IAFF<<
Casey is a disingenuous, spiteful, motherfucking dipshit. He doesn't do things by "accident" when it comes to his blog. Casey is an "I'll show you" simpering pansy weasel shit. Little girl G should ditch the churchy nonsense and boot his twink ass. She might be stuck with half his debt, but at least she wouldn't have to put up with his shameful, hateful unearned hostility any more. It would be cool if his family banished him to the streets, too. I'd love to see how long it would take his pissy, selfish, spoiled-brat resentment to get his ass brutally kicked in the real world. Four and a half minutes?
I haven't actually caught up with all things Casey yet. I'm winging it. It's like goddam WAR AND PEACE up in here. I didn't read all that, either.
Hey, this is still fun. Down with Casey! See, we don't need the IAFF blog.
It is SOOO RETATRDED First murse! purse! gurse! can you say IMBECILE??? I fisted your murse and I was first la de da de da
I think it is funny and fun. We are a competitive group, (mostly).
Get a Handle anonopussy!
G could sue Casey after a divorce to argue she really doesn't deserve the debt being attached to her. It's been done before and courts may feel sympathy for her once they get dumbass on the stand.
He may get STUCK with all of it and she may be able to walk free. Duane says she may be innocent, I may believe that. This could matter bigtime in a divorce proceeding.
This could matter bigtime in a divorce proceeding.
@ Dolph,
This could matter bigtime in a criminal proceeding.
@soom dood,
Yep and Yep.
@El Gabo Disability fraud is rampant in the country, that's a scandal that will never be revealed, the corruption, institutional racism, the fraud is hair-raising, and no politician will ever have the nads to expose it, it would bring down a HUGE house of cards that could cripple Washington and states. I'm not saying the woman in the article is not deserving of it, but these days, it's better to be cynical when it comes to these things. And, it's not a "black" thing, disability fraud is committed by every race, creed and color.
@FMW and Dolph - that's the biggest undercurrent to Casey's employability, he may be spending a lot of time meeting with lawyers and various government officials in the foreseeable future. A released felon has better employment prospects than Lil' Casey.
Galina may have the be the majority breadwinner for quite a while, she may actually have pretty good opportunities, as long as charges don't get filed.
I feel sorry for her, she married a man-child, and is now going to have to raise a 24 year old kid, watching him to make sure he does his chores and doesnt scribble on the walls, and also take care of all the household work AND bring in a paycheck, AND put up with his insanity, hostility, resentment, and wierd ideas of what being a man/husband are, and waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's not a happy future for her, because he will never see what he has, and always be grasping for what he doesnt.
None of my SO's would have put up with a fraction of the crap he's pulled. And she's still there.
Make of that what you will. But she's his greatest strength and asset, and he's resentful and treats her like shit.
He's lucky he's not Irish, my family would have taken him in back of the garage for a "talk" the minute he admitted he was broke when they got married. Hell, my family would never have allowed one of ours to marry an asshole like Casey.
Hell, my family would never have allowed one of ours to marry an asshole like Casey.
Amen... I don't have kids, but if I had a daughter, I'd forbid her from marrying a gay man as well!!
...once they get dumbass on the stand.
OMG! Just thinking of CS on the stand, with an agressive lawyer & unsympathetic judge on his a$$.
Lawyer: Mr. Serin, was G****** aware that you lied on your loan applications?
CS: Good question.
Lawyer: Well?
CS: There were certainly times when we spoke about houses. I'll have to look into that.
Judge: Please answer the question, Mr. Serin.
CS: I can't answer that.
Judge: This is a courtroom, not your blog. Answer the question.
CS: Are you one of those haterz? Do you post at EN?
I 'married down' by marrying a guy without a college degree, and my family was none too pleased by that. Even so, he works hard, loves what he does, and provides a steady income for our family, which is more than Casey can say.
Mursed again! I missed everything since, you know, I have a looser life and happen to pay attention to my family. Dammit! Why can't Casey have a melt down on MY time?
I missed the whole Mocha thing (Hi, Mocha sweetie, I know you are reading this. How about you have a few more drinks and shave your man pouch, mkay?) and Nigel. *sniffle* I feel so left out now!
He's lucky he's not Irish, my family would have taken him in back of the garage for a "talk" the minute he admitted he was broke when they got married. Hell, my family would never have allowed one of ours to marry an asshole like Casey.
That's the way it should be! That's the way we do it in our Mexican homes! My brother already whipped my bro-in-laws azz for being a swearing punk in my parents home! It taught that mofo that mama didn't raise punks in our home.
F@ck the family intervention and agreement signing - Casey would have had his azz kicked a long time ago if he pulled this crap on my sister!
If I would have done 1/100th of what Casey did, my own mother would have taken me to the back and shot me.
My brother was headed in the same direction as KC, but my mother put a stop to that early on.
What is funny is that we have a KC in our family (brother in law). I can see how his parents pretty much enabled him to be this way even though they dont like it now.
Casey's parents are also at fault. Casey Wife, Galina Serin, lied on legal federal documents. She is guilty as Casey is, maybe to a lesser degree, but she was part of the fraud.
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